More Than The World (Thirty-Six)

Aug 23, 2012 21:55

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

I grabbed a hold of Jack’s hand, swinging it in mine and humming.

“It’s really great for our moms to give us a date night once a month,” Jack said, smiling and I nodded, continuing to hum. “What are you humming?”

He leaned his face closer to mine and I smiled.

“Kiss me out of the bearded barley, nightly, beside the green, green grass,” I sang in his ear, hearing him giggle. I tugged on his hand, pulling him close to me to dance in the middle of the parking lot. “Swing, swing, swing the spinning steps. I’ll wear those shoes and you will wear that dress.

“Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor. Lift your open hand. Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance, silver moon’s sparkling. So kiss me.”

Jack pressed against my cheek, kissing me gently. I grinned as he pulled away, seeing his eyes sparkle as he laughed.

“You’re cute,” he told me and I smiled.

“You too, love,” I answered, kissing him again before letting him go. He grabbed my hand once again, pulling me closer as we fell in step together.

“So what are we eating for dinner tonight?” Jack asked.

“I want wings, obviously,” I told him and he chuckled. “Since Vinny’s the fucking master.”

“That’s what I figured,” Jack said.

“What are you getting?” I asked and he rolled his eyes.

“Wings ‘cause Vinny is the fucking master,” he said and I chuckled.

“Don’t make fun of me. I’ll leave you here,” I told him.

“No you wouldn’t. You’d be too lonely all alone in our bed,” he told me and I nodded.

“Yeah, I would,” I agreed, letting go of his hand as I opened the door for him.

“Thanks, mister,” Jack said, walking in before me.

“No problem, gorgeous,” I grinned. “Say, what's your name?”

“Well my first name’s Jack. I’m not really sure what happened to my last name,” he said with a frown. I frowned back, guiding him to a bar stool.

“That’s unfortunate,” I said, sitting down next to him. “Hey, I have an idea! You can have mine!”

“Really?” he asked and I nodded, chuckling. “What’s your last name?”


“Jack Gaskarth,” he said seriously before cracking up. “That sounds so weird!”

“It does,” I said, wrinkling my nose and laughing.

“Don’t worry, babe. You can have my last name instead,” he told me.

“Alex Barakat,” I said, the name feel foreign on my tongue.

“That sounds a lot better,” Jack said with a grin. “Now we know how it’ll work when we get married.”

“No. We’ll hyphenate our names like we did with Josie,” I said.

“Fine,” Jack said, pouting. “You know, Josie’s gonna hate us when she goes to school and has to learn how to spell her name.”

“I know. Her name’s a mouthful,” I said, hearing him laugh.

“Josie Barakat-Gaskarth,” Jack said quickly and I laughed.

“It’s your weird ass name,” I said and he pouted.

“No! Your last name is weird than mine!” he exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

“She’s gonna have a harder time learning to spells yours!” I said and he shook his head.

“No she won’t! It’s easy to spell!” Jack insisted. “I learned to spell it!”

“Oh, well then I guess she should have no problem at all,” I said teasingly.

“Don’t be a dick!” he said with a frown.

“I’m not,” I said innocently.

“You just called me dumb!”

“I said no such thing. The word dumb never fell from my lips,” I told him and he glared.

“You insinuated it,” he said and I raised an eyebrow.

“That’s a pretty big word, babe,” I answered, laughing as he punched me in the shoulder.

“Guess whose date night is not ending in sex,” he said, glaring and I smiled sweetly.

“I’ll settle for a blow job,” I said, moving quickly away from him as he tried to elbow me in the side. “Babe! I’m kidding! Relax!”

I pressed a kiss to his cheek, seeing him roll his eyes.

“You’re not getting head either,” he told me and I smiled.

“That’s fine. You can have all the head you want instead,” I said, pressing my hand against his thigh.

“Stop it and let me be mad at you,” Jack said, pouting and brushing my hand away.

“No,” I said, laughing. “I want you to love me.”

“Matt!” Jack whined as the bartender approached us. “This strange man won’t leave me alone! I think you should throw him out. Or call the cops.”

“Well, Jack, I’m almost positive that strange man is your boyfriend,” Matt said, laughing. I wrapped my arms around Jack’s waist, rolling my eyes and giggling.

“Well then you can call in for domestic violence,” Jack said and my jaw dropped. “He assaulted me. Sexually.”

“Jack!” I said, hearing Matt laugh.

“What can I get you guys?” the bartender questioned, setting his pad on the bar as he leaned against it.

“Oprah,” Jack answered and I gave him a weird look before turning back to Matt.

“A basket of buffalo wings with an extra cup of ranch on the side,” I told him. “And a pepsi.”

“I want a Jager bomb, and a Captain and Coke,” Jack answered and Matt rolled his eyes.

“No,” he answered and Jack pouted, “because I know for a fact you aren’t twenty-one.”

