I stand in front of you

Aug 04, 2011 12:33

Who; suaveleather and OPEN
What; Zevran makes a late night venture to check on the traps he set up
Where; SEES dorm
When; Very early Thursday morning
Rating; PG-13 max
Status; Open and Ongoing

Protection )

dragon age origins: zevran arainai, persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: minako arisato

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Comments 59

xxii_thefool August 4 2011, 17:48:41 UTC
The silly thing was that she really had only come downstairs in search of something to eat. Minako didn't really have any notion of what exactly had woken her up, and although a vague, sourceless restlessness had kept her from simply rolling over and going back to sleep, it was without any particular sense of danger that she'd come wandering out of her room, barefoot and in pajamas with her hair loose around her shoulders, headed for the kitchen.

The immediate result was that Zevran's question was met with a startled, wide-eyed look, soon followed by a quick glance to one side and the other. (Not a weapon in reach, naturally. Was she going to have to start carrying an Evoker with her everywhere? That would get awkward ( ... )


suaveleather August 4 2011, 18:37:44 UTC
"Ah, night snacking is not healthy I have been told."

He kept his eyes on the girl but made no effort to move. Why should he? He was the type of person who made anything his home and seeing her face, those wide eyes and the unsure look, was just priceless. His cocky grin only widens as he watched her move into the room. Though his eyes barely moved from her face he took in any possible movements. There were plenty of make shift weapons a skilled fighter could use. Alas, she was just a little girl.

"I do not believe we have met. My name is Zevran. I am a friend of the beautiful Mitsuru and handsome Akihiko. Now what graceful name can I match to a lovely face such as yours, my dear friend?"


xxii_thefool August 4 2011, 19:51:01 UTC
"There are a lot of unhealthy things in this place," Minako pointed out. "You can't go a day without hearing about it. If a little late-night snacking is what gets me, I think I'll be lucky."

She said all of this with a straight face, but then she tilted her head a little and offered a slightly lopsided smile. "My name's Minako. I'd say it's nice to meet you, but before that, would you mind if I asked what you're doing here, other than not raiding the kitchen?"


suaveleather August 4 2011, 20:53:36 UTC
"That is true enough." He agreed while they were still on the topic of late night snacks. If a monster did not do in the girl, or whatever else this place put her through, then she had little to worry about. Then again it would be funny if somebody died from natural causes in this place.

His mind was present enough to catch on to her last question. "Checking on my friends of course. Is that a crime?"


hierophantmoon August 4 2011, 21:22:24 UTC
A snack, yes, but not medicine. Shinjiro was still feeling the aches from the rescue mission, and had come to remedy that by getting a glass of water from the kitchen. That is, until he heard a stranger's voice. It seemed like everything in the Underworld liked to catch him off-guard.

"Who's there?" He demanded to know with a tired yet defensive tone.


suaveleather August 4 2011, 22:06:06 UTC
"A friend enjoying the view." Nothing quite like catching people off-guard in the mental of the night. Ah, yes, now he remembered why he liked working during the night. His eyes, much more used to the dark and seeing from a distance, looked over the young man before him.

"My name is Zevran and you are one of the older ones. Akihiko calls you Shinji, yes? Hello." He lifted his head enough that Shinjiro would be able to see him wink flirtatiously.


hierophantmoon August 5 2011, 00:34:10 UTC
"Don't be stupid. Can't see shit down here anyway..." It wasn't just the SEES crew who stayed in the dormitory from what he gathered, so he felt around the wall for the switch and flipped it up, illuminating the room.

Well, this guy was interesting looking. And his dress...well, was worth questioning. But he knew Akihiko apparently. "It's Shinjiro." He frowned deeply, more so at the winking than being called by his childhood nickname. "The hell are you doing walkin' around in the dark?"


suaveleather August 5 2011, 09:13:25 UTC
"Perhaps you couldn't." It took a moment for his eyes to readjust as the light was turned on. "Hmm, you are right. You look even better with the light on."

Zevran chuckled, ignoring the name correction. If there was one thing he lived for it was teasing and annoying others. Well, maybe not the one thing he lived for. It was still enjoyable though.

"Do I look like I am walking right now, my dear Shinji?"


bufudynes August 6 2011, 18:16:02 UTC
Lately sleep had become something that Mitsuru rarely engaged in, she tried to tell herself that it was because there was simply too many things for her to do, however the truth was much more simple. In truth, Mitsuru was simply afraid of sleep, so she busied herself with other things, or with simple wanderings. For the most part this meant waiting until Akihiko was asleep to go back to her work or to whatever activity she chose to keep herself from sleep, the last thing she wanted to do was to worry him or anyone else.

Tonight she found herself up and heading to the kitchen to make herself some tea when she heard a strangely familiar voice. Her first reaction to the voice was a slight jump, followed by the tensing of all her muscles as she tried to place it.

"Zevran-san...?" Her voice sounded hesitant as she approached the couch, as his image became clearer she frowned. Sometimes she wondered if there was something exceptionally wrong with the elf mentally. "What are you doing here so late?"


suaveleather August 6 2011, 18:29:43 UTC
Ah, and there was the reason for his guilt. Zevran kept that familiar cocky smile on his face even as he studied her, taking in even the smallest details. The tensed muscles, the tired look. He often refused to feel guilty. It was a waste of time and energy. Yet it was the knowledge that they had people he cared for that which was used to hurt him the most during his time in captivity. He could handle being tortured, any physical pain. Seeing Starwind taken and knowing Mitsuru was there as well...

His stomach clenched as he forced himself into a sitting position.

"I was not aware I wasn't allowed in the house? What are you doing up so late, dear Mitsuru?"


bufudynes August 6 2011, 19:34:54 UTC
"You're welcome here whenever you wish, it is simply ...odd for you to be here at such an hour." Odd and potentially dangerous, not all the residents of SEES were aware of Zevran's strange penchant for entering their dorm at random times.

She shrugged nonchalantly at his question. "I was coming to make some tea when I heard something."


suaveleather August 6 2011, 20:28:07 UTC
"Is it truly?" He raised an eyebrow at that because really... He had been around at this hour before. Granted the last time she would probably remember was the night he had slipped into her bed, during the initial trap set up, but it was not that odd.

He took another moment to take in her appearance before pushing himself out of his resting position. "Now... Tea? At this time of the night?"


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