Give Me a Stone, I'll Build You a Castle

Jan 31, 2010 21:29

Title: Give Me a Stone, I'll Build You a Castle
Author: robinfanatic 
Words: 6003
Characters: Much/Eve, the gang, Sir Jasper, Thornton & others
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance, het
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own; I just want to play in their universe
Spoilers: 3x13
Notes: written for rh_intercomm; takes place post 3x13 and could be seen as a sequel to Where Darkness Falls the Stars Do Shine; huge thanks to betas wastingyourgum & darkentwisted 
Summary:  Sir Jasper is coming to Nottingham...

Give Me a Stone, I'll Build You a Castle
by robinfanatic

Married. He was married. To Eve.

Much closed the door of Locksley Manor behind Thornton and the gang and turned to see his beautiful wife - his wife - run up the stairs. He twisted the band on his ring finger, smiled, then clambered up the stairs two at a time. At the landing he stopped, took a deep breath, pressed down his tunic, tugged at the hem, then walked into the bedroom.

"Well..." he said.

"Well," Eve nodded. She sat on the edge of the bed, hands folded in her lap. Candlelight glinted off her hair and lit her face like an angel's. She looked coyly at Much. "Nervous?"

"'Course not." Much tipped his head from side to side then nodded that little sideways nod. "Well, maybe."

Eve tapped the bed. "Why don't you come sit?"

Much joined her on the bed and kicked off his boots when he noticed her shoes had been flung across the room. "Better," he said. "Are you, you know, nervous?"

"A little," Eve replied, her hand resting on his thigh. "Funny, isn't it?"

Much turned, his eyes exploring her nose, forehead, cheeks, and chin. He liked every bit of what he saw. "What?" He moved closer and savored her warm breath brushing his face.

"We have seen each other naked..." she replied, averting her eyes for a moment.

"But we were in the bath," he reminded her innocently. "Bathing."

"So what should we do?" Eve asked, her lips and eyes beckoning him closer.

Much leaned in and kissed her gently, like their first kiss. His hands cupped her face. He tickled her lips, his tongue tracing 'round them 'til she giggled a bit allowing them to part. He explored every sweet crevice whilst his hand moved along her neck, across her shoulder, then slid slowly to her breast. He cupped it, kneading, circling his thumb against the nub he felt hardening beneath her clothes.

Eve moaned softly, then joined in the gentle explorations. Her hands tugged at Much's tunic, winding beneath it when she'd loosed it from his leggings. Her palms probed the lines of his well-muscled abs. Much shivered as her fingers tweaked one nipple and curled through the hair on his chest and she kissed him more deeply.

Eve's hand inched up Much's thigh. Anticipation sent a fiery ache through his body. Suddenly shy, she trembled as she found the laces of his leggings. She was no longer the practised servant - she needed him, wanted him desperately as his wife and lover. She took her time, though if truth be told, it was more nerves that stalled her attempt to untie the laces. She fingered them, rubbed her hand against his groin, cupped and squeezed him gently, delighting in the moans that escaped his throat. Eve kissed his neck, his shoulder, as he pressed himself against her. Her hand finally slid beneath his leggings and she wrapped her fingers around him eliciting a gasp.

The laces of Eve's dress gave way easily to Much's care, her flesh warmer and softer than he ever imagined. He caressed her breast, felt her heart beating against the palm of his hand, and felt his own pound as her body responded to his touch. Much pressed Eve back on the bed, his hand running up her leg beneath her dress. He trailed kisses down her neck, suckled at her breast, then paused only long enough to remove her dress. Eve helped him push his leggings off. His tunic found the floor next. She pulled him back down to feel his naked flesh against hers, then covered his mouth with her own as he slowly took her body. She already had his soul.


The light from a dozen candles danced off the walls illuminating the bedroom in a soft whitish hue. Eve was curled up beside him and he reveled in the warmth radiating from her body. Much gazed on her face wondering why he'd ever stopped dreaming that they could be together. And now that she was his wife, his lover, he knew they would always have each other. She looked so beautiful, sleeping so peacefully. He was tempted to run his finger along her cheek but was afraid she might wake... and he suddenly realized that could mean their last day at Locksley was at hand. He shivered against that thought, pressed his lips to her forehead, and closed his eyes. One day, three, four... his heart would never be ready.


