Westbound Sign (Four)

Aug 24, 2012 15:50

Title: Westbound Sign
Sequel to: All Pretty and Petite
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: Jack
Summary: It's been a month since Alex left for Malibu, and Jack has been miserable ever since. Alex won't answer his phone calls, his text messages, his tweets, or even his e-mails. He's tortured by his regret of not getting the chance to tell the boy how he felt, and he's determined to find him and beg for his forgiveness.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.


I dragged my suitcase behind me, going outside to find Matt waiting for me in a taxi.

“Hey!” he greeted, and Rian and Zack turned to look at me from where they were standing nearby. “Look at you all clean shaven! I haven’t seen your face in weeks.”

I rolled my eyes as he ran his hand over my jaw, trying to duck away from him.

“Knock it off, that’s weird,” I said, hearing him laugh.

“Your hair looks sweet, Jack,” Rian complemented and I bit my lip, running my fingers through the blonde strands in my hair.

“Thanks,” I answered. “I just got it down last night. I was ready for a change, y’know?”

“Yeah,” Rian said, smiling.

“So are you guys ready for this weekend? It’s gonna super fun!” Matt said and I raised an eyebrow.

“Matt, you’re acting like a high school senior on her way to Cancun for spring break. Chill out,” I said, hearing the other guys laugh.

“C’mon! We’re going to Vegas!” he said excitedly.

“We’ve been to Vegas so many times,” I teased and he pouted.

“Don’t be a buzzkill!” he warned. “I’m just excited for all of us to go have fun together.”

“It’s not all of us,” I said, seeing his smile falter slightly. “It would be better if Alex was going.”

“I know,” Matt said, sighing. “I tried to get him to come, but he won’t. It’s not like I can force him to.”

“Yeah,” I mumbled and he groaned.

“Jack, I swear to god, if you just mope around the whole time, I’m gonna pay the skankiest, most STD-ridden stripper to give you a lapdance and rub herself all over you,” Matt warned and I cringed.

“That’s just fucking evil,” I told him and he smirked.

“Then you better not fucking mope!” he said, poking me in the chest. “Now get in the car so we can get to the airport. I don’t wanna miss our flight.”


“Ugh, how did I get stuck next to you?” I asked Matt, watching him fiddle with his seatbelt.

“You sat down first and I just followed. Why, would you like me to move?” he questioned and I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t care,” I told him. “As long as you let me lay my head on your shoulder while I sleep.”

“Whatever you wanna do,” he said. “Put on your seat belt.”

“Yes, mom,” I answered, buckling the belt around my waist.

I watched the flight attendants move through the aisle, checking the overhead compartments to make sure they were all shut tight.

We listened to the flight attendant make her speech normal speech, and I shut my eyes, leaning my head back. I felt the plane begin to move slowly, taking a deep breath. Flying wasn’t something I particularly enjoyed.

I rested my head against Flyzik’s shoulder once we had fully ascended, closing my eyes. It didn’t take long before I was slipping off to sleep.

It seemed I had only been asleep for a few moments before I was being shaken awake. I opened my groggy eyes, yawning and sitting up.

“Hmm?” I grunted, looking up at Matt’s smiling face.

“We’re here!” he announced and I looked out the window of the plane, seeing we were once again on the ground.

“Sweet,” I said, yawning and stretching my arms over my head. “Are they letting people off the plane yet?”

“No, they haven’t opened the door yet,” Matt answered and I nodded, sitting back in my chair.

“Where are we meeting the rest of the guys?”

“Well, Colussy rented a car, so he’s gonna pick us up and take us to the hotel. And everyone else is just gonna head to the hotel as they arrive,” Matt explained and I nodded.

“Sounds good. What hotel are we staying at?”

“The Hard Rock,” Matt answered and I smiled.

“Sweet!” I said. “Dude, I’m so ready for a drink. We need to get the fuck off this plane.”

“It shouldn’t be too much longer,” Matt said and I groaned. I kicked the seat in front of me, and Zack turned around, giving me a glare.

“What? You wanna fight?” I asked, raising my fists.

“Jack, I would fucking destroy you and you know it,” he answered and I laughed.

“True dat,” I answered, putting my fists down. I leaned forward, seeing Rian sleeping in the seat next to Zack with his phone clutched in his hand. “When do you plan to wake lover boy up?”

“Soon,” Zack said.

