Spring forward

Mar 09, 2014 13:59

1. I can't say I noticed the hour being lost. I've been losing so many to pain lately, one hour is irrelevant. I've had the most nasty pain days this last week due to trying to change to the "better" medication. Needless to say, I've gone back to what was mostly working ( Read more... )

mixed bag, money, real life, pics

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Comments 7

lookfar March 9 2014, 19:44:40 UTC
You have my sympathy for your troubles, so varied and discouraging. And my congratulations on your tulips - so that's a kind of petal-swirl variation and it just goes like that on its own? Like a Scottish Fold or American Curl cat? It's so cool!


beffeysue March 9 2014, 19:53:19 UTC
1. It makes me sad to see you're still having so many pain days. I haven't had that kind of constant pain since I had my shoulder repair surgery. I don't blame you for going back to your previous Rx. "Mostly working" is light years ahead of "not working at all ( ... )


droxy March 9 2014, 20:41:22 UTC
Hugs, the tulips are lovely.

It is warm and sunny here, however I expect a horridly hot and nasty summer.


shiv5468 March 9 2014, 21:36:43 UTC
I hope the money issues ease off.

That's a nice tulip.


ozratbag2 March 11 2014, 01:34:47 UTC
<3 *hugs* That tulip is absolutely gorgeous and maybe somewhat analogous of unfurling everything for you too.

Thinking of you and sending huge hugs. :)


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