"They're coming!" the young boy shouted as he ran through the village. He had no trouble spotting Little John outside the stables near the manor house. "They're coming! They're in Nottingham inspecting the ruins."

"How many, Matthew?" Little John asked the nine year old, knowing it might be hours before any entourage arrived at Locksley.

"Couple of fancy dressed nobles, four carriages, and lots of soldiers!" the dark-haired boy replied.

"Lots? How many is lots?"

The youngster pressed both hands in front of him. His face scrunched into a frown as he thought hard about what he'd seen. "More than my fingers, Little John. What's going to happen now?"

"It'll be all right, Matthew." More than ten soldiers. Could be forty, fifty, a hundred, John thought, trying not to let dread creep into his voice. "You remember what we talked about. You musn't tell the nobles that we were here. We won't be able to help the villages if they know."

Matthew pressed his fingers across his lips and gave John a wink. "They won't be like old sheriff, will they, Little John? He was mean and nasty. I saw him here before. He was ugly and bald and had a funny tooth."

John laughed and clapped the youngster on the back. "We'll hope things will be better. That's all we can do. Now would you do something else for me?"

"Yes sir!" Matthew's face lit up.

"Would you find Kate and Archer? They were visiting Kate's mother. Tell them to meet me at the manor."

"I can do that, Little John!" He waved as he ran toward Rebecca's house, content with John's word that everything would be fine.

John felt his shoulders sag. They'd had almost a week to enjoy living like normal people. Sleeping in a bed. Not eating Much's squirrel stew. His stomach clenched. It wasn't that he hated the idea of going back to Sherwood - he was so used to living in the wood that life in the forest was second nature. What he dreaded was the return of the 'law' - Sir Jasper's law, Prince John's law. He knew that also meant rebuilding Nottingham, which would be good for all the surrounding villages... but if the rule of law was anything like that under Vaizey - not good.

Life at Locksley Manor was far from normal. Thornton insisted that Much stay at the house, assuring him he'd have plenty of time to pack his few meager belongings when they knew Sir Jasper was on his way. Much still had bad days when thoughts of Robin's death overwhelmed him. And John knew he worried about the plan for Eve to remain behind when they left - Robin Hood's eyes and ears on Sir Jasper and the Prince.

Much and Eve were doing their best to keep their marriage secret from the villagers. Thornton had sent all the house servants to their homes for the week - he and Eve would take care of the master. Inside the manor the young couple were happily married newlyweds. When the door opened, Eve was Thornton's niece, come to Locksley after her mother's passing, serving as another of the house servants. If anyone suspected there was more to her presence than that, it was not mentioned.

John knocked insistently on the door. "It's time," he told Eve when she appeared.

Eve pursed her lips and nodded. "Come in."

"John! Look at--" Much stopped mid-sentence. The look on John's face told him that it was time to go. Much was on his feet and at Eve's side. She leaned her head against his shoulder and sought his hand.

"Kate and Archer should be here shortly. We can head to the camp together." He looked at his two young friends. He knew he couldn't hate this more than they did, but he remembered so clearly the day he'd left Alice behind. At least they both knew their parting would not last forever. God willing. "I'll see if Thornton can pack us some food for tonight and let you two say good-bye," he added as he headed into the kitchen.


"Do not say a word, Much," she smiled, turning in his arms. "You promised."

"I know but I will worry about you."

"As I will. I love you, husband."

"I love you, Eve." Much brushed her lips with a tender kiss. Eve's arms slid around his waist. His hands cupped her face. "If you so much as suspect that Sir Jasper knows--"

Eve's fingers silenced the words Much wanted to say. "I will come to Sherwood. Promise."

"When will I see you?" Much asked, knowing they'd talked about where they would meet each of the last five days.

"Two days, just as we agreed."

"I don't know if I can wait that long...  I'm not even gone and I miss you already. And my heart will ache because I know what it's like to love someone, to be loved, and to live as husband and wife."

Eve's blue eyes grew moist. "It has been glorious... and it will be again."

