FIC: Something To Come Home To [CSI; Cath/Sara]

Jan 22, 2006 00:01

Title: Something To Come Home To
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Pairing: Catherine/Sara
Rating: R
Genre: First time
Originally Posted: September 2002
Word Count: 2844
Summary: Catherine invites Sara over for dinner.
A/N: Another of those fics I have no idea where I posted it to but, luckily, still had it saved on my harddrive.

Something To Come Home To


Catherine pulled her coat from the rack. She quickly bundled in the thick material, shaking the chill from her bones. An early season cold front had moved across the Nevada plains, sending the temperatures dipping towards the freezing mark. Two days later and the department still hadn’t sent a mechanic to fix the central heating system. Another couple days the entire building would be as cold as the racks in the morgue.

Catherine exhaled softly. Groaned when she saw her breath mist as it exhaled from her mouth. Then she silently thanked what ever deity was listening for not keeping her in this building one minute longer.

The last of her files secured in her briefcase, she snapped it closed and slung the strap over her shoulder before entering the hallway.

“God, it’s colder out here than my office,” she muttered aloud to no one in particular. As she walked, something caught Catherine’s eye. She stopped in front of the large plate glass windows, peering into the room.

Sara sat at a desk hunched over a microscope, peering intently into the tiny eyepiece. From the corner of Catherine’s eye she could see a tiny space heater in the corner. Little good it did, judging by the mist exhaled from Sara’s mouth. Catherine figured it was colder in that room than the hallway.

Catherine shrugged then headed towards the exit. She knew Sara was a bigger work-a-holic than Grissom, if that were even possible.

Something in Catherine tugged at her conscience. More like yanked, then pulled her back towards the closed office. She rolled her eyes at the thoughts running through her head, more like the idea running through her head, knocked on the door then slid it open.

“Hey.” Sara glanced at Catherine before immediately returning to the eyepiece.

“Where’s Grissom?”

“I don’t know. I saw him about two hours ago. Why?”

“I don’t know.” Catherine shrugged. “Where there’s one there’s usually the other.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sara finally gave Catherine her full attention. Catherine could see the heat building in the younger woman’s eyes, the anger.

“Whoa, no harm intended. Just meant two peas in a pod, that’s all.” She held up her hands apologetically. She’d heard the rumors, innuendoes, and some out and out lies. Had been the subject of many of those rumors herself, but always figured Grissom and Sara were two consenting adults. If they wanted to squelch the rumors, they could do it themselves. Besides, she still considered herself correct. The two seemed to share a hive mind.

“Yeah, whatever.” Sara returned to her microscope.

“You were off the clock an hour ago,” Catherine stepped into the room careful to avoid Sara’s space. “Why are you still here?”

“I wanted to go over these tests before I leave.”

“Those tests will still be here when you get back.”

“Well,” Sara chuckled slightly, “It’s not like I have any big plans.”

“You do now. You’re coming home with me.” This time both women were taken aback by the words pouring out of Catherine’s mouth. Catherine took a glance towards the open doorway, thankful there were no passersby. She’d spent years getting herself extricated from the office gossip circle. She’d hate to get herself thrown to the wolves for an offhanded comment taken the wrong way.

“Excuse me?”

“For dinner, you’re coming home with me for dinner.” Catherine explained. “Look, it’s colder than a witch’s tit in here and the last thing we need is you catching your death of cold.”

“Catherine, I,” Sara squirmed in her chair. She wasn’t used to this kind of friendliness with Catherine, or anyone.

“Fine, you want out of this, tell me that after I leave you won’t be staying here for another four hours staring into that microscope until your eyes can’t focus and your head pounds. Then, go home, slam some Advil, grab something from the freezer, throw it into the microwave and eat it while you search the internet for random facts associated with the case.”

Sara’s mouth opened, then clamped shut.

“Uh huh,” Catherine smirked, “You have fifteen minutes. I’ll be in my car.”


Sara stood at the front windows staring as a light snow began to fall. She gently sipped from the wine glass in her hand, the alcohol warming her blood. She could hear soft laughter coming from upstairs as Catherine put her daughter to bed. The slight pangs of envy at the level or normalcy around her, hearth and home, family. Suddenly, Sara took a large gulp of wine finishing the glass, hoping the alcohol could erase the realization of how truly lonely she was.

“You gonna stand there all night?” Sara jumped slightly at the sound of Catherine’s voice.

“It’s snowing.” Sara pointed towards upstairs. “You gonna wake her?”

“Hell no,” Catherine plopped down onto the couch, “It took me THAT long just to get her to sleep.” She patted the empty space on the couch next to her. “I’m not going to bite.”

Sara smiled then crossed the room sitting down next to Catherine.

“Hard day?” Catherine nodded her head towards the empty glass in Sara’s hand before bringing the wine bottle over for a refill. Not that she had been mentally counting, which she had, if her calculations were correct this was Sara’s third glass.

“No worse than usual.” Sara paused to take a sip from her glass. “Do you think I’m sleeping with Grissom?”

