Not a Basket Case - August 5th

Aug 05, 2020 02:24

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 5

Title: Not a Basket Case
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Lucifer
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Lucifer people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Connor is surprised when he arrives at Dawn’s.

Notes: Part 15 of Lucifer and Dawn - Links Page
Seasons: Post-Series/Season 4
Word Count: 1440

Lucifer looked up as the elevator doors opened.

“Hello, Detective,” he greeted in surprise.

“Hi,” she said as she stepped into his penthouse.

Lucifer stood, leaving his half-full glass of alcohol on the table. “What brings you by?”

“Dawn, actually.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Does she threaten everyone who could hurt her friends?” Chloe asked.

“I don’t know. But her sister is the Slayer, so I assume so. Why?”

Chloe pulled out a thumb sized vial from her pocket. “Father Kinley gave me this. I was supposed to use it to…hurt you.”

Lucifer stared at the purple vial as she set it on the piano.

“I…I was afraid,” she admitted. “I wanted answers. And I went looking in the wrong places.”

“And the answers you wanted?”

Chloe touched a hand to her necklace, the one he had given her of a spent slug. “I had them with me the whole time.”

He just watched her, afraid she would disappear if he moved.

“Because I know you, I’ve known you for three years. All this did was explain some things I hadn’t understood. But you…are still the same Lucifer that faced Marcus to save me and Trixie. And was truly disgusted at the idea of having slept with Charlotte Richards. You are the same guy who has tried to protect me when we were in over our heads, even though it could actually get you killed.” She took a shaky breath. “You are exactly the same person you were before. Just because I can see it now, doesn’t change that.”

Lucifer tilted his head. “Are you still afraid of me?”

Chloe opened her mouth and snapped it shut. She stepped close enough to take his hand and study it. “I don’t want to be. But it’s going to take time.”

Some part of him felt betrayed. Lucifer wanted to push it, to make her admit that she was disgusted by him.

Instead, he nodded.


Connor was surprised by the sounds coming from Dawn’s apartment. He used his key to enter with the four pizzas.

He found Dawn laughing. Amenadiel, Linda, and Maze were sitting with her.

“Hey,” Connor greeted.

“Connor,” Dawn said, sending a smile in is direction. “We were just trading war stories.”

“Not me,” Linda told him. “I was just being terrified about what they’ve been through in Heaven and Hell and here on Earth.”

“What made you think this was a good idea?” Connor asked as he set pizza down on the coffee table.

“Because I took up way too much of Linda’s time being a complete basket case today,” Dawn replied.

“You are not a basket case,” Linda told her. She sat forward and grabbed a slice of pepperoni. “If you didn’t know we were here, why did you bring so much pizza?”

“We always eat like this,” Connor said. “Have at.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” Linda managed between bites. The pizza kept her mouth busy as she looked around the room. Amenadiel sat next to her on the couch. Maze sat in a chair, eating a slice off her knife with her feet over the arm of the chair.

Dawn sat in the other chair, Connor sat on the arm. He leaned forward, snagging a slice in each hand. When he sat back, he handed one to Dawn.

“So,” Maze said, twirling one of her knives, “you’re the son of two vampires?”

“Yes.” Connor replied. “And you’re a demon.”


“If you two want to spar it’ll have to be somewhere else,” Dawn warned.

Maze’s eyes lit up as she gestured at him with a knife. “You like to spar?”

Dawn snorted. “Spar and eat, those are his favorite things.” She offered him her cup of alcohol.

Connor’s immediate reply was delayed as his gazed went to the top of Dawn’s head. “Yeah. I spar a lot.”

Linda felt her eyes widen behind her glasses. She grabbed another slice of pizza. “How long have you two known each other?”

Dawn looked up at Connor. “What, about eight years?”

“Yeah. We knew about each other before that. Finally met when Dawn turned up on Dad’s doorstep with a suitcase six years ago.”

“And you’ve been friends ever since?” Linda guessed.

