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Comments 12

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turkmikari January 2 2012, 19:51:32 UTC
lol XD I saved everyone's numbers on Seto (my old phone) then switched them to Axel (new phone) so they're safe in there. XD It took me forever to reenter them all wen I switched services O.o;; but at least they're all there now.


snow_rayjah January 2 2012, 17:18:06 UTC
Email sent~!

Sounds like you're having a lot of fun!! :D


turkmikari January 2 2012, 19:49:34 UTC
I am :D


waterpriestess January 2 2012, 17:30:17 UTC
I don't see the ads on your DreamWidth.


turkmikari January 2 2012, 19:49:17 UTC


glioncourt January 2 2012, 23:05:49 UTC
You worked on New Years and was happy about the chaos!? Who are you and what have you done with Mikari!? LOL I never thought I'd see you enjoy work so much!

HAPPY 2012!!!!!!


turkmikari January 2 2012, 23:56:20 UTC
It's not work that I enjoy, it's chaos! Sure I would have loved to have the day off, not because of new years eve, but because I love free time in general, but I knew I would have to work and it was a good day (night). XD I actually prefer to work holidays and get normal days off because that way I get paid to deal with busy chaos and I can relax in my free time. XD ( ... )


glioncourt January 3 2012, 02:39:45 UTC
It's weird that you love chaos so much!


turkmikari January 3 2012, 20:56:52 UTC
I'm actually not the only one, though I only know one more person who likes it XD I like entertainment ^_^


glioncourt January 10 2012, 01:30:23 UTC
I only checked dreamwidth today because I've been checking LJ on my phone a lot lately, and I wanted to see the site on a computer. I don't see any ads on your page.

I made an account for myself there. I'm juliepandora there... I'm going to add you, but I don't think I'll be checking in a lot there. I'm pretty busy on LJ, I just made the account because everyone's doing it! (~voice in the back of my head: if everyone jumps in front of a bus will you do it too?~)

Anyway... just thought I'd mention it....


turkmikari January 10 2012, 03:30:07 UTC
yay you joined the net-trend XD


glioncourt January 10 2012, 17:23:13 UTC


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