Tell Us About It

Jul 23, 2005 06:52

Our first Ficathon is over and the turnout was great! We, the mods, are so thrilled with all the wonderful stories submitted by so many talented writers. I, for one, am deeply impressed by the quality of the stories that came from this challenge. Every writer came up with a fresh new way of using their cliche. I applaud you all ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

ximeria July 23 2005, 13:05:21 UTC
I for one had no trouble with deadline or assigment, if anything, it amused me very much *g* I'm a sucker for clichés. (if anything, I almost forgot to post because the story was finished a good two weeks before deadline LOL)

Seriously, sure have perhaps three ficathons per year? Every three months or so? Dunno if that's too much.


ximeria July 23 2005, 13:06:14 UTC
PS. I think you guys did a great job of both finding and assigning us the challenges. Thank you very much for a good laughs *g*


ozsaur July 24 2005, 02:31:49 UTC
Seriously, sure have perhaps three ficathons per year? Every three months or so? Dunno if that's too much.

We might consider this, but so far, twice a year seems to be a good idea. Most writers are booked solid during the holiday season with challenges and deadlines. Then there is Moonridge, other writing communities and other projects that take up many writer's time. We want ts_ficathons to find it's own niche, and not stretch everyone too thin.

I think you guys did a great job of both finding and assigning us the challenges. Thank you very much for a good laughs *g*

Awww, thank you! I am so happy that you had such a good experience. And I am glad you enjoyed your cliche. :-)


elmyraemilie July 23 2005, 13:43:58 UTC
This was a great challenge--it really energized the fandom! People far and wide were going oooh-ahhh til all was said and done. Good work ( ... )


ozsaur July 24 2005, 02:42:26 UTC
In view of the flap over at Senad, I'd like to suggest that the ficathon guidelines are altered to specifically state (if they don't already) that posting to websites and archives is encouraged, and to make clear that it's OK to put stories up outside of LJ as soon as they're finished or after the deadline or whatever date you decide on.

:::writing this down:::

We intentionally left it up to the writer to decide where they wanted to post their story. Some only want to post to their LJ, some to a personal webpage, others to a major archive.

I, personally, do encourage writers to submit their stories to the archives. Spread the joy! :-)

December should probably be avoided as a deadline month, but I like the three-a-year idea--January, May, September maybe?

Twice a year seems doable without overkill. But there does seem to be a lot of interest for doing a ficathon three times a year. The jury is still out on this...

This was so enjoyable--I very much look forward to participating in the next one!I'm very happy to hear this. I ( ... )


mistressrenet July 24 2005, 03:38:16 UTC
I had trouble meeting the deadline, but that doesn't mean you should move it--if you gave 8 weeks, I'd have trouble meeting that one, too, you know? Best work under pressure and all that jazz.
Same here!


admiralandrea July 23 2005, 16:08:58 UTC
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. I still have to go through my last beta, then I will repost my story and archive it. For me, it was fun to have a chance to write something right outside of my usual style. I think you all did a great job.

For me, I think announce the next challenge in November, but have a January deadline. It gives people something to think about and look forward to through the misery of winter (unless you're Mab, of course!) and to perk us up after the let down that comes after Christmas.

No idea on theme, sorry, I suck at that sort of stuff. Are you going to create a website to archive stories at too?


ozsaur July 24 2005, 02:47:40 UTC
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. I still have to go through my last beta, then I will repost my story and archive it. For me, it was fun to have a chance to write something right outside of my usual style. I think you all did a great job.

Thank you so much! This wouldn't have been as much fun for us if the writers hadn't had a good time too. So glad you enjoyed the experience.

Are you going to create a website to archive stories at too?

I can't even do a simple web page. Maybe one of the other mods will want to do this in the future. So, the answer is... maybe. :-)


admiralandrea July 24 2005, 07:45:07 UTC
I can't even do a simple web page. Maybe one of the other mods will want to do this in the future. So, the answer is... maybe. :-)

I do hope so, I think it would be nice for those out there who are not into LJ to have a place to go for the stories, as not everyone is necessarily going to choose to archive at 852 Prospect. It could be a condition of posting to the ficathon - if you don't want to be archived on the ficathon website, say so, otherwise you will be automatically.


cindershadow July 23 2005, 16:30:27 UTC
As a person who has only begun reading in this fandom in the past couple of months--and who is very much a reader, not a writer--I'd just like to thank all of you for this wonderful ficathon. I apologize for not commenting more . . . but I actually did read every single story posted and enjoyed all of them very, very much! I am now having the pleasant experience of following up and reading other stories by these authors. So I just wanted to let you know that you gave lots of pleasure to folks out here, even if we've failed to let you know about it individually!


elmyraemilie July 23 2005, 17:07:35 UTC
That's so sweet of you! Wonderful to hear that you just joined the fandom and had this available--it was a who's who of Sentinel authors, I'm telling you!

I know it's a lot when you're reading 80 great stories at once, but if you're reading more fic by some of the authors, just a one-line feedback is so, so much appreciated. Makes us feel like we're not throwing these stories down a bottomless well when we're done with them! *g*


Me too snailbones July 23 2005, 21:39:44 UTC
It's been great having so many classy/classic stories to read all at once, and the LJ format worked really well too - makes it easy to make a comment and feel involved... I hope the writers enjoyed it half as much as we lurkers/readers.
Thanks for organizing, and hope it happens all over again soon. Please?


ozsaur July 24 2005, 03:02:41 UTC
I hope the writers enjoyed it half as much as we lurkers/readers.

So far, it seems to have been a positive experience for everyone. :-)

Thanks for organizing, and hope it happens all over again soon. Please?

Thanks for your comments and I'm glad you enjoyed the ficathon. The timing of the next one is still in the air, but there will be a next one. This was so much fun for us. It is good to hear that others had a good experience too.


cross_stitchery July 25 2005, 02:34:28 UTC
i don't see why three times a year isn't doable. probably not every writer will want to participate in every ficathon, so having three per year wouldn't be too much of a stretch. there may also be others out there who will want to join in after seeing how great this one was. i'll even consider it myself as my writers block appears (fingers crossed!) to be crumbling a bit.


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