throw the dog a bone...

Feb 11, 2010 21:36

Hello, my name is Bill and I'm an idiot. Does anyone still remember me ( Read more... )

.football, player: muniain, player: ocio, #picspam, rl: epic fail bill, player: pirès, lj: flist, player: gurpegi, player: cazorla, player: martínez

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Comments 39

blue_eyed_miss February 11 2010, 20:47:57 UTC
Javi also says you need to check out athletic_club

... )


just_jenni February 11 2010, 23:18:50 UTC
Who are you???

OMG, Aitor! I haven't seen Aitor in ages!

OMG LMAO @ Santi's shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!! That pic is worth $1,000!

OH MY FRIGGING GOD! That pic of Robert Pires!!!! Oh god, my ovaries! (Wait! Do I have any left? Why, yes I do!!! LOL.)

Who is the cutie in the net? I know I should know him! But I cannot THINK atm! (Thanks to that pic of Pires!!!! :P)

Awwww....IKER!!!! How adorable is Iker anyway??? I just want to squish him!!!♥

LOL...thanks for the awesome post, whoever you are! Hahahahaha!


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:34:38 UTC
I'm Bill! Pleased to make your acquaintance! XDDD

I was so glad to find a pic of Aitor again! I missed him so much!

Not sure what Santi was shopping for there, but that thing he's carrying there definitely deserves an award or something. XD

Robert Pirès is made of so much awesome! If you're interested, they published an interview with him here. I didn't have time to translate it, but I thought it was great. :D

The cutie in the net is Athletic's Carlos Gurpegi. :)

Iker is SO adorable! Did you see the pic blue_eyed_miss posted? I NEARLY DIED. :D

Hahaha, glad you liked the post! What do you say about getting to know each other better? *nudgenudge* :D


just_jenni February 13 2010, 22:49:55 UTC
Nice to meet you, Bill. LOL.

Santi rocks the wrapping! XD

OMG THANK YOU for the Pires article! (It's OK, you don't need to translate it! I can follow it OK using my high school French! LOL.)

OMG, Carlos Gurpegi, of course! What an adorable guy! :)

OMG, yes, that pic of Iker is TO DIE FOR! IKER is TOOOOOO adorable!!!♥

Hahaha! Get to know each other better? Sounds awesome! Something tells me already we have some things in common! LMAO.♥


inesdelsol February 11 2010, 20:54:30 UTC
rawr pics :P

and I'm glad you're back. I really missed you. And Iker missed you too <333


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:11:28 UTC
Hee, glad you like the pics!

Missed you too! *hugs* And Iker, obviously! :D


inesdelsol February 12 2010, 22:12:20 UTC
tomorrow he got his 500th match!!!


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:57:51 UTC
I saw the adorable photo with the cake on the AS website! I'm so proud of him, and I hope tomorrow's match will be muchly to his liking! :)


sophiamoon February 11 2010, 21:02:21 UTC
Oh, hai Bill. The name's Sophia. I write. Nice to meet you. ;-)

(nice spamlet, btw)

(another btw: sent Ravages to teh farmer. Yeah!)


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:11:36 UTC
Hello, Sophia! Nice to meet you! XD

(Thank you!)

(YAY! I'm sure she'll love it! :D)


sophiamoon February 14 2010, 17:27:06 UTC
;-) And don't be a stranger.

(keeping my fingers crossed, and all information has its own value, because I need to sell this outside fandom, after all)


lhuneldaiel February 11 2010, 21:48:44 UTC
The thing is, last Friday I suddenly had a RL. And I've had so much of it until today that I decided I don't want a RL anymore because it gets in the way of my online life and keeps me from getting important things done. ;)
Was he at least HOT? LOL


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:11:45 UTC
LMAO! Unfortunately there was no hot guy involved - wait, what am I saying? Of course he was hot! XDDD


lhuneldaiel February 12 2010, 22:12:51 UTC
I wouldn't expect anything less, darling.


metalnurse February 11 2010, 21:58:16 UTC
you came back bearing gifts... I guess everybody has forgiven you already ;)

is it bad I didn't notice your absence? I'm used to people from my flist are gone for days due to RL, hell even I barely write entries these days (which means, you haven't missed anything in my journal) except from random squeals over certain doctors.
do I have to write a drabble now?

still, nice to have you back again :)


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:13:41 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you liked the gifts!

I have another one for you, in case you haven't seen it yet:

... )


metalnurse February 12 2010, 22:36:42 UTC
HOMG, I saw the pic already but it's makes me go HOMG!
thank god cuteness doesn't kill ;)

he, I feel better now :) Well, it depends how much the person posts. If it's one of those people who post 22 times a day, I do notice their absence a lot faster.
But normally I don't notice since we all have times when LJ is not the first priority.

Yeah. Dr. Watson. *hides*


txorakeriak February 12 2010, 22:59:26 UTC
Yes, thank God! I'd be long dead already! XDD

It's true, it really depends on how much the person usually posts. I have someone on my flist who posts multiple times a day, and I'd really notice it if she didn't post anything for a couple of days. :)

Ah, I see! Unfortunately I still haven't seen Sherlock Holmes, though I can assure you the film is right at the top of my list of movies to watch very soon. :)


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