1. I can't say I noticed the hour being lost. I've been losing so many to pain lately, one hour is irrelevant. I've had the most nasty pain days this last week due to trying to change to the "better" medication. Needless to say, I've gone back to what was mostly working.
2. Managed to drive over my work blackberry yesterday. Love the freedom of not being reachable. Oh well, that will be sorted Monday. I'm not driving a 100km round trip today to pick up a loaner one, as I'm sure I'm going to have to go in Monday or Tuesday to deal with the annoying process of replacing the damn thing. Crossing fingers that my chip with all my contacts - seekrit doctor phone numbers etc, aren't lost. I had been thinking of backing it up over the last few weeks. See number 1.
3. Sister and nephew are coming to stay for a few days this week. Hurrah!!!
4. Brambling is doing a bit better the last few weeks. So, I canceled the vet appt. No sense spending money when she's otherwise well.
5. Re money. I'm in a dire financial state. Working half or less since June 2012 has been a bad thing when combined with $9k for nephew's tuition last year, I have a few more payments to make on that. Plus $9k for all the dental work and travel. Then minor things like food, heat, wood. Good thing I have my tenant or it would have meant selling the house. Just heard on Friday that the bank has approved my re-financing of the house which will give me some breathing space on the money side. The winter ice has damaged the house, so there will be some renovations happening this spring/summer. While I was about it, I've decided to fix up the two very small bedrooms that are on the same wall as the ice damage and fix up the micro bathroom. Any work will result in increasing the value of the house both financially and for my living here. If I create a larger bedroom with a nice bathroom next to it, I could do some B&B to bring in some extra cash.
6. I'm taking an online archeology
MOOC, called Archeology's Dirty Little Secrets. Quite good so far.
7. Spring is a long way away here. Still mountains of snow and ice. So dear friends in the warmer climes, don't expect me to be excited about your garden adventures when I'm still wearing big boots and having concerns about being able to get out of my driveway to go to work.
8. This is where I talk about my head issues - not up to posting them today. It's long and complicated.
9. I spent $5 on some tulips two weeks ago. Consider them as a huge anti-depressants that you look at instead of swallowing. I love this variety, don't know the name, but I'm going to plant them when the five feet of snow and ice finally melt and the ground thaws it's four feet of frost. This is a pic of the tulip as it evolves from the usual tulip form.