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Comments 31

notliketonight January 9 2011, 05:42:53 UTC
I think I've never seen so many gay footballers all together...!
And, much to my surprise, I found Xabi Alonso rather attractive (...!!)
What David Villa had named after him was a football (or sport) court ;)
I'll show my sister those Mario Gomez photos... she'll love them!


txorakeriak January 10 2011, 19:40:19 UTC
Hahaha, I wish they were indeed all gay. XDDD
Glad you enjoyed the pictures! Xabi Alonso is definitely attractive! :D
And thanks for the explanation about David Villa! I figured it must have been something sports-related but I was too lazy to look it up. ;)
Hope your sister will enjoy the pics! :D


dfotw January 9 2011, 14:58:22 UTC
Did you know that you killed me with this picspam?

Did you also know that I didn't use to find Llorente attractive, until you helped me see the light?

I mean, sure, he was pretty, but not really my type... but now... now, damn! And Canales, damn, I know I mustn't look at him like that, and yet... and dayum, Pedro León, why'd you have to play for RM? T___T

... as you can see, your picspam has also left me highly coherent! XDDDD


txorakeriak January 10 2011, 19:42:16 UTC
Oh, I did? *beams* Well, I would say I'm sorry but that would be a bit dishonest... ;)

I consider myself very proud of having made you see the light about Llorente. XDDD And Canales is a little minx! I suppose it's just fair that you look at him like that, after all I looked at Bojan like that when he was pretty much underage, too... ;) As for Pedro León, you MUST check out the video of the RM Christmas bloopers, there's a hilarious moment with Pedro in that one!

Coherency is overrated, believe me.



dfotw January 10 2011, 19:49:58 UTC
Not only that, but you also made me think of Fernando and Javi together, and now I'm writing them for you, but it's AWFUL and I don't know what I'm doing and you're going to hate it... T__T

I'm going to go and look at pics of Pedro León and Canales now to distract me from my plight (damn RM, always buy the pretty ones... ¬¬)!



txorakeriak January 10 2011, 20:05:25 UTC
OH MY GOD YOU ARE?????????

Pardon the outburst, but I am squeeing like mad right now! :D And don't you worry, I've loved everything you've written, so I'm sure I'll love this one too! *bounces around excitedly*

Heeee, yes, you do that! I'm going to try to include more pics of Pedro and Sergio in my next picspam for you, okay? :D



(The comment has been removed)

txorakeriak January 11 2011, 18:56:21 UTC
Hahahaha, that's perfectly understandable! XDDDD

(And I still love that icon to bits! XD)


mer5 January 11 2011, 19:05:05 UTC
I was going to say a couple of things but I died. You can't put in a post Iker, Xabi Alonso, Pedro León, Miguel and even Llorente and expect me to be coherent at the end of it, damn you Bill!!

Xabi Alonso and Granero. That made a faction of the Spanish fandom to explode (mainly the one of us who have decided to ship them together. It's a random pairing I know) Xabi talking to la Cope (those with that navy pullover) was amazing. Mainly because it a fun interview but also because he looked good enough to eat.

Talking about being good enough to eat. Check RM.com for yesterday's Ballon dOr pics. Iker looks "jodidamente guapo" (there aren't other words)

About the pen thing. It's the 'boligrafo solidario' from the un juguete una ilusión campaign. To sum it up it's a campaign run every year between November and January and they sell something (this year a pen) for 5 euros. That money goes to a ONG to buy toys for kids in developing countries.


txorakeriak January 17 2011, 22:02:24 UTC
I can't really say I'm sorry when it was so much fun to compile this picspam, can I? *hides* XDDD But trust me, coherency is exaggerated. :D

Granero and Alonso, a random pairing? No way! These two are made for each other! I recently stumbled over a fic about them and was all OMG, why did nobody write this sooner? :D They're perfect!

OMG, I haven't seen those pics yet. Hope they're still available on the website!

And thanks for the explanation about the pens! It's a great idea, and I'm glad that Sergio and Puyol are participating in it! :)


mer5 January 17 2011, 22:08:41 UTC
Coherency is overrated and I can't help drooling over them

Well to be honest it's been written but leaving aside a fic in English (we probably read the same one) it's all in Spanish at furia_roja and I don't know how well you can read Spanish yet :/

Also I love your icon :D


txorakeriak January 17 2011, 22:19:05 UTC
Drooling over pretty guys is not a bad thing! ;)

Well, we haven't learned the past tense yet so I wouldn't say my Spanish is good enough to read entire fics, but I shall keep the community in mind, and once my studies have progressed, I'll definitely hop over to that post! :D

I'm so proud of that icon because I took the photo myself and Esteban was so wonderful. :)


just_jenni January 15 2011, 16:13:21 UTC

I won't say too much so you don't have to reply to this comment because I know you have TONS to reply to already!!!!! XDDDDD

But OMG...there are TOO MANY gorgeous pics to iconize!(Especially of Llorente!)

AND I LOVE the shirtless portion of your post!!!

Mario Gomez! OMG!!! My interest in him has just been aroused (Pardon the pun.) because of something I saw on the Sami Khedira comm I belong to! Sami recently had pics taken in a toreador costume and he SAID HE WAS GOING TO SENT THEM TO MARIO GOMEZ!!! Apparently Mario was VERY interested in seeing them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, another OTP!!!!! How fantastic is that????????!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Anyway, FANTASTIC picspam! *HUGS*


txorakeriak January 17 2011, 22:02:39 UTC
YAY, I'm SO glad you enjoyed this picspam! I was hoping you would!! :D (And by the way, I'm so grateful that you decided to check out the entries I posted while you were on footballverse hiatus! *mwah*)

LOL, I was a bit nervous because there's a LOT of Llorente pics in this spam and... well, it's not as if I think that anyone could possibly find it annoying to look at something beautiful, but still... Glad you didn't mind the Llorente overload! There simply are so many pretty pics of him. (Not enough by far, of course, but still very many. XD)

There is too little Mario Gómez in this fandom. And LMAO, I saw those pics of Sami! They will feature in my next picspam because it's impossible NOT to post them! :D And I wouldn't mind reading Mario with Sami, mmmmmmmh! :D



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