"When the king returns," Much said sadly.

"I don't want it to end either but we both knew it would. Come - let's get your things," she said, tugging at his hands, pulling him up the stairs, hoping her playfulness hid the grief she felt. She couldn't let him see that she was dying inside, too. "You have important work to do. The villages all around Nottingham need you." She stopped, winking at him when they reached the top of the stairs. "And so do I."

"Now?" Much asked, certain he heard the suggestion in his wife's voice.

There was a knock at the front door. Much's face fell but before he could say a word Eve shouted down the stairs. "Would one of you answer that?" She didn't wait for a reply but shoved Much toward the bedroom.

The two lovers' hands tangled in their clothing, pushing, pulling, exploring bare skin as they found the bed and quickly fell into it. Much's hands moved up Eve's thighs as she loosed the laces of his leggings. She whimpered softly, his touch gentle and loving against her. Much moaned as her hand wrapped his hard member. Their tongues dueled, each breath savored as they panted into each other. Much pulled Eve closer, his aching groin meeting the moist folds of skin that captured him. He whispered tender words as he thrust into her. Eve wrapped her legs around him, tugging his buttocks to feel him fully inside her. His mouth caressed hers as their bodies found a rhythm and they both sailed to the edge, hearts pounding, breaths short, then release. Much kissed her again, then looked deeply into her eyes and pledged to her that his love would never end.

"Go - hurry," she said, pressing her lips to his cheek.

Much rose quickly, tucked himself back in, grabbed a bag from the alcove, and started to leave. He turned, his eyes sad but filled with hope. "Two days."

Eve blew him kiss. He shut the door as he walked away and didn't see the tears that spilled down her cheeks.


Archer eyed Much coming down the stairs. Before he'd worked with the gang, Robin's younger half-brother would have had some lewd comment to throw at a man emerging from a bedroom - especially one whose face was still flustered from the afterglow of sex. Archer had come a long way. He recognized, even respected, that some relationships were for keeps, and some people truly were meant for each other. He had only known Much a few days but decided they could be more than brothers-in-arms. They would be family.

"She'll be fine, Much," he told the older man.

Much nodded. "Right. We have work to do," he said as John and Kate appeared with several bundles in their hands.

"A little help here would be nice," Kate said, holding two of the packs out.

Archer grabbed one, Much took the other. John tipped his head. "To the forest?"

Much sucked in a deep breath and shot a fleeting glance upstairs. "To Sherwood."


"Well, well, well. How lovely. A bit small," Jasper said as he inspected the manor house. He turned his attention to the line of servants. "You--"

"I am Thornton, Sir Jasper."

Jasper waved his hand with a flourish. "Thornton - you're the main house man I assume. You've been here--?"

"For years, sir," Thornton said dryly.

Jasper smirked. "Served that scoundrel, Robin of Locksley."

"That is correct, sir," Thornton replied, "until the Sheriff appointed Sir Guy of Gisborne as overseer."

Jasper chuckled. "And you've outlived them all."

"Apparently so, Sir Jasper, though there are rumours--"

"Rumours?" he frowned, turning on his heels. "What is this?"

"That Robin Hood still lives. We hear it from the surrounding villages, milord."

Jasper snorted. "I shall want to know if anyone actually sees this Robin Hood. We cannot have him continuing his outlaw ways." Jasper walked past the line of servants - Mary, Sarah, Eve, Thomas, and William. He sniffed, turning his nose up at the girls but studied both of the young men with the eyes of a vulture. "Cousin," he said, turning to the slightly younger, slightly thinner, dark-haired noble who was conducting his own inspection of the premises. "Do you think this will do?"

Sir Martin, the son of Jasper's uncle on his father's side, removed his deep brown velvety cape and handed it to Mary, the eldest of the female house servants. "It is rather small, Jasper, but it appears to be clean and well kept. And if it is the largest manor house in the shire, it will suffice." He sighed, running his hand along the table, looking toward the kitchen then back to the parlour. "We shall have quarters ready in Nottingham before the feast of St. John."

"So soon?" Eve questioned eagerly. She quickly lowered her head realizing she had spoken out of turn.

