APPLICATIONS -- 2009; 001

May 09, 2009 13:33

new application post is located here.

this post will remain open until october 22nd, 2009.


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Mail Jeevas 1/? obloquy May 10 2009, 08:57:54 UTC
Player nickname: Nika
Player LJ: morte_dolce
Way to contact you:
AIM: grayskylullaby
Other: N/A
Are you at least 15?: Yes.
Current Characters: N/A

Character: Mail Jeevas/Matt
Fandom: Death Note (manga)
Character Notes:
History: Matt doesn't have much canon history. We do know that he was orphaned at a young age and grew up at the prestigious Wammy's House in Winchester, England alongside Mello and Near. Wammy's House was more than just an orphanage, however, as it prided itself on housing the extremely intelligent and gifted children. While this was all fine and dandy for some kids, Matt wasn't particularly driven to become the next 'L' as some of the others were. Thus, he was happy seated in third place for his time there.

He got along well with the other children he bothered to speak with and had no trouble making friends, but he wasn't a very social child and would rather keep to his video games and computers. The two children he did get to know were in the top seats at Wammy's, Mello and Near. Given Near's almost indifferent nature, Matt preferred to be around the more animated (not to mention violent) Mello. Mello and Near would soon be the only people he kept touch with upon leaving Wammy's.

When the news of L's death came, Wammy's House became somewhere Matt couldn't see himself taking residency in anymore. Mello had left and Near soon followed, Matt was left with an environment he no longer felt like tolerating and made his own departure. It isn't known where exactly he went or what exactly he did, but it seems implied that he kept contact with Mello.

It's easy to say that in their time apart, Matt continued with using the skills he acquired at Wammy's and did some freelance work. With his ability to deftly hack into almost any computer system and his eye for detail, Matt could be very valuable to anyone seeking assistance in that field. As true to his nature, he never gives out his real name and always works under an Alias. Leaving a metaphorical bread crumb trail isn't in his wiring.

Personality: Matt is in all senses antisocial. He doesn't enjoy surrounding himself with people or entertaining them. Given the opportunity, he is able to make friends and has quite the character to back it up. Most of his social interaction comes from his work or Mello though. While working, Matt is quite the charmer and can come off as confident and casual. With that said, he's good at pretending.

When his guard is down, Matt is a pretty weird guy. He likes to talk about video games and make awkward jokes that only he seems to get. He doesn't smile very often, but is good at making strange faces when he's thinking or bored. It's really a surprise Mello tolerates that relatively well. He should though, given that Mello is really the only person aside from Near (on occasion) that gets to see that side of him.


Mail Jeevas 2/3 obloquy May 10 2009, 08:59:07 UTC
Other: Matt smokes like a chimney. His smokes and his goggles are the two most important possessions he has currently. Take those away, and he may very likely be a mess.

Additional Links: Have a wiki link!

First Person (Voice & Webcam): [The screen flickers and then adjusts to show a goggled boy sitting in front of the monitor. Numerous computers can be seen in the background and if you're looking close enough, so can cigarette smoke.]

Hey, "Dramadramaduck". I have to commend you on your ability to do what most cannot. That is, take control of most of my computers and lock them onto one site. I would give you a round of applause, but you may take that as a sign you're winning. Which you're not, by the way. I'll find a way.

My name? Is this a joke? If this is some Candid Camera shit, you're not doing it right. [A sigh as he reaches for the cigarette off screen and take a drag. There are a few moments of silence.] You can call me Matt.


Mail Jeevas 3/3 obloquy May 10 2009, 08:59:29 UTC
Third Person: Prompt: Rain
It's raining again. It always seems to be here. Matt inclines his head away from the computer screen to stare at the single window in his dark apartment. The drops of water are practically pounding on the fragile set glass, shaking it as if to purposefully make that awful rattling noise. He sighs and draws his gaze back to the computer screen. Five more passwords to go... It's not going to be long until he's done with his current client's request.

He leans back against the shabby denim blue couch that looks as if he picked it up off of the sidewalk and reaches for the pack of cigarettes that was casually tossed aside minutes ago. He shakes the pack and slides one out, placing it loosely between his lips and going for his lighter almost immediately after. The light the flame generates flickers on his features, causing a glare to spark in his goggles. After lighting his cigarette, he takes a deep drag and reaches up to remove the goggles. He sets them delicately next to his leg, careful not to mess them up in any way.

The rain reminds him of Wammy's House, of all the things that were long past. Sure, Mello called every now and then, but Mello had a way about him that screamed at him to keep looking forward, never behind. Another drag of his cigarette and he's looking at the window again. It looks different without his goggles, as if he really it isn't reality. He isn't sure when that pair of goggles became his safety net. That job used to solely rest on the cigarettes. But before that... The image his mind conjures up reminds him to keep moving forward and he can't help but smile, fingertips ghosting over the lenses of his goggles.

Sometimes the rain was all right.


APPROVED carnality May 20 2009, 04:14:43 UTC
Approved! Please follow the instructions below:

» Add yourself to the Taken Character's List.
» Start adding people from the Friend Add List.
» Read the New Player Guide.
» Introduce yourself in triple_d_ooc.
» Go ahead and intro your character on dramadramaduck! ♥


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