APPLICATIONS -- 2009; 001

May 09, 2009 13:33

new application post is located here.

this post will remain open until october 22nd, 2009.


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Comments 1837

Mello 1/? gonnabe1st May 9 2009, 19:46:45 UTC
Player nickname: K/Kite/Trickster
Player LJ: azriaz
Way to contact you:
AIM: noonerly
Other: msn, see email
Are you at least 15?: Yup.
Current Characters: Kite (blueflamechild)

Fandom:Death Note (manga)
Character Notes:


Mello 2/? gonnabe1st May 9 2009, 19:47:15 UTC
History:Mello was born as Mihael Keehl, though it is not revealed who his parents were or where he is actually from. It is assumed he was orphaned very early on in life, and grew up in Wammy's House, an orphanage for gifted children in Winchester, England. Not so much an orphanage but rather a training facility, it would turn out, for children with exceptional intelligence level or those gifted with equally exceptional skills. Since the main objective of this orphanage was to raise the next 'L', the best detective and presumably the most intelligent person on the planet, it made for a very competetive environment ( ... )


Re: Mello 2/? gonnabe1st May 9 2009, 19:47:46 UTC
History, contd.
...and that is where he pulls his most reckless move yet.
In cooperation with Matt, he kidnapps Kira's spokesperson, Takada Kiyomi, to renew the pressure on Kira and discover the true connection between her and the killings. It's a ratheer desperate move, since he has reason to believe that Near is close to solving the case, and he makes more than one mistake in this plan. Not only does he get his friend killed - he fails to realize that his real name is known to Kira, and therefore to Takada as well. He goes just that tiny bit too easy on her, allowing her a blanket while she changes out of her clothes, creating an opening for her to write his name on a page of the Death Note. Mello dies of a heart attack at the age of 21, in an abandoned church, somewhere in Japan.


Mello 4/? gonnabe1st May 9 2009, 19:48:23 UTC
Personality: If I had to describe Mello's personality in one word, I would say he's driven. Driven by his pride and his ambition to bring down Kira, and more importantly, to defeat Near. Driven by his will and his stubbornness bordering on megalomania. He doesn't care about very many human beings apart from himself. A dozen people might be dying around him and he doesn't even spare them a thought so long as his plan doesn't fail. It can be canonically said that the only people Mello ever cared about were Matt, L, and Near. Even though his relationship with Near is a complicated one, a story of polar oposites, bitter rivalry and struggle ( ... )


Austria 1/2 touchofgenius May 9 2009, 20:29:45 UTC
Player nickname: Kat
Player LJ: ”suzumeshoujo”
Way to contact you:
AIM: prophetsblade
Are you at least 15?: Y
Current Characters: Birkin

Character: Roderich Edelstein/Austria
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character Notes:
History: Austria is an extremely old country, so I’m just going to focus on the parts of its history that are relevant to Roddy’s personality/the Hetalia “canon”. I’ll write more if you want me to fill in the gaps, I just don’t want to force you guys to have to read paragraph upon paragraph of Austrian history where nothing of consequence to the plot happens.Thanks to the Habsburg family which ruled Austria, and by extension the Holy Roman Empire, from the end of the 13th century to the start of WWI, Austria has long been associated with wealth and opulence. For most of its history, Austria was a Duchy, which was only changed after WWI thanks to the trouble that Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused to the rest of the world. Thanks to the Treaty of Carlowitz signed in 1699, Hungary became joined with Austria ( ... )


Austria 2/2 touchofgenius May 9 2009, 20:30:24 UTC
First Person (entry type): What an interesting name this place has. So, I assume this community is about plays and the like? I certainly hope everyone here is welcoming to the other arts, as well. Personally, I enjoy the piano. Although the violin is a fine instrument as well, wouldn’t you agree? Oh, how rude of me to not introduce myself. I am Roderich Edelstein, but most people simply call me Austria. I eagerly await getting to know all of you a bit better. Perhaps you can tell me a bit about the countries you live in? I would love to hear about all the different cultures that exist outside of Europe. I would really appreciate learning something about your home’s music, in particular. Danke schön!

Third Person: His practiced hands touched the keys, ending the silence that had become heavy. Roderich’s eyes closed as he listened to his playing. He’d practiced this melody so many times before he didn’t even need to look at the music. It was better that way; the passion was much more obvious when the fundamentals had been memorized. ( ... )


REJECTED carnality May 20 2009, 04:10:24 UTC
I'm sorry but this application has been rejected. The samples do not show an adequate enough grasp of character, though the history and personality were nearly perfect. I thoroughly recommend hashing him out in a dressing room or a place like dear_mun, you've nearly got him, his voice just sounds off.