“For the most part,” Dawn agreed. “He and Angel have been overprotective big brothers. I put up with it because it’s just the two of them.”

Linda nodded, but her view of Connor’s face allowed her to see the crushed look that passed briefly over his face before he focused on his pizza.


Dawn moved to the rhythm of the music. She was quite aware that someone had touched her hip, turning her a bit as they danced with her. She didn’t care.

Ever since her impromptu session with Doctor Linda, she had been focused on making sure her new friends knew that she was okay. She had joined Chloe and Lucifer on a case. She had helped Maze locate a contact for a bounty.

Currently, she and Ella were on a girls’ night. They had chosen Lux at Dawn’s insistence. They were both dressed in shimmery dresses.

“Aunt Dawn,” Lucifer’s voice made her open her eyes. He and Chloe were behind them.

“Hey,” she greeted with a smile. “You make me sound really old when you say that.”

“You two are related?” Ella asked.

Dawn sighed and pitched her voice for Ella to hear it. “His father is my eldest brother.”

Ella’s mouth fell open. “No way.”

“Yeah. What can I say, our family is big on adoption and helping as many wayward souls as they can.”

“That is so cool. My family - most of them start spitting out as many kids as possible after high school.”

Dawn glared at Lucifer for a moment before moving her attention to Chloe. “What are you up to tonight?”

“We’re working on a case. Lucifer spotted you on our way down.”

“Ah. Well, we’re all good here. We’ll wrap up before morning.”

“Don’t you have a job in the morning?”

“Bah! I’m cutting Ella off in a couple of hours and I’ll take her home. We’ll both have six hours of sober sleep, more than enough.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, the bar calls!” Ella told them, taking Dawn’s hand and dragging her through the throng.

Dawn chuckled and followed. They sat on two available stools at the bar. She glanced at the doors as Chloe left with Lucifer.

“Do you think they’re banging yet?” Ella asked, clearly inebriated.

“Do you think anything would keep us from knowing if they had?” Dawn replied as she waved down the bartender.

They sat drinking for half an hour before Ella dragged a guy onto the dance floor. Dawn waved down the bartender. “I’m cutting my friend off.”

The bartender nodded his understanding.

“What can I get you?” he asked someone behind Dawn.

“An apple-tini,” a female voice replied.

“Coming right up,” the bartender said and turned away to make it.

“This is so…” the woman whispered in awe.

Dawn turned to look at her. She couldn’t have been much older than thirty. She had long, wild black hair falling to her waist. Her white dress covered a curvy body.

“First time in LA?” Dawn guessed.

The woman smiled brightly. “Yes.”

“I grew up here and came back a couple years ago, it’s seedy as hell, but I love it.” She offered her a hand. “I’m Dawn.”


“It’s nice to meet you.”

“One apple-tini,” the bartender said, delivering a green drink to Eve.

“Put it on my tab,” Dawn told him.

He looked between them before nodding.

“Thank you,” Eve said.

“You’re doing me a favor, I’m going to tell my friend that she drank it.”


“I feel she’s drinking too much, and I think it’ll have to be a ridiculous amount before she clues in.” She sighed. “Because the hangovers aren’t getting through to her.”

Eve nodded.

“Where are you staying?”

“Nowhere yet. I just got into town.”

Dawn pulled a flask from her pocket and discreetly flicked it at Eve. No reaction. In fact, she rarely saw vampires near Lux, much less in it. She wondered how Lucifer had managed that or if it was a subconscious thing, they just avoided the Devil.

“Pretty friends,” Ella announced tripping over herself as she made it back to the bar. She looked at Eve. “You are pretty.”

“Eve, this is Ella. Ella, Eve,” Buffy introduced.

In typical Ella fashion, she threw herself at Eve for an introductory hug.

Eve’s eyes widened but she smiled and hugged Ella back. “Everyone is so nice.”

Dawn chuckled.

!2020 august event, author: hermione2be, fandom: lucifer

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