“I’ll do it,” I said, giving him a mischievous smile. I leaned forward, squeezing his nose and closing away airflow from his nostrils. It took a moment for him to react, but then his flew open and he began to wriggle around. I let go, and he twisted around, glaring at me.

“Not funny, Jack!” he said, huffing.

“Aww, don’t be mad, RiRi. We’re in Vegas!” I cheered, running my hand over his head. He slapped my hand away, sighing.

“Doesn’t mean you have to suffocate me,” he grumbled and I laughed.

“You’ll get over it, promise,” I told him and he glared at me again.

“You owe me a drink,” Rian gruffed and I nodded.

“‘Course, honey bunches,” I told him, seeing the people in the front begin to stand.

I followed Matt from our seats, pulling our bags from the overhead compartment. I wheeled it behind me as we left the plane, entering the airport.

“So, where is Colussy picking us up?” Zack asked Matt, who pulled out his phone.

“I’m going to call and ask him,” he responded, putting the phone up to his ear.

“Can I stop and get coffee?” I asked Matt, who shrugged.

“I don’t care. I thought you wanted alcohol,” Matt answered and I nodded.

“I do, but I want coffee first,” I said, catching sight of the Starbucks. “Come on, Rian, I know you can’t turn down Starbucks.”

“You know me too well,” Rian said, smiling as he walked towards the coffee shop with me.


I sat out on the balcony, glass of white wine in hand as I looked out at the lights of the city. It was almost two in the morning, and there was still chaos going on inside the hotel room. I had escaped out here, not as into the partying spirit as I had been earlier. It just made me miss Alex.

I heard a crash from inside, then loud noises and yelling. I chuckled, shaking my head at my insane band and crew. They were ridiculous.

I picked up my phone, pressing a button and seeing the picture of Alex and I that I had set as my background. I smiled, running my thumb over his face. I just wanted to hear his voice.

An idea struck me at that moment. I set my wine glass down, standing up from my chair and walking back into the hotel room. I slid my phone into my pocket, looking around the room.

I didn’t see Flyzik out in the main part of the room, so I slipped into the bedroom. I found him sleeping in one of the beds, curled up next to Zack. I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head and sneaking quietly over to the table next to the bed.

I cursed, finding his phone was, of course, locked. I bit my lip, thinking for a moment before leaning down and shaking Matt a little.

“Matt!” I hissed. “I need to use your phone!”

“Huh?” he asked, looking up at me in his groggy, half-asleep-but-still-drunk kind of way.

“My phone died, and I need to call May about something important! Can you unlock your phone?” I asked, handing it to him.

He took it, running his finger over pattern out of habit. I took the phone from his hands, watching his eyes close as his head hit the pillow again.

I internally cheered, hurrying out of the room before he could wake up again.

I rushed into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it. I lowered myself to the floor, opening Matt’s contacts and scrolling through the A’s until I found his name. Alex Gaskarth.

My heart fluttered a little as I pressed on it, smiling happily to myself. I took my own phone out of my pocket, unlocking it and finding Alex. I copied the number into my phone, setting it down on the tile and picking Matt’s back up. And then I noticed what was a few lines down; his address was in Matt’s phone.

My heart leaped into my throat, picking my phone back up and scrambling to copy the information down. I double-checked to make sure I had it all right.

Fuck calling him; he could just hang up on me, or ignore the call altogether. What he couldn’t ignore, though, was me standing on his fucking doorstep.

I stood up, unlocking the door and glancing around nervously as I went back to Matt’s room. I set his phone back down on the bedside table, grabbing my bag from the corner of the room and leaving quietly.

I checked to make sure all of the other guys were preoccupied before I moved towards the door. I grabbed the keys of Colussy’s rental car from the table, slipping out of the door without a word.

I slid into the car after I unlocked the door, turning it on so the radio would play and the night would be less intimidating. I locked all the doors around me, not trusting that there wouldn’t be creeps hanging around at night.

I turned the GPS on, typing in the address I had stole from Alex’s home. I hit the button to select fastest route, heart beating heavily as I watched it determine which roads to take. The screen finally displayed the map, telling me it would be a five and a half hour drive. I checked the clock, seeing it was three in the morning. I could make it. I just needed to stop for coffee sometime on the way there.

I put the car in reverse, pulling out of the parking spot before shifting to drive and taking off into the night. I turned the radio on, Blink-182’s I Miss You filling the car.

♠ ♠ ♠;)
Obviously I had a good reason not to send Alex to Vegas.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, chaptered: westbound sign

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