Good-will Toward Men

Dec 31, 2009 15:13

There is a whole world out there to spread holiday joy to. A world of flying cars, and massive towering skyscrapers, of quiet, cold deserts, of snow-covered cities. Everyone in it is either holed up in their homes, hooked into the Links, the network run by Macrohard, abstaining from human contact, or they're poor and destitute, in the streets, and ( Read more... )

katara, claire redfield, cameron mitchell, zelda and sheik, brenda, jono starsmore, robin, !plot: mission 02 - holiday plot, static, wyn callahan, brainiac 5, samus aran, kelly-087, chopper, aeris gainsborough, hellion, ronon dex, kon-el, son of satan, meluly, jamie hemeros, sheeana, nightwing, leela bricker, !status: open, marco, jamie mccrimmon, billy cranston, loren

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Hanukkah cityship December 31 2009, 20:40:10 UTC
The Festival of Lights is still celebrated in many places in the world. The Jews have held onto their faith now as they have for thousands of years, even if it's grown more and more difficult with the changing times.

It is the eight and last day of Hanukkah, and there are many places where menorahs adorn a bar-covered window, the last candles being lit a half hour after night fall.


Re: Hanukkah redeyesblueeyes January 1 2010, 11:12:30 UTC
Chanukah tends not to have the lavishness that Christmas does, but there are still little ways for Sheik - and others - to leave joy for those celebrating it.

Many of the houses where the chanukkiyot have been lit now have little gifts stacked nearby, scattered with handfuls of gelt (and with the occasional real coin amongst the chocolate - bite carefully!), the occasional dreidel - and a few plates of latkes here and there.

Mmm, latkes.

((OOC: ...Dammit. Now I'm craving latkes!))


Re: Hanukkah potentialmonkey January 1 2010, 12:16:21 UTC
Ron ran about, rapping at doors. "Wake up people. It's the last day of Hannukah. If you're Jewish, heck, even if you're not Jewish, take of the VR helmet and go embrace your fellow man. Cuz I am NOT gonna stop bugging you until you do."


Re: Hanukkah top_teen_38 January 1 2010, 16:17:55 UTC
Slobo's approach was slightly different. He was pounding on the doors, often leaving dents.

"Alright, people, get out now or I'm comin' in ta eat yer brains!"


Re: Hanukkah potentialmonkey January 1 2010, 16:22:50 UTC
Ron, for once, was the one doing the facepalming.

"...Slobo, would you stop telling people you're the Hanukkah Zombie?"


Re: Hanukkah top_teen_38 January 1 2010, 18:58:12 UTC
Slobo looked at Ron and shrugged.

"Good will is great an' all, but fear is what I do."


Re: Hanukkah goddamnwingman January 1 2010, 22:09:44 UTC
"Try not to do it here." That had to be the reason Dick was on the Hanukkah team. To attempt to keep Slobo in check. "Fear is completely the opposite of what we're trying to accomplish here. You saw what happened at the North Pole. It wasn't fear that opened the portal, but joy."

He looked up, looking at the lines that fed into each building. "Though. Hmm. If we could knock out the feed. Or the power, temporarily." Just long enough to get the VR feeds down. "Well-meaning sabotage may not be exactly in the spirit of the season, but it might be a start."


Re: Hanukkah lastofkuith January 3 2010, 04:33:34 UTC
Pirogoeth looked at the lines. "To help spread the meaning of the 'Festival of Lights?'" She asked.


Re: Hanukkah redeyesblueeyes January 3 2010, 10:50:21 UTC
Sheik makes a thoughtful sound. "It could encourage them to gather around the..." A brief gesture. "Candle holders. It'd put them in closer contact, at least."


Re: Hanukkah top_teen_38 January 3 2010, 22:15:58 UTC
"RIGHT! ON IT!" Slobo said as he ran about, following the lines until he saw what looked like a main feed for a transformer. He yanked a bit, took it between both hands, and bit down, his teeth cutting wires.

The block brownouted immediately, as Slobo himself became a source of light for a few moments, finally dying down, though bits of his hair were still alight. He grinned at the others, giving a weak salute as he fell over backwards.

Don't worry, folks, he'll be fine, this isn't the first time he's done this.

Though it is worrisome that he continues the practice.


Re: Hanukkah goddamnwingman January 3 2010, 22:40:22 UTC
Dick really needs a facepalm icon...

"Slobo, wai-" Dick cut off when the power to the neighborhood started failing. He paused, then put his hand over his eyes and counted backwards, muttering, "I swear, his impulse control is as bad as Impulse's..." After a moment, he shook himself. "Good job, Slobo. Come on, everybody. We need to start getting their attention."


Re: Hanukkah lastofkuith January 3 2010, 22:46:21 UTC
"We want their attention?" Pirogoeth said and looked towards one of the windows with a candle holder.

"....I could make suspended flames, like the candle holder."


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