sticks and stones may break my bones but slut shamers exhaust me

Feb 04, 2011 00:36

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ETA: basically, don't bother reading my post, because this one on racialicious is way better than mine, and touches on the same things. also i suck really hard for not living up to all the intersectionality i talk for not touching on race at all in my post. seriously, i am a sucky asshole. read racialicious always.if you have something to say ( Read more... )

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Comments 28

kira_lynn February 4 2011, 17:46:48 UTC
i am so glad you are on my reading list now!
i like your problematizing

also Yes Means Yes changed my life.


tree_of_jessie February 4 2011, 22:18:18 UTC
aw, thank you!!

yeah, it changed mine, too. i am constantly using the dancing model to explain enthusiastic consent to people. it is pretty much perfect.

also, it has kate harding in it. MAJOR GIRLBONERS!!


audrawilliams February 5 2011, 22:22:53 UTC
Love you, love this post. Super disappointed in El-P.


tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 05:29:58 UTC
mega love!<3

it's funny how you and jesse say the same thing.

glad you liked it! check out my edits, if you like.


matthewgoodband February 6 2011, 15:55:50 UTC
So I watched this video (procrastinating studying so hard) and I thought I was going to hate it and be on the other side of this argument but I'm not. I didn't find the video offensive at all mainly because I don't find any of the images to be really shocking or out there. I approve of this song and video much more readily than I approve of something like Rude Boy (which I don't approve of for different reasons). The only scene of the video that is in any way not "mainstream" in my eyes is the like Japanese bondage part and even then, it doesn't shock me. I think they shot the video in such a playful way that it's hard to really take it seriously and be upset about it.


tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 05:37:23 UTC
is it weird if i say i miss procrastinating studying? haha, i miss university so hard.

oh, you know, i am not uncritical of rihanna (i'm not exactly wild about the rude boy video either, and i hate the video for hard), i just think the critiques in this case are way off the mark and kindof dangerous. i am super interested in hearing anything you'd have to say on rude boy though, if you are willing to share!


matthewgoodband March 1 2011, 19:48:57 UTC
To be honest, I haven't watched the Rude Boy music video in its entirety. It just irks me. I don't know how to really put it into words. I mean, S&M is "wilder" than Rude Boy but it's more fun and campy. I think Rude Boy (and it's been a long time since I've heard it so.. bear with me here) is a little less about kink and a little more about mind games? When it came out, essentially, I thought it was irresponsible for her to release it as a single while everyone is talking about her abuse. I also hate it because it's an awful song. Idk.. I dislike "Love the Way You Lie" more.. I'm not good at expressing myself, especially rn because I'm in a class I don't understand. :(


tree_of_jessie March 1 2011, 21:47:35 UTC
yeah, i think we can probably all agree that 'love the way you lie' should never have happened in the first place, and should really just get sucked into a black hole of some sort.

thank you for the effort, though. i appreciate your trying even though it was tough for you.


I love you and this post! littlegirltoast February 7 2011, 03:05:44 UTC
I have a few quick points that feel like less than this big juicy plate of thoughts deserve, but I gotta smang the hay pretty soon and I'd rather say something than nothing ( ... )


Re: I love you and this post! littlegirltoast February 7 2011, 03:06:00 UTC
oh that wasn't a few quick points at all.


Re: I love you and this post! littlegirltoast February 7 2011, 03:06:36 UTC
I think I need to undertake an analysis that overlays this video and Kanye & co's "Monster" horror movie.


Re: I love you and this post! tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 08:33:44 UTC
pleeeeease write it!! FOR ME!!!


ladykutenay February 7 2011, 11:26:46 UTC
This is a fantastic post Marianne Kirby wrote on the topic that maybe you have seen already but here you are!


tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 05:39:43 UTC
i had already seen it, but thanks for bringing it up, because i totally hadn't thought of it at all while writing this post, and that's a good resource to have. i've added the link to my post now. :) thanks again for that, that's awesome!!

basically i kindof wish marianne would write about sex always and forever. much like kate was always really good at writing about current events-y things, i feel like marianne is really strong at/has so much untapped potential in writing about sex. i should start a campaign or something! haha!


littlegirltoast February 9 2011, 18:56:10 UTC
I was so silly and didn't look at the date and wrote a ton of responses in the comments and no-one will ever see them because I am a fool!


tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 19:46:32 UTC
lies. i went there specifically just to read them, and read them all.


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