someday they will be famous (apocafic)

Oct 21, 2009 16:04

Someday they will be famous.

Someday people will say their names with a combination of respect and fear, sometimes mixed with frustration, sometimes disapproval, sometimes anger, sometimes admiration.

Harrow and Highgate. The Twins.

Someday every response they provoke will be a strong one.

Someday they will know how to live on practically nothing, to sleep anywhere, to watch the sky to gauge distance and direction.

Someday people will seek them out for their survival and their knowledge. They will be known for their hunting and trapping, their skills at finding and killing monsters they do not yet realize exist. Someday they will be genuinely dangerous.

Someday they will not be surprised when complete strangers know who they are and what they do. They won't even be surprised when those same strangers get the details wrong.

Someday they will draw a line across their shared history, rename themselves, and start over as if their past never happened. They will decide this is the best way to keep going, the only way to stay sane.

Someday "sane" will be a word only they apply to themselves, and only sometimes. Someday they will embrace the crazy.

Someday they will be famous, but right now they are merely Hannah and Alex Sewell, two scared siblings hiding in their parents' house. Everyone else who loved them is gone - missing or dead, they don't know, and they are too afraid of losing each other to do anything alone.

Right now they are all they have. They are all that is left. There is no one to look for them, no one to miss them if they vanish. No one knows who they are, or cares where they are.

But someday - someday they will be famous.

the twins, apocafic

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