I think it's just the first person sounds almost too formal? It comes off more stiff than elegant, if that makes sense? But yes, almost there! Please feel free to apply again. ♥


poison_prison May 9 2009, 23:03:16 UTC
Mariya Shidou
Player nickname: Fuu
Player LJ: Poison_Prison
Way to contact you:
AIM: lycanthrope1530
Are you at least 15?: Yes :3
Current Characters: Fuu Hououji, Simon the Digger, Itsuki Tachibana

Character: Mariya Shidou (pre-canon)
Fandom: Maria+Holic
Character Notes:
History: I suppose a good place to start would be to say that Mariya's late grandmother was the chairman of two prestigious religious schools, separated by gender. The heirs to these schools were the Shidou twins, Mariya and Shizu. When she passed on, she left this challenge to decide who would inherit chairmanship of both schools: Each of the twins would attend the school meant for the opposite gender, to get to know how the opposite gender thought. Mariya would attend Ame no Kisaki and Shizu, the connected boy's school. If either of them was found out to be their real gender, they would lose chairmanship and the other would win. Mariya went with this for his entire school career, until, one day, the day before he ( ... )


>_> There was totally a title for Mariya on the first one :D 2/2 poison_prison May 9 2009, 23:03:58 UTC
First Person (entry type):
[Strikes can't be seen :D]
This is strange. I wonder if my computer has contracted some sort of virus, as this is the only website I can access. The hell is this place? Ducks and Drama? What a bore. Probably some kid's idea of having fun. Morons. Since it's a networking site of some sort, I should introduce myself, shouldn't I? I'm Mariya Shidou, and I'll be entering my first year of high school in a few days, at Ame no Kisake, the pretegious girl's Christian school. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I've sent Matsurika-chan to fetch a programmer from the school. Really how long is she going to take? Useless. Unfortunately, they're rather inexperienced, as dorm students are not allowed to have personal computers, and it is rare for the school's systems to break down. Will something like that work? Feed back would be most appreciated! ^_^

Third Person:The theme of the picnic was “strawberries,” he read off of his invitation. Strawberries. Why strawberries? Mariya hated ( ... )


APPROVED carnality May 20 2009, 04:11:02 UTC
Approved! Please follow the instructions below:

» Add yourself to the Taken Character's List; make sure the rest of your information is up to date.
» Start adding people from the Friend Add List.
» Read the Player Guide to refresh yourself on rules and policies.
» Introduce your new character at triple_d_ooc.
» Go ahead and intro your character on dramadramaduck! ♥


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APPROVED carnality May 20 2009, 04:13:25 UTC
Approved! Please follow the instructions below:

» Add yourself to the Taken Character's List.
» Start adding people from the Friend Add List.
» Read the New Player Guide.
» Introduce yourself in triple_d_ooc.
» Go ahead and intro your character on dramadramaduck! ♥


Mail Jeevas 1/? obloquy May 10 2009, 08:57:54 UTC
Player nickname: Nika
Player LJ: morte_dolce
Way to contact you:
AIM: grayskylullaby
Other: N/A
Are you at least 15?: Yes.
Current Characters: N/A

Character: Mail Jeevas/Matt
Fandom: Death Note (manga)
Character Notes:
History: Matt doesn't have much canon history. We do know that he was orphaned at a young age and grew up at the prestigious Wammy's House in Winchester, England alongside Mello and Near. Wammy's House was more than just an orphanage, however, as it prided itself on housing the extremely intelligent and gifted children. While this was all fine and dandy for some kids, Matt wasn't particularly driven to become the next 'L' as some of the others were. Thus, he was happy seated in third place for his time there ( ... )


Mail Jeevas 2/3 obloquy May 10 2009, 08:59:07 UTC
Other: Matt smokes like a chimney. His smokes and his goggles are the two most important possessions he has currently. Take those away, and he may very likely be a mess.

Additional Links: Have a wiki link!

First Person (Voice & Webcam): [The screen flickers and then adjusts to show a goggled boy sitting in front of the monitor. Numerous computers can be seen in the background and if you're looking close enough, so can cigarette smoke.]

Hey, "Dramadramaduck". I have to commend you on your ability to do what most cannot. That is, take control of most of my computers and lock them onto one site. I would give you a round of applause, but you may take that as a sign you're winning. Which you're not, by the way. I'll find a way.

My name? Is this a joke? If this is some Candid Camera shit, you're not doing it right. [A sigh as he reaches for the cigarette off screen and take a drag. There are a few moments of silence.] You can call me Matt.


Mail Jeevas 3/3 obloquy May 10 2009, 08:59:29 UTC
Third Person: Prompt: Rain
It's raining again. It always seems to be here. Matt inclines his head away from the computer screen to stare at the single window in his dark apartment. The drops of water are practically pounding on the fragile set glass, shaking it as if to purposefully make that awful rattling noise. He sighs and draws his gaze back to the computer screen. Five more passwords to go... It's not going to be long until he's done with his current client's request ( ... )


APPROVED carnality May 20 2009, 04:14:43 UTC
Approved! Please follow the instructions below:

» Add yourself to the Taken Character's List.
» Start adding people from the Friend Add List.
» Read the New Player Guide.
» Introduce yourself in triple_d_ooc.
» Go ahead and intro your character on dramadramaduck! ♥


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