Nov 15, 2008 10:18
If you saw ME in a police car, for what would you think I got arrested?
Answer me, then if you want, post to your own journal and see which crimes would suit you.
Sep 21, 2007 20:56
Robert Jordan died. The bastard died and I think I'm the only person who has read every single one of his fifty brazilian books in the WOT series and was still hoping he would polish it off before he kicked the bucket.
Anybody for a seance? I want answers damn it!!!
Jun 21, 2007 19:48
Reason #372 that I am going to hell. While coming back from Maggie Moo's with Zach, I see a sign for St. Patrick's Behavioral Health Hospital. The first thought upon seeing this is something like "Dude, they should hire a midget to dress up as a leprechaun(sp?) and have him periodically run down the hall!"
Dec 05, 2006 16:17
Hey the finally let me on myspace. I am officially a statistic, well I've been one for a while now(ever since that first wreck) but hey it's all good. The name is the same because I am boring like that
and uh...
...Oh yeah CAFFEINE RULES!!!
Sep 11, 2006 18:03
"Due to my massive knowledge of all that is holy I have discovered that it only took God six days to create the Earth. On the Seventh he was thirsty, so he made Code Red."