Good-will Toward Men

Dec 31, 2009 15:13

There is a whole world out there to spread holiday joy to. A world of flying cars, and massive towering skyscrapers, of quiet, cold deserts, of snow-covered cities. Everyone in it is either holed up in their homes, hooked into the Links, the network run by Macrohard, abstaining from human contact, or they're poor and destitute, in the streets, and ( Read more... )

katara, claire redfield, cameron mitchell, zelda and sheik, brenda, jono starsmore, robin, !plot: mission 02 - holiday plot, static, wyn callahan, brainiac 5, samus aran, kelly-087, chopper, aeris gainsborough, hellion, ronon dex, kon-el, son of satan, meluly, jamie hemeros, sheeana, nightwing, leela bricker, !status: open, marco, jamie mccrimmon, billy cranston, loren

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Comments 200

Hanukkah cityship December 31 2009, 20:40:10 UTC
The Festival of Lights is still celebrated in many places in the world. The Jews have held onto their faith now as they have for thousands of years, even if it's grown more and more difficult with the changing times.

It is the eight and last day of Hanukkah, and there are many places where menorahs adorn a bar-covered window, the last candles being lit a half hour after night fall.


Re: Hanukkah redeyesblueeyes January 1 2010, 11:12:30 UTC
Chanukah tends not to have the lavishness that Christmas does, but there are still little ways for Sheik - and others - to leave joy for those celebrating it.

Many of the houses where the chanukkiyot have been lit now have little gifts stacked nearby, scattered with handfuls of gelt (and with the occasional real coin amongst the chocolate - bite carefully!), the occasional dreidel - and a few plates of latkes here and there.

Mmm, latkes.

((OOC: ...Dammit. Now I'm craving latkes!))


Re: Hanukkah potentialmonkey January 1 2010, 12:16:21 UTC
Ron ran about, rapping at doors. "Wake up people. It's the last day of Hannukah. If you're Jewish, heck, even if you're not Jewish, take of the VR helmet and go embrace your fellow man. Cuz I am NOT gonna stop bugging you until you do."


Re: Hanukkah top_teen_38 January 1 2010, 16:17:55 UTC
Slobo's approach was slightly different. He was pounding on the doors, often leaving dents.

"Alright, people, get out now or I'm comin' in ta eat yer brains!"


Eid ul-fitr cityship December 31 2009, 20:44:32 UTC
It is the second day of Eid ul-fitr. The Middle East is not the only place in the world it's celebrated, of course. There are Muslim populations in Britain, The United States, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Like most of the world, though, there's slim pickins for the feasts and gifts. It is not a good time for this planet, for everyone, and people go hungry. Many take solace in the fact that they can at least share with one another the spirit of their faith.


Re: Eid ul-fitr worm_dancer December 31 2009, 21:59:13 UTC
The Sisters of Mercy charitable mission was based in a small adobe building on the outskirts of Baghdad. Dust clung to everything, sand blew in through the open windows. It was oppressively hot during the day. At night though the cold cut to your bones ( ... )


Re: Eid ul-fitr kaya_waterwave December 31 2009, 22:13:40 UTC
Katara was the other sister who wsa helping tirelessly with putting out food, water and what they could scrounge from the Poles for these people. Her hair was bound and she wore a scraf tightly around her head most of time since it seemed to be the fashion in this place and it made her less conspicuous. As instructed by Sheeana, Katara had made herself scarce and was quiet in what she did, a bit ofa change from her Painted Lady alter-ego. If she was irritated by the heat, she said nothing about it, and if any aspect of these new people were startling, Katara did not show it to Sheeana ( ... )


Re: Eid ul-fitr morphitudinous January 1 2010, 00:26:47 UTC
It had taken some time for Billy and their team to land the car in an inconspicuous location. Pulling a traditional dark garment over his gift-giving uniform for this leg of the mission, he swung a black bag over his shoulder and led a few stragglers toward the Sisters' location. It wasn't difficult to find them, for the flow of traffic within Baghdad ended at the location of the generous offering of food.

Finally, after greeting the people he met with his best attempt at pronouncing the traditional 'Blessed Eid' greeting, Billy reaches the Sisters.

"Peace be upon you," he greets solemnly, testing the waters for interaction in this culture. "I apologize for the delay. We were preparing some gifts for the people that will help them through the year. Your work so far has been excellent," he offers, appreciative of the feast that the gathered people are enjoying.

