August 29: The Brigand [Firefly]

Aug 29, 2022 20:43

Title: The Brigand
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Rating: T/PG-13
Crossover: Firefly/Serenity
Spoilers: Post-series for B:tVS; post-Serenity
Notes: Follows Star Pupil and Man of Honor as additions to the Ancient Slayer 'verse. All titles drawn from Serenity references.

Summary: "You weren't here for the last round of thrilling heroics," Jayne said, dryly. "Captain for damn sure ain't talking me out of taking grenades along this time." 500 words.

Jayne swore under his breath again as he stooped to scoop up the shards of his glass. "Āiyā. Wǒmen wánle."

He heard another chair push out; then Fay was kneeling next to him, a rueful smile on her face as she offered a towel. "Hey. Surely it's not that bad."

He turned and dumped the glass in the trash, then took the towel from her and began to mop up the spilled liquor. He knew she wasn't just talking about the glass; then again, she didn't know about what he'd tried to do to Simon and River, neither. He had a feeling that if Mal had known they were family after Ariel, he really would have thrown Jayne out the airlock, and he didn't want to hear that same sharp disappointed tone in Mal's aunt's voice-- never. He'd been sorta looking forward to having Fay around, after Mal's Ma had teased about her taking a shine to him.

"You weren't here for the last round of thrilling heroics," he said, dryly. "Captain for damn sure ain't talking me out of taking grenades along this time."

Fay's smile widened, an appreciative curve to her mouth that made him swallow. "Man after my own heart. And hey; I'll be there this time. Me and Bea both. Doesn't that count for anything?"

"Because adding two more tiny killer women to the party's gonna make things go more smooth?" he countered skeptically. "You forget, you've told me some of your stories."

She'd maybe left out a few details-- like exactly when they happened, given the generation gap Mal's Ma was throwing around over there; Jayne was pretty sure he didn't want to know the details of how-- but he'd got a pretty good sense for how she felt about a fight. Flip side of his coin, he'd thought then; but three of 'em together? Definitely a 'front toward enemy' situation.

The smile turned into an outright chuckle; then she grabbed Jayne's hand and tugged him to his feet in one easy pull. "Think about it this way; you get to be in the next one with me."

The display of strength and sultry tone of voice had him carefully thinking about anything but his bunk; this definitely weren't the time, but he was only human.

"All right, then," he heard Mal say; "I guess we're gonna misbehave. Again."

"But we'll have an actual plan this time, right?" Jayne frowned. "Somethin' a little more than just 'throw our enemies at each other and hope we slip through'? Do we even know where that Academy is?"

Half the crew turned to look at Simon; but the boy just shook his head. "They flew me there to get her; I was never in on the planning."

"One person we know knows," River spoke up, wiping at her face as she turned to Mal.

"Now who might-- no. Not him," Mal blurted.

River nodded, devastating as a meteor shower. "The Operative."

Cào. Well, this was gonna be fun.


author: jedibuttercup, !2022 august event, fandom: firefly

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