A New Year

Jan 01, 2012 19:52

----- News -----

December 29 - Does Dream Width have ads? I don't know because I block all ads anyway. Does the real blog http://mikaristar.dreamwidth.org look like this screen shot? http://mikaristar.deviantart.com/art/Dream-Width-276315520

December 30 - Happy Birthday Hikou!

December 31 - I had fun yesterday. ^_^ I slept in late, had a nice take out lunch, played around on online forums and comm while listening to a bible chapter (not getting confused). Watched anime, played video games, wrote fanfiction, drew fanart and had a good day at work. The system was down, the flight was oversold, it was deliciously chaotic! (Did I just say deliciously chaotic? Oh yeah, I would definitely be a monster in the Slayers world. XD) The most amazing part was that I actually did all of that, giving a good amount of time to each activity without feeling rushed or overloaded. Was it that yesterday had more than 24 hours? Technically it was half of yesterday and half of today, but my days start in the afternoon so it balances into a single day so to speak.

As for today, the day is not so great because it's new years and I have to work, which is not a problem as I'm sure I'll be endlessly amused watching my coworker pathetically cry like idiots (oh yeah definitely of the monster race in the Slayers-verse XD). But you know parents get idiotic because boo-hoo I'm going to be a whole fifteen minutes away. Phff! Still, I'm going to leave their idiotic overly emotional junk behind and have a blast handling another chaotic flight. :D My coworkers are starting to think I'm crazy because I enjoy chaos so much. ^_^

January 1 - Happy New Year Everyone! Today was more chaotic than yesterday because it had all the same things plus a broken baggage conveyor belt. I sent out a whole bunch of texts and it looks like most if not all of them got to where they were going. Snow, Cherri, do you have the same numbers with the new phones, email me. I was surprised that a few people still have the same numbers, it's been forever since the last time I messaged them.

I'm slowly making progress through my Slayers fanfic novel. After that it's that Pokemon story "Loyalty" which will be maybe about 25k-30k words? I don't know yet, I haven't even done the outline yet and lately I've been using lists of events to make chaptered stories esier to keep up with in the writing process and to make sure I don't forget any important details. I'll do all that after I'm done with "To Live Another Day" I still have plenty of events in my outline for that one. After that I would like to write something Valkyria Chronicles II related, possibly a short reader insert, but in first person instead of second so I can post it at Fanfiction net too. After that I have an idea for something web-design related... talk about having a ton of busy plans and they're all quite time consuming so it'll be a while. As for my resolutions... I have only a to do list really and I just detailed it. XD Overall, I had a great year! Some of the most notable events were my new job and learning a lot about writing thanks to practicing with long fanfiction.

January 2 - Happy Birthday Matt!

----- Updates -----

Fantasy Bit:

January 1 - Added some links at Surreptitious (Summon Night) and Golden Phoenix (Kaleido Star).


January 1 - To Live Another Day 26: Hidden Potential (Slayers)


December 29 - A Few Icons (Valkyrie Profile, Summon Night, Final Fantasy VI)
December 31 - Link (Legend of Zelda)
December 31 - Filia (Slayers)
December 31 - Onyx 3 (Slayers OC)

updates, holiday, fantasy bit, slayers, fanart, layout, fanfics, valkyrie profile, final fantasy vi, legend of zelda, kaleido star, birthday, summon night, life

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