“Oh.” Catherine’s eyes went wide at the sudden shift in the conversation. “The thought had crossed my mind.”

“I’m not.” Sara stated defiantly. She studied Catherine’s features in the soft light. Watched as Catherine refilled her own wineglass. “You look disappointed.”

“A little,” Catherine admitted. “I guess. This is a hard business we’re in, all this death. It can consume a person if they don’t have something normal in their life, something human. Grissom has his roller coasters. I have my daughter. What do you have, Sara?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’m still figuring that out. I’m not much of a people person.” Sara shrugged. “Give me some science and I can absorb myself for days. Put me in a room with another human being and its like everything I know gets thrown out the window.”

“Oh come on, you’re not that bad.” Catherine rolled her eyes.

“Yes I am, especially compared to you. Catherine, you walk into a room and heads turn. Guys fall over themselves to be near you.”

Despite having heard this a thousand times before, Catherine couldn’t help blushing at the compliments. “Sara, they’re men. It’s not hard to get guys to fall all over for a woman.”

“It’s not that Catherine, it’s you.”

“Maybe, but after all this time, you’ve been watching the eyes watching me, you never took time to see the ones looking at you.”

“Yeah right, like who?”

“Me.” A hush fell over the room, the tension ratcheted up so high it was palpable. Catherine broke the eye contact, the tension, placing her glass on the table. “Okay, I think that’s enough for me.”

Sara could feel her heart hammering in her chest. Maybe the alcohol wasn’t such a bad idea after all because now she was about to do something she never would have dreamed trying sober.

“Catherine,” She waited until the other woman looked up. “If I said I wanted to kiss you, what would you say?”

“I’d say hurry before I kissed you first.”

Sara reached over, cupping Catherine’s chin with her palm. Her thumb traced the soft lips, felt warm air blow across her fingertip. Catherine’s lips were smooth, a thousand times softer than she’d ever imagined.

They leaned into each other. Until their lips were a hair’s breadth apart. Sara grazed her lips across Catherine’s, feeling the smooth surface against her own. The surface of Catherine’s lips now memorized, Sara repeated the procedure with her tongue, gently tasted Catherine, as if she could consume her essence with just lips and tongue.

Catherine twitched with anticipation. Heart hammering in her chest, she waited as Sara explored her lips. Enticed by the gentleness of Sara’s touch, excited by it. Her hand slid up Sara’s neck until it wove into her hair. If Sara wouldn't bring the two of them together, she would.

Their lips came together slowly, softly. Sara gently pulling Catherine’s upper lip into her mouth, suckling the soft flesh. Felt Catherine as she moaned at the touch. The hand in her hair pulling them closer together. The other exploring her stomach now moving to cup her breast. Sara gasped at the touch and Catherine commanded the space with her tongue.

It wasn’t a duel as much as a dance. The two taking and giving, touching and tasting. Catherine’s hand, tired of the cloth barrier, moved to Sara’s button. Sara pulled back, breaking the kiss.

“Um, are we going to fast?” Sara panted. Her eyes still burning but with a hint of uncertainty.

“Sara, when was the last time you had sex?” Catherine smirked at Sara’s non-answer. “Uh-huh, so not fast enough as far as I’m concerned.”

Catherine grabbed Sara’s shirt with both hands, pulling them together, crashing their lips together. She pulled Sara down with her onto the couch, wanted to feel Sara’s weight atop her, wanted to feel ALL of Sara despite the barrier of clothes between them. Sara complied, shifted her body until their legs intertwined. They kissed harder, passion and curiosity replaced with lust and desire. Sara concentrated on kissing Catherine, her hands in Catherine’s hair. Catherine concentrated on taking Sara further. Her hands managed to unbutton Sara’s shirt. Slid her hands up the muscular back and unclasped Sara’s bra.

They were a being of limbs and lips, clumsy and careful. Sara shifted, her thigh pressed against Catherine’s center and released a series of shudders and stifled moans.

“Oh God.” Catherine whispered huskily. Sara leaned up, her eyes locking with Catherine’s. She watched those eyes as her hand drifted down, across Catherine’s stomach, waited for the non-verbal consent. Catherine’s eyes told Sara everything she needed to know. She unfastened the slacks with her fingers, slid her hand between cloth and skin, gliding down, down, down. Catherine arched into her, moaned deeply, eyes clasped shut at the contact.

Sara explored the wet heated skin. Fingers danced across Catherine’s flesh, parted the swollen lips until she found the center of Catherine’s desire. The orgasm was deep in its intensity and happened far sooner than either desired. Sara watched Catherine as her head bowed back, mouth open in a silent scream, hot air brushed across Sara’s face.

But, it wasn’t enough. Not for Sara. Catherine opened her eyes long enough to watch the mane of brown hair drift down her stomach. Sara pulled Catherine out of her slacks, taking the panties with her. She didn’t just want to feel Catherine, she wanted to see her, to taste her.

She parted Catherine’s legs until her entire center was visible. Flushed, swollen and very, very wet. Sara moaned at the musky scent that filled her nostrils, inhaled it until the only thought that filled her brain was to consume. And she did. Traced the outer lips with her tongue, purred at Catherine’s every twitch. Smiled as she teased Catherine’s opening with her tongue, then plunged inside.

