August 30: Flying True [Firefly]

Aug 30, 2022 18:42

Title: Flying True
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Rating: T/PG-13
Crossover: Firefly/Serenity
Spoilers: Post-series for B:tVS; post-Serenity
Notes: Follows Star Pupil, Man of Honor, and The Brigand as additions to the Ancient Slayer 'verse. Also takes into account the events of Damage Done. One more to go!

Summary: Zoë had seen some of Mal's last encounter with the Operative. If they were going to confront him again, it was her turn to go. 500 words.

Zoë had seen some of Mal's last encounter with the Operative. Heard the rest later, part sounding board and part apology; much as he hated the man, he had a deep well of empathy for the vulnerable and broken. Zoë couldn't blame him for that. The Operative, though--

"You wanna ask him for help? He killed our friends," Kaylee blurted, dismayed, echoing her objections. "He hurt the ship. He hunted River!"

Simon released his sister to wrap a supportive arm around their mechanic's shoulders. "Whatever he may've done afterward to make up for his actions-- Kaylee's right. Why would he help us with anything else? And how could we possibly trust him?"

Mal sighed, expression grim. "I may've suggested he look up Southdown Abbey. Told him he still felt there was nothing left in a year's time, I'd make an appointment. Waved there once, a week after, to ask whether they wanted Book's journals; was told he'd arrived. The man might be willin' to make amends. But if I turn up, he'll be anticipatin' a somewhat different question."

"Then I'll go," Zoë said, surprising even herself with the firmness of her reply.

"What-- Zoë," Mal objected. "Surely that's not necessary," Inara sputtered beside him. The others echoed them both, every one of their startled gazes full of concern for the widow. Except for Mal's mother and sister-- both watchful, waiting for her reasons.

"You were his antagonist, River his prey; the rest of us were secondary if he thought of us at all. If we're to ask him to make amends, might be helpful to make clear just how far he's got to go." The Parliament's man might not have personally speared her husband or cut down Book, but he'd surely set those wheels in motion.

"You might be surprised," Faith spoke up. "You wouldn't've known, but Southdown Abbey's a Watcher stronghold. Men with books and spy tech who support women like Buffy and I-- and now River. Your Shepherd joined 'em after working for the Parliament's shadow version of us, the program that makes Operatives. Probably River's school, too. If he went there... trust me, the truth's been made crystal clear to him."

"All the more reason to confront him," Zoë insisted. "Though if you know the place, I might could use some accompaniment." She locked gazes to Buffy as she spoke; there was still the matter of her reliability to settle after letting her own son think she was dead for a decade, after all, and a mission for two would help make their positions clear as well.

Buffy's expression turned thoughtful, then decisive. "And give him a nudge, if that gǒushǐduī decides he'd rather not help us find the Academy," she said. "I like it. Mal?"

Mal looked between them, expression trepidatious, then sighed and threw up his hands. "Hell, I'm just the captain here. We goin', go get your things. I'll file us a flight plan."

Zoë knew there was a reason she followed that man.


author: jedibuttercup, !2022 august event, fandom: firefly

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