"Can I assist you in any way before I begin my own work? I'd like to conduct some simple repairs at a nearby school."


General Gift Giving Group - London psi_flames January 1 2010, 01:52:04 UTC
Jono wasn't all that enamored of his outfit, but he had seen worse ones at the North Pole. And even if it wasn't black, at least it was dark.

He looked over the city as they drove in, shaking his head. This ain't roight, he said, voice disbelieving. Bloody 'ell, I know it's Christmas, but I ain't ever seen it this quiet. Nobody's bloody well outside! And that was just unheard of. There were always people on the streets. It was LONDON!


Re: General Gift Giving Group - London bonnypiperlad January 1 2010, 07:23:32 UTC
"Aye," Jamie agrees, absently reaching up to adjust his hat as it slips over one eye. At some point he opted to put his version of the elf costume on - although, true to form, the kilt is on underneath. At least it's red, and blends well enough with the rest of the outfit.

"They must all be inside with those virtual reality things." He frowns thoughtfully. "Ye would think, though, not everyone can afford them." There's got to be some people around who can't. It's just a matter of finding them.


Re: General Gift Giving Group - London psi_flames January 1 2010, 19:03:26 UTC
Jono nods. We get on the ground, do what I can t' find the people what ain't got 'em. See what I can do 'bout gettin' the people what got 'em out int' the streets, too. Away from Stacy, his telepathy is a lot stronger than on the ship.

What I wouldn' give fer Cerebro roight now, he mutters, mostly to himself as he guides the car in to land. Not a perfect landing by any means. He's not a pilot, after all.


Re: General Gift Giving Group - London bonnypiperlad January 1 2010, 23:08:52 UTC
"Warm places," Jamie says promptly. "Find somewhere where ye can not freeze to death and we'll probably find some people." And with luck, the plan to take down the VR system will work and the others can be drawn out.

Years of traveling with the Doctor have instilled a certain wariness when it comes to landings, and it's pretty much second nature to him to reach out to brace himself as they touch down. But he's pleased enough - sure it wasn't a perfect landing, but he didn't end up upside down and in a pile of people. That's pretty good, in his book. Och, that wasn't bad at all!, he thinks. I wonder what a Cerebro is?

"What's a Cerebro?" he asks, out loud.


Ho ho ho agoodomen January 1 2010, 04:18:44 UTC
Never in his wildest dreams did Daimon expect to find himself here. Riding a sleigh, powered by his own his own powers, focused through his trident.

No, there were no reindeer to pull this sled. But there was a bag of presents and there was a Santa Claus.

Daimon tugged at his collar. The costume was uncomfortably snug.

And you didn't want to get him started on what he thought of the fake beard.

"Ho, ho, ho." He said dryly. "Merry Christmas."

Christmas had been infinitely more enjoyable when he was a young boy.


Re: Ho ho ho dreamstolights January 3 2010, 04:35:46 UTC
"Oh, come on, don't be so cold," Selene said, nudging Daimon. She was currently dressed in a helper elf's outfit. "We got gifts to deliver. We might even get cookies if they're still keeping that up."


General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 1 2010, 06:36:30 UTC
Leaf didn't like the whole flying thing one bit. Nor was she thatfond of the whole 'handing out presents to humans' thing, or especially-

"A scab? Being inside this Weaver thing is not enough?" She snarled to herself as she eyeballed the city below. Her temper didn't improve as she watched Scout. "And how are we to land when this has no feet?"


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 1 2010, 06:49:26 UTC
Scab? Weaver? Wha-? And oh right, landing. Scout kinda forgot about that. Scout doesn't really want to land, though he guessed it was kind of nice to be back in his hometown.

"Hold on, I got this," he almost sounded unsure of himself. He slowed down the car, hovering over a building, then finally downshifting into park (in mid-air, no less). The car thumped onto the top of an apartment building. Scout folded his arms, looking pretty pleased with himself.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 1 2010, 06:52:29 UTC
That earned him a slightly less annoyed huff. "We are in one piece, at least." Leaf peered over the rooftop, her ears pricking forward. "But how are we supposed to get down?"


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 1 2010, 07:05:38 UTC
He exited the car (taking the key, of course) and pointed towards the door to the stairs with his thumb, "I'm thinkin' that'll work."


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