“I turn nineteen in six months,” Jack said and Matt laughed.

“And two years after that I’ll give you a Captain and Coke on the house. What would you like in the meantime?”

“Just a Coke,” Jack said, pouting again.

I chuckled, laying my head on his shoulder.

“Good try, babe,” I said, lifting my head and kissing his pouty lips.

“Ew! no one wants to see that!” I heard a voice yell from behind us.

“Get a room!” another chimed in.

I laughed, turning my head to see Rian and Zack.

“So nice of you to join us,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Please sit down.”

Zack laughed, taking the seat next to Jack, and Rian next to him.

“Fine. I see how it is. No one wants to sit next to me,” I said, pouting playfully.

“Well, see, babe, if you showered more-”

“Shut the fuck up,” I told Jack, watching him grin.

“He can’t handle the truth,” he told Zack, who laughed.

Matt came back over, setting our drinks in front of us and looking over at Zack and Rian.

“Oh, look! You made friends,” he said, smiling at Jack and me.

“That’s Zack, and Rian,” I said, pointing each of them out. “They’re very good friends of ours.”

“Alright, cool,” Matt said.

“And this is pimp daddy Matt,” Jack told Zack and Rian, causing Matt to raise an eyebrow. He looked at me curiously and I shrugged. “He’s the best bartender ever, even though he won’t bring me drinks.”

“Wouldn’t that make him the worst bartender ever?” Rian asked.

“And now he’s gonna spit in all your drinks!” Jack said and Matt wrinkled his nose.

“Ew. No, I won’t. I promise,” he told Rian.

“Good to know,” Rian said, laughing.

“Vinny!” I cheered, seeing him come out from the kitchen. He gave me a smile, grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

“Sup,” he said, leaning against the counter.

“Waiting on our wings,” I told him and he nodded.

“They’re cooking,” he answered. “They should be done real quick.”

“Woo!” I cheered.

He laughed, draining the rest of his drink.

“Be out in a minute!” he called out, turning to walk back into the kitchen.


“You have barbecue sauce all over your face,” I said, chuckling and bringing a napkin up to Jack’s chin. “I swear, you’re fucking worse than Josie.”

He laughed, taking the napkin and wiping his face himself. He made a face as he looked towards the door, and I turned to see what he was staring at.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” I mumbled as I turned back around, seeing Jack still glaring in her direction.

“I don’t know, but she better not come over here,” he said and I laid my hand on his cheek, turning his head to face me.

“Just don't worry about her. We can still have fun with Zack and Rian,” I told him and he nodded.

“You’re right,” he said, turning as Zack taped on his shoulder.

I picked up a wing, about to bring it to my mouth when there was movement next to me.

“Oh, hey, Alex!” a voice greeted and I reluctantly turned to see Brynn standing next to me.

“Hi,” I said, setting the wing back down and running my tongue over my teeth.

Jack turned to say something to me before he realized Brynn was there. He did nothing to hide his obvious distaste at her presence.

“Hi, Jack,” she said cheerfully and he returned it with a blank stare.

The tension in the room had grown thick enough to cut with a knife, and I felt super uncomfortable being stuck between the two of them.

“So what are you guys doing here?” she asked.

“We’re kind of on a date,” I said, running my fingers over Jack’s leg under the table in a soothing manner.

“Oh! That’s nice!” she grinned. “I just came here with a few of my friends. I heard this place has amazing food and cute bartenders. So it’s a win/win.”

“Yeah,” I said, glancing around for Matt and hoping she would leave as soon as he served her.

He came over after another painfully awkward moment, taking her order and checking her fake ID.

“Enjoy your date,” she said to Jack and me as she walked away and I grimaced.

I looked at Jack’s annoyed face, rubbing his knee.

“I love you,” I told him, leaning in to kiss him.

“I love you too,” he muttered, moving a little closer to me.

I caught Mat’s attention as he walked past us again.

“Just so you know, that blonde girl you just served is really only eighteen. That was a fake ID,” I told him and he frowned.

“Really? Fuck, I’ll have to keep my eye on her then,” he said and I nodded. “Thanks for the heads up, man.”

“You’re welcome. I don’t want you getting in trouble over her stupid ass,” I told him and he nodded.

“Good looking out,” he said before moving on to help a few customers that had just sat down.

I looked over at Jack, smiling as he laughed with Rian and Zack about something.

I picked up the last wing, dipping it in the ranch and taking a bite. Jack turned to look at me, pouting when he realized I had picked up the last wing.

“I wanted that,” he said and I chuckled.

“Here,” I said, giving him a bite.

I could feel eyes watching me, but I ignored it, leaning forward and licking the barbecue sauce off Jack’s cheek.

♠ ♠ ♠I start school next week. Wahh :(

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: more than the world, rating: nc-17

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