Title: Chapter Nine [of fourteen?]
Pairing: one-sided Ohno Satoshi/ Ninomiya Kazunari (Ohmiya), Ohno Satoshi/Saya
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6538
Notes: Chapter nine, minus the eight months of waiting 8D Betaed, as so much of my stuff is, by
Previous Chapters:
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
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Comments 47
I think I already mentioned that I love this AU to death but I LOVE THIS AU TO DEATH.
Ueda is creepy and Nino out in town all alone with Ueda hunting him down scares me but everything will be fine, right ? *stares*
Also, I like Nino a lot in this chapter. And Ohno, too. And their weird relationship - even if it's frustrating (I am amazed by Ohno's self control - and a bit annoyed by it, too, DAMMIT OHNO)
Thank you fro writing this, I can't wait for the next chapters (well, I will, but, you know, erm. <3)
*laugh* Nino will be fine for the moment.
Thanks for reading!
Poor Ohno and Nino. Nino getting confused, because he just can't seem to break away from the idea of being a pet, and Ohno because really, while I guess he had reasons, the way that he worded things was a tad harsh...
I hope that they work it out, and that Ohno finds Nino first, or at least someone other that a dodgy person or Ueda finds him first!
Love this story so much, thank you for writing, I can't wait to read what happens next!
Thank you! <3
which up to now explained that I found this last night as was Blown Away. I love this universe and the way you've timed the story: resolving little things and introducing things... it has a wonderful pace and is an exciting read.
And Now! poor nino! poor Ohno!
all my thoughts have exclamation marks!
I'm completely falling in love with Ohmiya, your Ohmiya!
This is an incredible fic, you're great!!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Don't worry, it won't be in eight months!
Thank you for reading!
I can't wait for the next Chappie!
Thank you very much for reading and commenting! <3
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