Martin turned his head to the young maiden, walked over, and tilted her chin up. "Pretty and inquisitive," he said, his eyes studying her face. He turned away almost as quickly and Eve pushed back the lump in her throat. She and Much had not counted on Sir Martin. "If you must know, it is my job to rebuild the castle as Prince John fully intends to use Nottingham as his court when he returns from Aquitaine in due course. As soon as the first phase of building is complete in April, I will leave your lovely manor house. The new Sheriff will appoint an overseer at that time." He looked at Jasper. "Is that not right, cousin?"

Jasper bowed with a slight nod. He turned to Thornton. "See to it that our bags are carefully removed from the carriages."

"Of course, Sir Jasper. There are two bedrooms upstairs. Would you and Sir Martin care to discuss your accomodations?" Thornton pointed Thomas and William to the door and the two young men quickly scampered outside.

From the trees, Much and Little John watched the procession of bags and goods unloaded. There were twenty soldiers, too, one of whom shouted orders at the others and grabbed a couple of villagers to help settle their horses in the stables. He spoke with two other men who pointed to houses that had remained empty after Vaizey commandeered the camp for his mercenaries. Some families, booted from their homes, had never returned.

"This I do not like," John growled.

"At least they won't have to turn anyone else out."

"Let's hope more are not on the way."

Much rubbed his hands together for warmth. "Who do you suppose that other noble is?"

"We'll find out soon enough. C'mon, let's catch up with the others. We'll need to stock the wood up again. Back to the forest for us." John turned to walk away but Much kept staring at the manor hoping for one more look at his wife. John patted his back. "You're a lucky man, Much."

"Leaving the woman I love with the enemy? I don't feel very lucky." He pushed himself up off the ground and suddenly realized how Robin must've felt when Marian was in the castle, and even before that when they were off fighting for glory and adventure. He knew Robin felt sad but it struck him that perhaps his heart ached, too. In the Holy Land my master had dreams. He spoke your name...


Two days seemed like a hundred lifetimes. Much paced nervously but kept close watch on the road and surrounding forest. If anyone followed Eve from Locksley, he'd have to walk away from their meeting and miss her arms around him. It would also mean the gang would have to find another way to get information about Sir Jasper's intentions. But Eve appeared at the appointed time with nary another soul in sight. Much whistled, then beckoned to her from the trees. Eve ran into his arms and they shared a chaste kiss.

"Let me show you what Kate and Tuck have done," he said.

At the top of the rise, hidden amongst overgrown bushes and fallen tree limbs, blankets had been spread. A chunk of bread and a flask of wine lay off to one side. Eve smiled and Much kissed her again, his hands loosening the tie in her hair. He ran his hands through her golden brown silky locks then down her back. Her hands tugged his hips close to hers. Much trailed kisses down her neck, his strong hands slid down her arms and he pulled her slowly down to the ground. The rest of the world was forgotten for just a short while in passionate kisses, hot flesh, and pounding hearts.

The two lovers held onto each other long after the flush of their union faded. Much finally broke the silence. "We have so little time."

"I'll be missed if I don't get back to the manor soon." Eve ran her fingers through Much's hair and down his stubbled jaw line. There was nothing more that she'd like to do than to stay by her husband's side forever but she would not complain. She'd been the one to suggest her role as spy at Locksley and she was certain that her presence there would help Much and the gang, perhaps even keep them alive. She sat up and pressed her knees to her chest. "Sir Jasper has been named Sheriff."

"So he not only gets Locksley, he gets the shire, and the people's taxes," Much sighed. How were the people of Nottinghamshire going to pay taxes when their ability to sell the goods they made or grew had diminished greatly with the destruction of Nottingham? How could there be a market day when there was no market? As glad as he was to have seen the castle collapse into a pile of rubble, it meant even harder times for the people. "And the noble who arrived with him?"

"Sir Martin, cousin to Sir Jasper. He's been given the deed to rebuild Nottingham. He'll be recruiting builders from the villages over the next few days."

"Will he?" That actually could be good if people were to be paid a decent wage, Much thought as he drew up on his elbows.

"And more soldiers and craftsmen will arrive within the next week. Sir Martin fully intends to start work in the next few days. A number of villagers headed to the castle today to help clear the rubble."

