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Comments 13

musicffyou March 20 2010, 06:10:39 UTC
I'm gonna miss reading these so much because you are one of the few that get my feelings just right. I've heard so much negative about this series its been crazy. I have to say that I liked this series and some of the episodes (Cook, Katie, Freddie) where really freaking good. And the fact that you actually rant about things that are true (more Naomily please) and also acknowledge the fact that this series has its good parts makes me happy.

Thank you :D


musicffyou March 20 2010, 06:11:06 UTC
You are also hella funny :)


unconditional_w March 20 2010, 16:00:44 UTC
Gotta focus on the good bits, my friend, otherwise your emotions are going to get the best of you and you'll rampage on an otherwise good storyline that just didn't go the way YOU wanted it to. Skins is a great show, even though it didn't end the way I would have rathered it, it doesn't mean it's bad. These reviews have helped me understand it so much better and I just love it more. We'll keep it up for Gen 3, thanks for reading!


jeskaa March 20 2010, 06:13:28 UTC
Naomi loving Emily from the first moment she saw her will be fic'd by yours truly. There. I said it. Now I have to buckle down and write it :P

I just came to say "Yaaaaaaaaaaay!" to this like I'm dancing drunkenly to George Michael. This makes me so ridiculously happy.

Oh, and "I love you so much I would fucking die for you, and fuck I already am."

Wow.. just.. that phrasing rivals anything in the actual speech and that whole thing was as close to perfect as you can get. Nicely done.


unconditional_w March 20 2010, 16:01:09 UTC
Haha, now I'm all stressed. Will get on that, will get on that, no worries! If a week goes by, please feel free to kick me!


queenbellevue March 20 2010, 13:17:22 UTC
Ur damn right! Best costuming=Cook with his shirt off like 80% of the time, haha. The 'ilu' lines in the notebook...yeah, well...irl that'd be unrealistic and yep, CREEPEH. But somehow i can actually imagine Freds doing that *shrug*. The Mandy/Emily line...i dont rlly like...the images in my head makes me cringe. Sorry, but they do, and not jux cause the height diff either. I think you forgot to put Katie's line about the party being a lame-o rave man!! That was brill! The Goa thing...maybe Mandy forced her to watch "Bend it like Beckham" while high and ( ... )


unconditional_w March 20 2010, 16:05:34 UTC
Perhaps you can imagine Fredster doing that because Freddie's DAMN CREEPY. I do like Katie's line, but I wouldn't say I laughed out loud for it. Poor Katie. Why does everybody piss on Katie? Everybody always fucking pisses on Katie. It's true that the scholarships were a bit out of the blue. I don't get Thomas. At all. He's a sweet guy, but what the HELL is he doing in skins, man.
THANK YOU FOR THE SEX SCENE mention. It's not just me. Thank you, I would have thought there would be more smex. Maybe later when they get home.
Once again yeah, not feeling LIly. Never really have. OH dear.
It's true this series had a lot of potential, but I feel they tapped into a lot of it: Cook Katie in particular, and I even sort of might have a teeny bit warmed to Freddie just a bit. I think it's tough to develop all the characters equally in eight episodes. WRITING IS HARD, PEOPLE :P


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unconditional_w March 20 2010, 16:08:19 UTC
I don't wish S3 Karen was in it from the beginning, because she was annoying. But she warmed on me this episode, because she was...sadder. And less stupid. So maybe if she actually acted more like an older sister, yeah, I wouldn't have minded it at all. It could have been an onrunning joke that she's better than Freddie.
Kat is mine. Loveless is yours. There. Done.
I....I don't know. I don't think we needed to hear or see Foster getting smashed in. I think that would have been grotesque, and a bit too far for a show. It would have promoted violence, taking the law into your own hands. It would have been...sick. And I don't think that's what we need to see, from skins, from Cook. It's just wrong. So I like that they just faded to black. We all know what's going to happen. We don't need to see it, it'd feed some terribly black monster inside of us.
Agreed on the Lester front!


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unconditional_w March 20 2010, 16:20:08 UTC
You can't...imagine cook....not....trying...
okay. Got it.

One punch would have been a tease :P


liev March 21 2010, 17:33:16 UTC
Personally, I'm still unsure about the finale. I felt like BE was handed a lot of shit and he tried to make the most of it. I loved the Skins vibe we got from many of the scenes, and that it was funny and uplifting, but at this point there was nothing he could've done to save this series as a whole. So many storylines still needed to be tackled and resolved, a task that couldn't have possibly be fulfilled in 50 minutes ( ... )


liev March 21 2010, 17:33:30 UTC

I mostly agree with yout great analysis (I LOVED reading them, btw), though I have to say that it was actually Kat who impressed me most this year acting wise. Lily was terribly off in some scenes, seemingly playing a different character in others, and nailing the rest. Kaya got way more interesting and diverse stuff to do than Kat, but I found her and her character better in earlier years, when she had most of her scenes with her brother and family, so maybe I'm biased.
Also, Kat is definitely the best/most believable crier in the whole cast, and since about half of her scenes depicted her in a moment of distress, that's a plus as well. She also looks very pretty doing it, for some unfair reason.

There's still so much I'm angry about, but this rant is long enough already ;)

(Btw, how do you feel about the movie?)


unconditional_w July 1 2010, 22:46:24 UTC
Dude, I'm also really f*&Q#$ing sorry to have not replied to this. I had actually typed out an equally long response and livejournal didn't want to post it and I like the idiot I am didn't bother to copy and paste it just in case.
But to summarize I agreed strongly with all your points and tried to bring out some ideas and plot holes in Into the Corner.
So thank you for this comment :D


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