Good-will Toward Men

Dec 31, 2009 15:13

There is a whole world out there to spread holiday joy to. A world of flying cars, and massive towering skyscrapers, of quiet, cold deserts, of snow-covered cities. Everyone in it is either holed up in their homes, hooked into the Links, the network run by Macrohard, abstaining from human contact, or they're poor and destitute, in the streets, and ( Read more... )

katara, claire redfield, cameron mitchell, zelda and sheik, brenda, jono starsmore, robin, !plot: mission 02 - holiday plot, static, wyn callahan, brainiac 5, samus aran, kelly-087, chopper, aeris gainsborough, hellion, ronon dex, kon-el, son of satan, meluly, jamie hemeros, sheeana, nightwing, leela bricker, !status: open, marco, jamie mccrimmon, billy cranston, loren

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General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 1 2010, 06:36:30 UTC
Leaf didn't like the whole flying thing one bit. Nor was she thatfond of the whole 'handing out presents to humans' thing, or especially-

"A scab? Being inside this Weaver thing is not enough?" She snarled to herself as she eyeballed the city below. Her temper didn't improve as she watched Scout. "And how are we to land when this has no feet?"


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 1 2010, 06:49:26 UTC
Scab? Weaver? Wha-? And oh right, landing. Scout kinda forgot about that. Scout doesn't really want to land, though he guessed it was kind of nice to be back in his hometown.

"Hold on, I got this," he almost sounded unsure of himself. He slowed down the car, hovering over a building, then finally downshifting into park (in mid-air, no less). The car thumped onto the top of an apartment building. Scout folded his arms, looking pretty pleased with himself.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 1 2010, 06:52:29 UTC
That earned him a slightly less annoyed huff. "We are in one piece, at least." Leaf peered over the rooftop, her ears pricking forward. "But how are we supposed to get down?"


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 1 2010, 07:05:38 UTC
He exited the car (taking the key, of course) and pointed towards the door to the stairs with his thumb, "I'm thinkin' that'll work."


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 1 2010, 07:08:26 UTC
Leaf twitched at ear in agreement, then set to eyeballing the passenger side door. She pawed at the handle for a moment before shifting up to crinos and opening it, then grabbed the bag in her jaws. Dropping to all fours, she shifted to hispo and headed towards the stairs, still dragging the bag.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 1 2010, 21:29:54 UTC
That whole shifting thing kinda creeped Scout out a little bit. He shook it off, though. The quicker they delivered the gifts, the quicker they could get back to the flying car.

He sped down the stairs, stopping in front of the door. This could be troublesome (especially if he doesn't bother to check if it's unlocked first).


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 2 2010, 01:16:10 UTC
Leaf's own pace was slower, thanks to the bag, but the problem of the door let her catch up. She spat out the bag and peered at Scout, tilting her head to the side. "You cannot open it?"


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 2 2010, 01:24:29 UTC
"I got this," Scout struggled with the knob for a bit trying to push. it. open. And oh-

Pull. That works. He held the door open for Leaf, what a gentleman (except not really).


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 2 2010, 01:26:51 UTC
Leaf grabbed the bag in her jaws again and dragged it through, her ears pricking forward as she moved. Well, that was one problem solved. "Now what?" she asked, though the bag made it slightly garbled.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 2 2010, 01:33:05 UTC
"We leave presents and shit," Scout wasn't exactly sure where considering there wasn't much in the way of holiday decor or a tree to leave gifts under.

He also wasn't being very considerate of the inhabitants of this apartment. He was being quite loud.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 2 2010, 01:37:03 UTC
"Then to do that, I think we must find other apes first." Leaf put her nose to the ground and started sniffing. The whole place reeked of humans to begin with, but she was looking for the freshest scents. It if was fresh, the humans might still be there.

"Take the bag; I will find an ape."


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 2 2010, 01:42:55 UTC
"Wait wha-" Scout grabbed the bag. This could end badly.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 2 2010, 01:46:54 UTC
Leaf ignored Scout's comment and continued to follow the scent trail, finally stopping once she was in front of door. She thumped at the door with her forepaws, barking, "Ape! Come here!" at it.

She wasn't quite sure this was how it was done, but tearing down the door seemed like it wouldn't be the best option.


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 2 2010, 05:55:13 UTC
Whoever was behind that door took a look through the peep hole and... screamed. The sound of more locking was heard.

Scout rolled his eyes. He almost took the bag and the flying car and flew wherever the hell he could go. But he didn't. He's a good guy underneath it all. He went over and knocked, "We got presents and stuff for, ya' know, Christmas."


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston compromise_wolf January 2 2010, 05:58:28 UTC
"So stop your screaming," Leaf snapped, pinning her ears back. Clearly, the human behind the door wasn't the tolerable sort of ape. She glanced to Scout. "What if they do not come?"


Re: General Gift Giving - Boston bonk_you_up January 2 2010, 06:09:38 UTC
"We got a- ugh God dammit," Scout dug around the bag pulling out a present, "A baseball bat! Wait I kinda want this..."

"A baseball bat?" A small child's voice piped up behind the door, as the door cracked open slightly. A pair of eyes glanced between the odd duo and and the gift in Scout's hand. His mother (presumably) fussed behind him warning him to shut the door.


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