"Will they get paid?"

"According to Sir Martin they will."

"So Sir Jasper can collect the tax money."

"And hopefully there will be some left for Robin Hood," Eve said slyly.

Much studied his wife's face. He could see her mind at work. "You will do nothing that puts you in danger. Promise me this?"

"I gave you my word, husband. I will be careful."

"More soldiers and craftsmen. More carriages for Robin Hood to pilfer."

"Take from the rich," Eve said.

"Give to the poor," Much added. He sat up, leaned close, and brushed her cheek with a kiss. His eyes grew bright. "New castle, eh?"

Eve didn't even have to ask what Much was thinking. "Sir Martin must have plans drawn up for the castle. The gang will need them to learn all the ways in and out."

"Oh please, not through the privies--"

Eve laughed. "You didn't?"

"Far too many times than I'd like to remember," Much said, scrunching his nose. "Disgusting!"

Eve stood, holding her hands out to help Much up. "It would mean another bath," she said coyly, throwing him a wink, "maybe with lavender."

"You sly... sly--"

Eve cut him off mid-sentence, covering his mouth with a passionate kiss. When he found his breath, he nodded that funny little sideways nod and said, "That just might be worth the sacrifice."

Eve tapped him playfully on the arm. Much grasped her hand as she attempted to pull away and brought it to his lips, breathing in the scent of her. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Remembering you," he said quietly. His fingers played along her face, combed through her hair and down her back, his hand pressing the small of her back to bring her closer. He kissed her again one last time before they agreed to meet in two days time. Much watched her disappear on the road then turned back to camp.


The first of a stream of carriages was spotted on the North Road the next day, a bit sooner than anyone expected. The bad news was that it meant more soldiers were arriving to guard all the precious cargo - food, building materials, and other items needed to support the rebuilding efforts. The good news was that the new Sheriff was not planning to billet any of his soldiers in local villages. A tent city grew up, expanding daily, within sight of what remained of Nottingham. Wreckage from the town and the castle was cleared, sorted into hundreds of piles of different shapes and sizes, which Sir Martin and his team of masons inspected and sorted further dependent on what might be reused. Former pub owners from the old town and a number of others set up kitchens and helped with cooking for the hundreds of labourers who seemed to be swarming into the shire on an hourly basis.

Sir Jasper attempted to make himself look useful by working closely with his master-at-arms. He was a quite dashing young fellow, tall and muscular with brownish hair and pale blue eyes, according to reports from several young maids. There were rumours, of course, that Sir Jasper had more than his eyes on the man, though the house servants at Locksley Manor weren't talking.

Eve closely watched the comings and goings of the two new masters, delighted that Sir Martin was gone from the house most of the day. She used the pretense of cleaning his room to check every nook and cranny for the plans for the new castle. To her dismay, she found nothing, and was upset that she had no news to share with Much on their next rendezvous. The two lovers did manage, however, to find other things to talk about.

Sir Jasper sent word out through the shire that market day would continue as usual though in the tent city. Eve and Mary walked toward town with many other villagers, all anxious to talk to the labourers, to see whether there was any sign of rebuilding, and to sell or buy goods. The influx of outsiders meant there were nearly as many options as there had been when Nottingham flourished, a welcome sight for those who wondered whether they would be able to make a living after the destruction of the town.

"Oooff!" Mary muttered when they spotted Sir Martin and his retinue of masons. "That man--"

"He's a pompous arse," Eve said. "Sarah told me that Thornton rescued her from his advances two days past. Poor girl."

"Why, Eve," Mary admonished, "what language coming from such a fine young lady!" She couldn't suppress a giggle. "I would've said something much worse."

At just that moment Sir Martin turned slightly, looked their way, and bowed slightly at the waist. Eve was about to pretend she hadn't noticed his greeting when she spotted the huge rolled parchment under his arm. She sucked in a breath and smiled, tipping her head at the man.

"Mary, quickly," Eve said, "I need your help." Eve had had no intention of involving any of the house servants from Locksley in her scheme, but she had to confide in someone. She might need Mary to rescue her if her plan failed. She tugged Mary toward one of the vendor's carts keeping her line of sight on Sir Martin and that parchment.

