So, my paid account has now expired. I think it happened Sunday. This means that I can finally make the move I've been wanting to make, away from LiveJournal's horrendous bandwidth mess and to something that I have control over: Movable Type, on Liquid Magnesium NetworksWell, you may ask, what does this mean for me
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I just took the How Oregonian are you? test, and I got a 74! A 74! I don't even remember living anywhere else until I came here, and I couldn't even do better than that!
It shows you that I've been away too long. I miss you, sweet Oregon! Let me come home!
Let me apologize for the long, long, long absence. What, it's been two weeks and some, right? It's been a long two weeks, though, lemme tell you all
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I must admit, before I discuss being home, it is a truly surreal experience being at home and seeing the windows all covered (since they're painting the house), etc
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It's almost 70 degrees here in Evanston, and due to get warmer all weekend long, so I'm grabbing my bamboo mat and a book as we speak. It's get-some-sun time in Chicago! Hopefully this can last all weekend.
I finally got back at 4:30 from working on the Daily. My brain hurts. I finally got out of bed, at 12:45, but oy. You have no idea how exhausting it is to work on a newspaper, in one room, for fourteen hours straight
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