APPLICATIONS -- 2009; 001

May 09, 2009 13:33

new application post is located here.

this post will remain open until october 22nd, 2009.


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>_> There was totally a title for Mariya on the first one :D 2/2 poison_prison May 9 2009, 23:03:58 UTC
First Person (entry type):
[Strikes can't be seen :D]
This is strange. I wonder if my computer has contracted some sort of virus, as this is the only website I can access. The hell is this place? Ducks and Drama? What a bore. Probably some kid's idea of having fun. Morons. Since it's a networking site of some sort, I should introduce myself, shouldn't I? I'm Mariya Shidou, and I'll be entering my first year of high school in a few days, at Ame no Kisake, the pretegious girl's Christian school. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I've sent Matsurika-chan to fetch a programmer from the school. Really how long is she going to take? Useless. Unfortunately, they're rather inexperienced, as dorm students are not allowed to have personal computers, and it is rare for the school's systems to break down. Will something like that work? Feed back would be most appreciated! ^_^

Third Person:
The theme of the picnic was “strawberries,” he read off of his invitation. Strawberries. Why strawberries? Mariya hated strawberries. They were bitter little fruits with almost no nutritional value-from what he understood, you burned more calories chewing than you gained from them-and the little seeds annoyed him. He didn't understand what girls found so amazing about them, but he'd yet to meet a girl who said she disliked strawberries. So he ate them, too. Over the years, he'd had a lot of trouble blending in. This was something trivial. It had been much easier in elementary school when all he had to do was wear a dress and keep quiet about his extra parts. Somewhere in middle school, all the girls hit puberty, and, of course, he had to follow suit. Now that he was older, the corset and fake breasts were becoming more and more awkward. He could rarely take them off, or risk losing the bet.

Frustrated, he sighed and tossed the invitation into the trash, before spinning around in his chair, to face Matsurika. He held out his feet for her. She slipped his loafers onto them. She then handed him his school bag.

Mariya smiled, and laughed a little as he passed a mirror. Ready to start the day.


APPROVED carnality May 20 2009, 04:11:02 UTC
Approved! Please follow the instructions below:

» Add yourself to the Taken Character's List; make sure the rest of your information is up to date.
» Start adding people from the Friend Add List.
» Read the Player Guide to refresh yourself on rules and policies.
» Introduce your new character at triple_d_ooc.
» Go ahead and intro your character on dramadramaduck! ♥


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