"What is it, child?" Mary asked.

"Shh," Eve said. "Pretend you're studying these vegetables."

"I don't have to pretend," the older woman replied. "We can use turnips, some cabbage and onions for a stew." She looked at Eve, noticed that her glance fell on Sir Martin. "Oh dear God, don't tell me you've changed your mind about the man--"

"No, of course not!" Eve's voice fell to a whisper. "See the papers he carries?" Mary turned but Eve caught her arm. "Don't let him see you looking at him."

"All right. He has papers, ya' say?" Mary frowned. "Oh, Eve, I don't think I like where this conversation is going..."

Eve smiled mischievously. As Mary placed the vegetables in a sack, she handed the vendor some coins then looped her arm through Mary's and the two women scooted away while Eve outlined her plan.


The early afternoon sun dipped behind clouds as Eve climbed the hill to meet Much. She was surprised not to find him there so she sat down and waited, bundling herself up to ward off the chill from the cool breeze that swept through Sherwood. After a while she began to pace back and forth nervously, looking toward the road, eying any movement in the trees. She refused to let herself think that something bad had happened.

A tree limb cracked and she turned as his smiling face appeared through the trees. She ran down the hillside into his arms. "I was beginning to worry," she told him as he slid his arms around her waist. She planted a kiss on his cheek as they walked to their hilltop retreat.

"We got sidetracked in Nettlestone," he said. "I helped Little John deliver Lizabeth Tanner's baby."

"Robbing the rich, giving to the poor, delivering babies - all in a day's work for Robin Hood's gang," Eve said. "And, one more thing..."

"You've got the plans for the castle?"

"No, but I know where they are and I'm going to need your help." Eve leaned close as if to whisper in Much's ear but instead of words he got a warm tongue. His head tipped back as she licked down his neck and her hands squeezed his arse. Her fingers made quick work of the laces on his leggings and Much felt a cool draft as Eve pressed them below his hips.

"I think I can help with that," he replied with a whimper as she dragged him down to the ground. But before he moved to lift her skirt, Eve disappeared between his legs and he felt her tongue flick the head of his cock. She took his length into her mouth. "Eve... oh Eve," he moaned as she brought him to climax. She moved up his chest and pressed his lips apart, letting him taste his own seed. "I love you," he whispered as they lay quietly in each other's arms.

"I need to get back to Locksley," she said, pressing her head into his shoulder. "Sir Jasper is throwing a party five days from now to thank the labourers for the progress they've made. We shall use that as a diversion. I know where Sir Martin keeps the plans. I'll get them from his quarters and we'll make a copy, returning them before anyone is the wiser."

"You are brilliant," Much said, planting a kiss on her forehead. "The gang will make certain that no one sees us."

Eve looked up. "Us?"

"Us," Much replied.


The moon was barely a sliver in the skies but the stars painted a canvas of diamonds across the heavens. The tent city was illuminated with brilliant bonfires and torches lined the makeshift streets. A lute player serenaded a small crowd and further up the road a group of jugglers entertained party-goers from the stage hastily constructed earlier in the day by Sir Martin's labourers. The scent of beef, pork, and lamb cooking over open fires wafted on the early evening breeze and for the first time for as long as Much could remember the smell didn't make him hungry. He squeezed Eve's hand and his blue eyes met hers - he needed nothing more than her by his side.

The rest of the gang had donned band costumes again and said a quiet thank you to Will Scarlett, whose brilliant idea once secured their admittance to another festival. Little John was quite relieved not to have bells; he gladly handed over that duty to Kate. Tuck carried the lute and Archer the harp that would turn to bow.

John pointed to a group of well-dressed people by the stage, amongst them Sir Jasper and his cousin. Good, he thought, far away from Sir Martin's building operations base tent.

Kate immediately noticed the new master-at-arms standing just a bit too close to Jasper, not that the new sheriff minded. "I just don't get it," she grumbled. "What does he see in that man?"

"He is a rather good looking chap," Tuck chimed in, causing all their heads to turn.

"Well, yeah--" Kate started to say.

"I'm better," Archer winked.

