Me, Myself and I [Bendtime after Visitation Day is Over] [OPEN]

Sep 23, 2011 23:30

Compared to yesterday where the sensoriums had gotten so much use, Lash was glad that it was mostly quiet as she slipped into a free one. The day had passed relatively quickly thanks to running mazes, but even that hadn't gotten her as joyful as she should be, as strange and exciting as it had been ( Read more... )

ron stoppable, lash, !location: sensoriums, kanoe zouichi, chell, jinx, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, !status: open, billy cranston, jamie mccrimmon, lord zetta

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Comments 274

morphitudinous September 24 2011, 03:39:50 UTC
That day had gone well. Billy had enjoyed the catching up with Tommy and meeting of Ellistree, and though he was sad to see them go he was grateful for the experience. Stacy had been kind for once. For the most part.

As he reflected on all the work he now had to catch up on, Billy poked his head into a nearby Sensorium. A battlefield was laid out, with a certain familiar woman observing it from above. This must be Lash in her natural habitat, giving orders and coordinating. But why didn't she seem...excited about it?

Frowning, he strode up to get a view of the carnage for himself. "Hey. Did your unit just lose?" he had to ask.


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 03:55:49 UTC
"Uh, I dunno." She looked below at the figures that laid there burned to a near crisp.



morphitudinous September 24 2011, 04:05:04 UTC
"Ouch," Billy sympathized, wincing at the disaster scene below him. That was definitely not what Lash would've preferred.

"Maybe this is a bad time of day for you to concentrate? It's not like you not to know." Or maybe it was her lunchtime. Food was often good for brains, he believed.


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 04:41:37 UTC
Nothing like Lash liked at all, really. Which is why it was so strange she wasn't in an uproar about it.

"Yeah..." she trailed off and fumbled with her hands. "Were you coming here to use the sensorium? I can give you this chamber, if you want." He'd definitely have more fun than her in it right now.


badluckbabe September 24 2011, 03:42:37 UTC
It happened to be unfortunate luck that Jinx would wander into the Sensorium at just the wrong moment. A scream and she was knocked into the air by the explosion. Instinct kicked in and she adjusted her flight path in the air hoping to land on her feet.

"What the hell is this treachery?" She shouted and blasted back with a wave of pink hex magic at the offending grunts.


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 04:06:21 UTC
Wither it was good luck or just something else, Jinx landed close to where Lash was standing, and she gave the other girl a half-hearted wave even as the pink hex killed some of her soldiers.



badluckbabe September 24 2011, 04:08:37 UTC
"Ugh...war games." Jinx remarked catching on and brushing some dirt from her sleeve. "Having fun are we?" She glanced at Lash and read her body language easy enough, ", no we're not."


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 04:58:26 UTC
Yeah good job at catching Lash in her moodiest er...mood. She gave another sigh before answering, pushing another rock awaym watching it fall down to the ground far, far far below.

"It's pretty boring right now," she admitted. "Never had that problem before."


carrieswar September 24 2011, 04:21:39 UTC
Sensoriums full of war simulations? That didn't do much in ways of narrowing the list of who the technology was responding to. More often than not it was some battle or training session when Jr. popped into them. Not that it was a really surprising thing - everyone needed to keep sharp after all.

So making his way through the chaos was clearly the best way to try and find a familiar face. Ducking behind trees and jumping out of the way of flying debris (damn some of those pieces looked sharp and painful was how Jr. spent most of his time moving through that and to the mountain. He wondered briefly if he should conjure up his unit to get a faster and probably safer view of the scene before he spotted Lash.

"Oh. You've got all that stuff going down below?" he asked after he sucked in a breath, glad to be. Well. Out of it.


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 05:14:04 UTC
She greeted him with a tiny wave, before looking more at the carnage again.

"Pretty much," she answered in a voice that didn't seem sure at all. "Although I guess it's not really going that well for me right now."

"AHHHH! WE'RE ALL DYING!" a soldier radioed in from below. Idly, she closed communication and shrugged. "Usually it's more fun...just not today."


carrieswar September 24 2011, 05:28:26 UTC
Jr. winced at the radio call. "Glad these things aren't real," he muttered.

Tilting his head, he rested a hand on his hip as he gave Lash a quick once-over, then moved his gaze back out over the forest he had just stomped through. "Not today?" he repeated curiously. "Accidentally thought up a boring scenario, or is somethin' up?" Last time he saw Lash was when she was going to save Zetta ... he hoped there weren't more lost books happening.


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 10:41:28 UTC
No lost books on the horizon, thankfully. She removed her legs from the cliff and put her arms over them before talking. Her voice sounded completely drab and muffled from her position.

"Pretty much. I feel like everything's boring today, actually." She waited for the explosions and screams below to stop before continuing. "You'd think something like this would be exciting, you know?"


hit_girl_mindy September 24 2011, 05:12:20 UTC
Now someone SHOULD have been happy. Hit Girl had, after all, met her dad, talked with him, showed him her friends, and it had been the greatest feeling ever. For once, falling into Mindy Macready had been easy again: she could call her dad lame, laugh at his stupid jokes, get scolded by him again, tell him anything she wanted and feel no shame ( ... )


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 05:28:12 UTC
"Sure," she said, as the battle continued below them, Lash's army loosing more and more soldiers by the minute. There was a bit of silence before she spoke again.

"So how was your day with your father yesterday? he seemed...nice when I met him." Well-adjusted, actually. She was surprised, but she'd never tell her that.


hit_girl_mindy September 24 2011, 06:45:10 UTC
She laughed. "Well, he was dead once. Finding out he's alive and his daughter is safe grounded him. He would have been stabbing people otherwise: don't underestimate him."

Hit Girl stared at her army getting slaughtered. "'re better off. You think you aren't, but you are, trust me."


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 10:46:23 UTC
Normally, she would have made an offhand comment about how she was interested in seeing that happen and maybe take a battle with him, but seemed to be nearly devoid of energy to want to do anything, including quirky comebacks. Yet it didn't surprise her that she was quick to guess what Lash might be asking these questions for. The wunderkind tended to wear a lot of emotions outside.

"It's not that..." she said trailing off. "I just wonder if there really is anyone from my world, that's all."

That's all really wasn't all, but it was perhaps the best way to summarize it.


potentialmonkey September 24 2011, 06:52:34 UTC
Ron, though he was generally in an agreeable mood, was even more peppy thanks to Kim's visit. So much so that the teenage boy was whistling as he walked to the Sensoriums, up until he entered them and witnessed the carnage.

"HURK!" he uttered, clasping his hands over his mouth, and quickly turned to evacuate the contents of his stomach all over the hallway.


things_go_boom September 24 2011, 10:48:01 UTC
Fortunately, Lash was used to soldiers and bodily fluids everywhere. You weren't a CO without hearing and seeing things.

What was strange, however, was the fact she didn't scream at him to get out or kick him but rather wave him a half-wave and silently turned back to watching her soldiers getting slaughtered.


potentialmonkey September 25 2011, 07:55:46 UTC
"Lash, what the hell?!" Ron yelled?


things_go_boom September 25 2011, 08:37:44 UTC
Before Lash could say anything, the only answer was a piece of half blown up body landing close to him.

Mmm. Crispy.


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