Aug 5, 2020 - SotH Ch 5: Fallen Angel (FR-13)

Aug 05, 2020 06:31

Aug 5, 2020 - SotH Ch 5: Fallen Angel (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Summary: Giles learns a little more on how to work with the twins and a certain vampire makes an appearance.
Crossover: Stargate SG-1
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 1275
Challenge: for the livejournal 2020 August Fic-a-Day Challenge.
Timeline: now in season 1 of BtVS and pre-series for SG1; storywise, it starts about 4 months or so after ‘XX Origins of Buffy’, Chapters 21-24
A/N: Since they weren’t credited/didn’t exist on the show, I’ll tell you who I see as the rest of the Dingos and their girlfriends. Suggestion for Jean is by botticellisvenu on livejournal to be portrayed by Candice King (Caroline on Vampire Diaries). Her boyfriend, non-drummer Sam is Ben Savage (Cory Matthews on Boy Meets World), drummer Sam ‘Sticks’ is Darius McCrary (Eddie Winslow on Family Matters) and his girlfriend, Mara, is Lisa Bonet (Denise Cosby on the Cosby Show). If I introduce any other new/underused characters and you want to suggest a 90’s actor to portray them, drop me a line and I’ll see if I agree.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. Stargate SG-1 character belongs to Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright / SyFy Channel. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

Sunnydale High
December 1996

It didn’t take Giles long to realize that having Mark was a tremendous boost to him. Not only was there somebody to help him research - and encourage Buffy to do the same - but he also made the young Slayer take her duties more seriously. The only fly in the ointment was who Buffy would listen to if they ever disagreed on something. It hadn’t happened yet, however, it was bound to one day. What could he do if Buffy disobeyed him because her brother told her to? What should he do?

He knew with absolute certainly that trying to take a more militant approach to their relationship was the opposite of what he should do. Damn Roger for suggesting that method! The man assumed that since the father and the older sister were hard-core military, the twins would be as well. Of course, Giles should have realized on his own that if their relationship with the senior Carter was a good one, they would be living with him and still using the Carter last name. His eagerness at having a Slayer blinded him to so many obvious signs.

“Where’s your sister?” he asked Mark, thinking that she should have been there as soon as school was over.

Mark looked up from his book on demon lore - the cover said something about a corrupter? The writing on the outside urged anyone who found the book not to read it. He and Buffy had watched enough b-horror movies from the 30s to know that if something had a warning, you paid attention to the warning! He made a mental note to glue the book together or something later. “She had to tape a segment for her teen beauty tips show. She’ll be here in an hour,” he answered.

This was just what he was thinking about. She was the Slayer, for goodness sake! She should be preparing to battle the undead and other supernatural evils…not telling girls how to properly apply mascara - or whatever she was doing. Yet her brother seemed to be content with her choice.

As if he could read the older man’s mind, Mark shook his head in warning, “You have to let her enjoy some real life things or she’ll lose the drive she has to keep people safe. I’ve read some of the other Watcher’s Diaries you brought with you and those other Slayers were so disconnected from the world around them that they lost their sense of reality. That’s probably why they didn’t last as long. After a while, they just became apathetic to life in general…not something I want for my sister - or the person keeping the world safe.”

Giles was stunned by the logical explanation delivered by a 15-year-old boy trying to protect his twin. It might be biased because of his familial bond, but it sounded reasonable as well. Maybe there was a reason the life expectancy for Slayers declined over the centuries, despite them getting trained at an earlier age. “Well, as long as it doesn’t take away too much time from her duties,” he finally said, hoping that it sounded more authoritative to Mark than it did in his head.

Mark humored him by nodding his agreement.

January 1997

Things had really gotten hot during patrol the last couple months. Buffy had to back away from a few fights when it looked like she would be overwhelmed. Maybe the vampires in town finally caught onto the fact there was a Slayer here? She pulled out her phone and called for backup, “Mark, can you get Giles to give you a ride over to the Bronze? There’s a dozen or so vamps hunting, but not normal hunting. They’re letting students pass them to go in, but they’re clearly looking for something or someone. I’m afraid it’s me. I can’t let them go in case they decide they want a snack after all, but I can’t take on this many myself.”

“We’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Try to wait for us!” he implored her. He knew he couldn’t tell her outright not to move, but he hoped she would only do so if somebody’s life was in imminent danger.

“Just hurry!”

It only took them ten minutes before they were at her side. Giles was the one who confirmed her suspicions, “You appear to be correct that they are waiting for a particular individual. I don’t think they’ll wait much longer, however.”

Suddenly, the group of vampires disappeared deeper into the alleyway and sounds of fighting soon followed.

The trio rushed forward, pulling out their weapons. They were so focused that they didn’t see the shocked looks on a pair of mismatched students kitty-corner from the Bronze.

“Did Summers just pull out a water gun?” the larger student, Larry, asked of his companion.

“That’s not as strange as what his sister had in her hand,” Jonathan answered. Or the fact that Larry wasn’t giving him wedgie right now. “She’s holding a stake - like she’s a modern-day Van Helsing or something.”

“Think they’re crazy or does this explain all the weird deaths around here?” Larry wondered aloud, seriously considering the two possibilities and which was more realistic.

Taking comfort in the fact they were having a civilized conversation for one, Jonathan kept talking, “They seem normal at school. And the librarian, Mr. Giles, is running with them, so if they’re insane, he is, too.”

Although he was supposed to hang with his buddies, Larry felt too introspective at the moment to play the part of a sex-crazed jock. “I’m going home. You tell anyone I was nice to you, I’m stringing you up on the flagpole.”

“This conversation never happened,” Jonathan quickly agreed.

The objects of their discussion finally caught up to the vampires who were beating the crap out of somebody. That was odd. The victim appeared to be human, but what could he have done to warrant such a beatdown rather than a quick suckfest or turning?

“How dare you interfere with the Master’s plans?!” “What did you do to Darla and the others?” “You are going to suffer for an eternity for this, Angelus!” Each cry was followed up with a kick or a hit from a blunt weapon.

Whatever the reason for their actions, Buffy quickly used the distraction to stake three of the vampires before any of them realized what was going on.

“I don’t really think 10 on 1 is a fair fight, guys,” Buffy quipped, preparing to stake the first vampire stupid enough to attack her in three…two…one…

Right on time, the closest bloodsucker came at her and followed his three colleagues on the alley floor.

The next one was slightly smarter and went towards Mark, only to be repulsed by the spray of holy water coming out of the gun. Fortunately for the good guys, the alley was narrow enough that the rest couldn’t surround them. It took a few more slayings before the rest decided that retreat was a better option.

Mark carefully went to the body on the ground and searched for a pulse. He shook his head sadly, then straightened up…just as a hand reached out to grab his leg and pulled him to the ground.

Moving quickly to protect her brother, Buffy leapt forward and yanked him away from the victim. “Do you need a refresher on taking a pulse, big brother?” she teased.

The worried look in Mark’s eyes as he stared at the man told her more than his words did, “He didn’t have a pulse, which means…”

“I just saved a vampire!” Buffy finished with a heavy sigh.

A/N: If anyone has a realistic ex machina to save Angel, please let me know! I loved the idea of the Master’s minions blaming Darla’s disappearance on Angel, but now I’ve sort of painted myself into a corner if I want him to survive.

!2020 august event, author: mmooch, fandom: stargate sg1

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