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Comments 25

ypx3 June 7 2007, 04:05:13 UTC
Trista, you're LJ entries are so...I don't amazing. You're the best LJ'er I know.
Ok all random comments aside I was thinking (while reading you're lj) that I think I wish i would have been you're friend in HS because you and I have some things in common and different, but I always labeled youas "too cool" for me to talk to and I would like to apologize to you for labeling you (not saying you're not cool) but I have realized that that was idiotic of me. anyways this was a random comment but i kinda wanted to say it...so i did.
the end


i type too much. always. trist June 7 2007, 04:34:53 UTC
Believe it or not, but it is people like you that keep me updating, and basically living. You'd be suprised at how uncool I really am, haha. I appreciate that comment SO much, you have no idea. Thanks for liking my enteries so much, I hold them to a very high standard lol which is why it takes me a few months to compile a worthy entry. I appreciate the fact that you would have liked to have been friends. How about now, for a good time to start. It's okay that you labeled me becuase thats what high school is alllll about. I labeled you as the kind of kid who would think I was too stupid to talk to haha. And for that, i also appologize. Oh k, the whole 'too cool' thing, i dont know where in gods name you got that from because - wait, just think about htat, gods name? the only thing in god's name are G,O,and D! how stupid! hahaha but anyways - i dont know why you ever thought that. I was a loser more than anything. I never fit in with the cool crowd (even though i tried until I couldnt anymore). However, i thought it was WAY too ( ... )


Re: i type too much. always. ypx3 June 9 2007, 03:19:43 UTC
I think having a lot of friends is why I labeled you popular. of course popular has no negative connotations in my mind, except that I am not outgoing enough to get in with them. I never thought you were dumb, that is ridiculous. Mike Berk is really popular in my mind despite not being friends with many of the "cool kids" but he and I go wayyyy back. Maybe that will be my June resoloution, make friends with Trista :-D


Re: i type too much. always. trist June 9 2007, 07:28:18 UTC
you havent much to worry about, we are already friends!


beforeugot2cool June 7 2007, 05:23:59 UTC
First of all I can not wait to be neighbors next year. I've really missed not being able to just walk to your house when ever i'm bored. Also, I'm sorry if I don't call and that kind of thing. It's just really weird not having someone for a whole year and then trying to jump back into friends again ya know. And the whole best friend thing I could say the same thing for myself. It's kind of weird to think about, but I think I've fallen into what you did. I lost Chalise to someone cooler, then I lost Melissa to someone cooler. And now I gave up. I have good friends, but no best friend. Now I just hang out with Todd because people rarely call me especially cause most of the weekends I just work. I mean I love hanging out with Todd, but I miss my friends. I am happy for you and Brad just a little jealous that we slowly stopped hanging out when he came into your life or we always hung out with brad there too. I can see where you are coming from though. Liking someone so much and having them like you back is awesome. It's too ( ... )


trist June 7 2007, 05:33:31 UTC
OMG holden AWESOME. haha. I understand about not calling, I haven't called either. Getting back from college is really weird, to say the least. I am finding it hard to call people i would usually call all the time so i dont blame you for a second. I hate our best friend cycle! at least were in it together, lol. Im real sorry that brad replaced my fun. haha, for the most part, he just replaced everything there was in my life. I coudlnt help the path it took, and im beyond a point of no return. I love hanging out with him, but i definately miss all my friends and the other stuff i used to do. now, its just kind of customary, you know? like, 'so what are WE doing today' its never 'okay im going to hang out with holly, you hang out with aaron...' its just always us. sometimes we try and do single but its just hard. your icon is cracking me up to the max. thanks for the help about brad and i, but it seems ive always had a problem worrying about what others think and i dont think that's going to be going away any time soon. i miss ( ... )


anonymous June 7 2007, 06:04:48 UTC
Hey Trista, this is Whit, yeah i couldn't remember my password b/c im stupid like that..ha..so i'm writing anonymous. but anyways. i so read that whole thing..ha. and i know we aren't like best friends or anything, but i enjoy reading your entries. annd seriously, if u ever get bored, call me up b/c i have been like up to nothing this whole summer..eexcept working, which surprisingly isn't taking up my whole life. ha. but yeahhh..even a bike ride would be fun or something. or we could just talk about stuff...it was fun talking to you and elana that night at Haley's.


trist June 8 2007, 05:33:43 UTC
Hey haha you loser cnat remember your password!!! im glad you read it, i love livejouranl. love love love. and im glad you enjoy, it doesnt matter who reads them, just as long as people do. i just like people's insight i guess. comments like yours and stuff that make me feel so much better about life lol. and when do you work? and does whereever you work need more help? i want another/differnet job :( and call me too!! i bike ride every day so if you'd want to ride or drive to my house, we could ride around WL together or something which is waht i like to dooo!! and yeah it was nice to talk the other night, hopefully ill be seeing you more OK!


imadamhehe June 7 2007, 06:46:47 UTC
Wow, huge! But somehow I always manage to choke down the whole thing. Mk call me.


trist June 8 2007, 05:31:44 UTC
hey stupid, call me soonnnnnnnnn


rwessel1719 June 7 2007, 15:42:29 UTC
okay trista we are def hanging out this summer and doing all those things you like (which I like as well) like swimming biking icecream and all that jazz. I'm glad you called yesterday and I don't even know why your number came up as a number without a name. I think/hope that I will get texting next month...maybe. I read your whole entry! It's tres interesting and you will have to talk to me more about MSU cause thats where I wanna gooo! today was my last day of school and last day of SALOKA. he made my junior year retarded but whatever. it's over. oh yeah and I have senior pictures tommorow (already!!! cause my mom is being a physco about it) and I'm not looking forward to them cause I don't know what to wear/pose/do. you took AP Psych? oh man I'm taking that next year...and I can already tell it might make me go crazy cause of Cohen. you have to tell me more about it. okay I've written enough for now, byeee!


trist June 8 2007, 05:31:05 UTC
hahaha im so glad you are interested in doing some of the fun things that i enjoy!!! i was kind of embarassed that you didnt have my # haah i felt so stupid. and hopefully you do get texting, do you have verizon? then we can just text for freeeee. and you'll love mSU! well, i do at least. its the freaking bomb. im sorry that saloka ruined your year, i know the feeling lol. have fun at your pics! you willl, probably, they arent bad at all so dont owrry. by the time you read this though, you'll already know. and ap psych... what can i say.. learn, if you want to get credit. just, do waht your supposed to. seriously lol. and i like cohen, i love fighting with her. one time she drove me and sara home from school hahaha. i dont know why the h that happened but it was funny. aaaaaaaaaand ttyl!


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