You blink, and then almost two years have passed. So much has happened, and my life is almost completely different. I'll try to get it all into some kind of order in another post when I have time, something that has been in incredibly short supply of late.
What a stupendous start to the day - a brand new Peni record in the mail! Nick Blinko may be a mad fucker, but living proof us old bastards can still cut it.
The below snaffled from hellspoette, and she ended up with George the Antichrist for 92 years. 100 years, eh? I expect after the first 20 that penguin would start to look quite attractive....
What made me laugh was that the council spokeman was sure that 'it doesn't appear to be terrorism' - I'll get on the phone now to Islamic Jihad and let them know the best way to crush the infidel is to blow up all the public toilets in Stoke on Trent