Kate whacked Archer in the arm and would've taken another jab at him if John hadn't caught her fist. "All right, children," he said. "I think we have work to do?"

The gang shared a laugh then Much and Eve wished their friends good luck and went on their way. The plan was in motion. They moved through the streets blending in with the crowds, slipping in between vendor tents, food carts, and entertainers. They were dressed as labourers and seemed right at home when they wandered through the part of tent city where the labourers lived. A few soldiers milled about the area just beyond the festival and others walked casually toward the action. There was no one on guard duty, just as they'd observed on previous evenings. It all seemed far too easy but they both remained alert for anything unusual.

They walked past their target then turned north and doubled back, scooting silently behind and between other tents. Much stood at the edge of the tent, scanned the area, and waved Eve ahead. She scampered inside, pausing 'til her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She beat a path to the table on one side of the tent and smiled. The plans for Nottingham Castle. A moment later, they were rolled up and in her hands. She placed them under her cape and slipped back out into the night, grabbing Much's hand as they made tail for one of the vendor tents that Mary had prepared for the occasion. The gang ensured that no one interrupted the art activities in said tent.

Much emerged from the tent with a sack that he handed to Little John. He looked at the others and grinned, "We're back!"

Fireworks blossomed overhead as Much and Eve slipped the original plans back into Sir Martin's tent.

"I thought the others would wait for us," Eve said as they left tent city behind and wandered back up the old North Road.

"It was getting late. I think Kate was tired. Little John wouldn't let her walk back to camp alone, then Archer decided he should walk with her." Much rested his head against Eve's for a moment. "I think there may be something going on between those two," he chuckled, "but I don't know what she sees in him."

Eve laughed and pressed her lips to Much's cheek. "Wait," she said as he started to leave the road to head to the outlaw camp, "Locksley?" She pointed, "That way."

"Oh," he said innocently. "I thought we might spend the night at our special place."

"A night? A whole night together?" she sighed. "Oh, Much, that sounds wonderful! Won't we need extra blankets? Some food for morn--"

Much stopped walking and gathered his arms around her. "Shh... all taken care of," he said. "I had a plan."

Eve cuffed Much's neck and pulled him close for a kiss that made his head spin and his body ache.

"Whew," he sighed when he found his breath. "Don't do that again else we might not make it to our favorite little spot!"

"Spoilsport!" she giggled, planting a shy kiss on his cheek.

Much's arms slid around her waist and they turned toward the wood. With all the planning and plotting to get a copy of the castle plans, they'd not met the past few days. They would've run up to the hilltop but there was very little light filtering through the tree canopy this evening and though they knew the area well, the slow walk let them enjoy enjoy the warmth of each other in the stillness of the forest.

Eve reached for the bag with the blankets they'd hidden amongst the bushes. "It's gone." She looked 'round the area, listened for the sounds that someone might be nearby, then turned to her husband. "Much?"

Much took her hand and led her a little further along the crest of the hill. Soft light filtered through another stand of bushes. Much pressed aside some branches and led Eve into a 'room' illuminated by two glowing lanterns. Her face lit up and she slowly turned and looked around the camp. There was a small table with two large rocks as chairs and a small grill to cook over. A couple of pots hung from a nearby tree. Blankets covered a bed that jutted out from the side of a small boulder. "Oh Much-- I can't believe you did this for us. It's... it's wonderful!" she exclaimed, her eyes moist with tears.

"I had a bit of help," he said. "It's not Bonchurch, and it's certainly not Locksley--"

"But it's ours!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him. She pulled back when she felt something hard pressing against her belly...and it was not his groin sending that particular signal. "Much, do you have something in your pocket?"

He laughed. "Oh... I almost forgot. I picked it up from one of the wreckage piles in town. One day, Eve, one day," he said, pulling a rather large chunk of stone from his cloak. He held it up. "Give me a stone and I'll build you a castle."

Eve kissed Much tenderly. "I don't need a castle. I have everything I need right here, my love." She traced along his temple, then searched for his hand. She twined her fingers through his and led him to their new bed. They never closed their eyes, but spent the night making love beneath the trees, under the stars.

fic, intercomm, robinfanatic

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