I Don't Care If It Hurts (Five)

Aug 22, 2012 23:43

Title: I Don't Care If It Hurts
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Alex was tired of his life. He tried to end it, but he failed.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.


Alex was awoken the next morning by a pillow to his face.

“Rise and shine, buttercup. It’s time for breakfast and meds,” he heard a voice taunt, and he opened his eyes to see Jack standing above him.

He sat up, running his fingers through his dark hair as he looked at the younger boy.

“What time is it?” he questioned.

“Eight o'three,” Jack answered, watching his roommate remove the blanket from around him. He tried to ignore the flash of skin that was exposed as Alex stretched, and the way it made his stomach feel.

“Oh,” he said quietly, pulling his shirt down and adjusting his sweat pants. “I don’t, um, have to get dressed, do I?”

“They don’t care what you wear, pretty boy. They just care if you show up,” Jack said, rolling his eyes.

“Okay,” Alex said, biting his lip.

“Come on,” Jack grunted, waving his hand to tell Alex to follow him.

“Hold on. I need shoes,” Alex muttered, reaching under his bed to grab his tattered sneakers. He followed Jack as they left the room, going down the hall towards the cafeteria, stopping for Alex to pee on the way.

Alex noted that his roommate was slightly more pleasant today, but then he remembered the day had just begun. He had his fingers crossed that he might remain like this.

Alex followed behind Jack as they came to the same table they sat at yesterday. He sat down in the same seat and Alex bit his lip, taking his seat across from him.

He watched the boy casually, seeing the one his fingers tapped on the table as he looked around the room. Alex watched his lips twitch, but he wasn’t sure what he was saying.

Jack’s dark chocolate eyes flicked over to him, catching Alex staring.

“Don’t stare at me,” he said curtly and Alex looked down, blushing.

“I’m sorry,” Alex murmured, eyes traveling back to where Jack’s fingers were still tapping. Jack caught his gaze, looking down at his hand before pulling it back and into his lap.

“It freaks me out. It makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong,” Jack said, and Alex looked back up at him.

“I-I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just- I like to watch people. I’ve done it since I was young. My mom always told me it was rude, but I do it without realizing,” Alex explained and Jack bit his lip.

The boys sat in an awkward silence for a few moments before plates were set down in front of them. Alex picked up his napkin, which plastic silverware rolled into it.

“Do they give us plastic forks at every meal?” he asked and Jack rolled his eyes.

“Of course. It’s a lot harder to cause harm to yourself when you have a plastic knife versus stainless steel,” Jack said simply and Alex bit his lip.

“Right. That should have been obvious,” he said, catching Jack’s smirk out of the corner of his eye.

Alex watched him spread the butter across his pancake, picking up his fork in his left hand and his knife in his right. He cut the pancakes into even squares before drowning them in syrup. Alex found it very curious, using his fork to just cut away chunk that was smothered in maple syrup before bringing it to his mouth.

Jack watched the way Alex cut his pancakes, haphazardly cutting into it and shoveling pieces into his mouth. He bit his lip, looking down at his neat plate and trying to focus on it. That was Alex’s plate of pancakes. He could do with it what he wanted. He didn’t need to follow Jack’s unwritten rule that all the squares needed to be even. It was none of Jack’s business how Alex ate his breakfast.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as his fingers twitched against the cotton of his sweatpants. He opened his eyes again, looking past Alex and at the wall. He began to count the bricks, focusing on the detail.

“Jack, are you alright?” Alex asked, glancing behind him and looking for whatever had stolen Jack’s attention. He saw nothing but the wall behind them.

“I’m fine,” Jack snapped without realizing. He bit the inside of his cheek, frowning. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Alex said quietly, looking down at his pancakes again. They were half gone, and he decided that maybe the right thing to do at that moment was to just shut up and finish his breakfast.


“What is this line for?” Alex asked the taller boy, looking around nervously. The patients were all standing in a line, and Alex had just followed Jack into it.

“Meds,” Jack answered and Alex frowned.

“Oh,” he said, looking down at his feet.

“Chill out,” Jack told him, guiding him forward as the line moved. “They’re taking your vitals after this, so it’s best not to freak out right now.”

“Why do they need to take my vitals?” Alex asked, eyes widening.

“Something to do with your blood pressure,” Jack said, shrugging.

“Oh,” he said, playing with the hem of his shirt as the line moved forward.

After a few more minutes of waiting the boys found themselves up to a window. Jack stepped in front of Alex, waiting for the nurse to acknowledge him.

“Name?” the nurse asked, looking up at him.

“Barakat,” he answered and she scanned down her list.

“Jack?” she questioned and he nodded in confirmation.

She turned away from him, coming back with two cups. She handed them to Jack, and Alex watched him empty the smaller cup into his mouth before swallowing down the pills with the aid of the water in the slightly larger cup.

“Thank you,” Jack mumbled, throwing his cups away before walking down the hall.

Alex shuffled forward nervously, biting his lip as he looked at the nurse behind the glass.

“Name?” she asked, looking at Alex with a gentle smile.

“Gaskarth,” he answered, copying what Jack had done moments earlier.

“Alexander?” the nurse asked for confirmation.

“Yes,” he answered, twiddling his fingers nervously.

He was handed his two cups, and he took the pills into his mouth, swallowing them down with water before throwing the cups away.

He turned, unsure where Jack had gone now. He didn’t even know where he was supposed to.

He walked down the hallways a little way, finding a nurse’s station that he was waved into.

“Good morning, dear,” the nurse greeted cheerfully, gesturing for him to sit down in the chair. “I’m just gonna do a little check-up.”

“What’s this for?” Alex asked quietly and she gave him a soothing smile.

“We do this so we can make sure you’re doing okay and there’s nothing wrong,” she said. “Like, making sure you aren’t having a reaction to the medicine or anything like that.”

“Oh,” Alex said, watching her open a drawer.

“What’s your name, sweetie?” she asked and he twiddled his fingers again.

“Alexander Gaskarth,” he answered, watching her type into the laptop in front of her. She opened up his file, nodding.

“Alright, Alex- I can call you, Alex, right?” she asked and he nodded. “Okay. Well I’m Sarah, and I’m gonna be here for anything you need, alright?”

“Okay,” he said, nodding.

“Alright, Alex. I’m gonna start out by taking your temperature,” Sarah said, picking up the thermometer. He opened his mouth, allowing her to press the tool under his tongue. She patted his chin gently to silently tell him to close his mouth, which he did. He held the tool uncomfortably between his lips, waiting impatiently for the beep to sound.

Sarah removed when it did, looking down at it.

“98.4. Not bad,” she said, cleaning off the thermometer before setting it down. She recorded the temperature into the computer, moving onto the next step.

He watched Sarah hook his arm up to the sphygmomanometer to take his blood pressure. She pressed a button, and he felt the machine begin to squeeze his arm. He made a face at the uncomfortable, borderline painful, feeling before he felt the machine release.

“130/85,” she read, raising an eyebrow. “A bit higher than normal. You nervous, Alex?”

“A little,” he answered honestly and she smiled, removing the tool from his arm.

“Relax, you’re in good hands,” she told him.

♠ ♠ ♠So I'm not an expert on psychiatric wards, so don't quote me on anything that goes on in this story :)
I'm trying my best to work with what I've found out through research.

chaptered: i dont care if it hurts, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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