sticks and stones may break my bones but slut shamers exhaust me

Feb 04, 2011 00:36

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ETA: basically, don't bother reading my post, because this one on racialicious is way better than mine, and touches on the same things. also i suck really hard for not living up to all the intersectionality i talk for not touching on race at all in my post. seriously, i am a sucky asshole. read racialicious always.if you have something to say ( Read more... )

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I love you and this post! littlegirltoast February 7 2011, 03:05:44 UTC
I have a few quick points that feel like less than this big juicy plate of thoughts deserve, but I gotta smang the hay pretty soon and I'd rather say something than nothing ( ... )


Re: I love you and this post! littlegirltoast February 7 2011, 03:06:00 UTC
oh that wasn't a few quick points at all.


Re: I love you and this post! littlegirltoast February 7 2011, 03:06:36 UTC
I think I need to undertake an analysis that overlays this video and Kanye & co's "Monster" horror movie.


Re: I love you and this post! tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 08:33:44 UTC
pleeeeease write it!! FOR ME!!!


Re: I love you and this post! tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 08:33:10 UTC
no, because you are awesome.


Re: I love you and this post! tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 08:32:15 UTC
jesse i always super appreciate your thoughts! thanks for always being so willing to share them with me; you help me grow as a thinky person so much all the time. gratitude!!

- i was not unaware of el-p's history as a witness to his mother's abuse. he actually brought that up himself in the middle of his several tweet tirade against this song (which i'm sure you saw at the time; i'm just refreshing your memory here). i just linked the tweet i did, because i thought it best summed up what i had a problem with about the things he (and several other people on my radar) was saying. i just don't really think i'm prepared to forgive him at all for it. to be honest, i think i'm actually angrier about this because of the way he invoked his past.

remember how this summer i showed you that gavin de becker book, and we had that conversation about the part where he was like: people send me letters every time i say something victim blamey telling me that i don't understand. well i do understand, i understand intimately (because his parents had ( ... )


Re: I love you and this post! tree_of_jessie February 9 2011, 08:32:30 UTC
- sexualiy is so fuckin' tricky like that, right? people are tricky, triggers are tricky, and i am certainly sensitive to all of that. for me, i am absolutely a person who believes the 100% most important thing when someone is feeling personal distress over being triggered by something like this is to remove the source and address those feelings immediately. my comfort and intellectual interest in something like this sit way closer to the top of the maslow-esque hierarchy of needs when it comes to someone's distress over anything. but the thing is? i have yet to see/hear someone report being triggered by this video. it's not that i don't believe in the possibility, but rather that that is not what the overwhelming commentary has been about at all, and the stuff people have actually been addressing has got me pretty pissed off ( ... )


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