All Catherine could do was hold on. Her body arched, thrusted, pushed and pulled on the expert mouth between her legs. When Sara slid two fingers inside her all cognitive thought was lost. Catherine set the pace, telling Sara with her body how far and fast she wanted to go. Sara complied, giving it her all. When she felt those wonderful lips wrap around her aching nub, Catherine’s body exploded. Back arched so high she thought it would break. Knuckles white, fingers clasped a death grip onto the couch. Her body trembled, shuddered as Sara took her further, deeper, harder until there was nothing left for Catherine to give. Catherine collapsed onto the couch, trembling. The sensations of Sara still inside her, on her, slowly bringing her down.

Sara eagerly lapped every ounce of Catherine’s essence. Smiled as she curled her finger pressing against it against that special spot and Catherine trembled underneath her. When she figured Catherine had had enough, Sara kissed her way up Catherine's body, pausing at every curve, every line, kissing and licking.

She felt Catherine’s fingers in her hair, pulling her up. They kissed, long and leisurely. Catherine exploring Sara’s mouth, tasted herself on Sara’s tongue. Finally, the two came up for air.

“Jesus, if I had known you were this good I would have invited you over to dinner years ago.” Catherine purred.

“Uh-huh,” Sara smiled. Her hand drifted to Catherine’s breast, lazily drawing circles around the erect nipple. “I bet you say that to everyone.”

“No, I don’t.” Catherine stated dryly, a slightly miffed tone in her voice.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. I haven’t had an orgasm like that in, well, never. Why are you still single?”

“Guess I haven’t found the right person.”

“Huh. Well, if you keep doing that with your fingers, I might never let you leave this house.”

“Oh, you mean this?” Sara lightly grazed her fingernail across the tip of Catherine’s nipple. Catherine gasped slightly, unable to stop the shiver that traveled down her entire body.

“Oh yeah, that’s it.”

“You should see what else I have in my bag of tricks.” Sara purred before leaning down to suck the nipple into her mouth.


Catherine slowly drifted back to consciousness. Memories of kissing and petting and a variety of other things filled her brain. The temperature in her body began to rise as she thought about all the things she had done, what she’d wanted to do before passing out. She opened her eyes as she felt a blanket being placed on her half naked body. Sara was quietly walking towards the front door, fully dressed.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I thought I should probably go.” Sara shifted uncomfortably.

“Uh-uh,” Catherine propped herself up on her elbows. “You’re not going anywhere. I still haven’t had my turn.” She crooked her finger motioning the younger woman towards her. Catherine sat up on the couch. She outstretched her hand to Sara, pulling Sara towards her until the Sara stood between Catherine’s legs. Catherine’s hands immediately went towards whichever button was closest. “And this time, you’re getting undressed BEFORE you get on the couch.”


Catherine stared at the fireplace, the dying embers crackled and popped sending tiny sparks of orange and yellow light dancing up towards the chimney. Sara lay snuggled in her arms, Catherine lazily threading her fingers through Sara’s hair. She should have been asleep, their marathon session of lovemaking had sapped every ounce of energy from her body. And yet, she couldn’t fall asleep. Maybe it was because it had been so long since she’d had a warm body next to hers. Or, maybe it was because it had been an even longer time since she’d FELT anything towards a warm body next to hers. It had all happened so quickly, Catherine figured it would take her years to sort out the emotions churning through her body. Then again, she figured, what was the point? She LIKED where she was, and who she was with. Couldn’t remember the last time she felt anything like what she felt for Sara.

She felt the body in her arms shiver slightly. Sara mumbled, stirred awake by her thoughts.

“You cold?” Catherine asked pulling the blanket up around the two of them.

Sara looked up sleepily, shaking her head. “No, I’m fine.”

“Hey,” Catherine pulled Sara’s face up until their eyes made contact. “What’s wrong?”

Sara sighed realizing she’d said more than she’d wanted to with her eyes. “This is all kinda intense. I don’t know. Aren’t you afraid?”

“Yes,” Catherine admitted. “But, I don’t regret what I did and neither should you. We can take things slow if that’s what you want. But, Sara, I’m not going anywhere. And no matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you.”

Sara smiled, absorbing Catherine’s words. “I always knew I was searching for something to come home to. I just never thought it would be you.”

Sara leaned up for a kiss, their lips staying connected longer than intended. She lingered there, inhaling Catherine’s breath along with the scent that was now Catherine and hers. Her hand drifted to Catherine’s breast, softly kneading the flesh, the way she knew Catherine liked, feeling Catherine’s chest rise and fall in an increasing pace.

“Yeah well,” Catherine purred. “Stranger things have happened.”

“True,” Sara dipped her head to a breast, sucking the nipple into her mouth. Tugged on it until it pulled from her lips. “Can we have sex now?”

“God, I thought you’d never ask!” The two giggled. Sara pulled the blanket over both their heads. Neither knew where the fates would lead them. All that mattered was that, for now, they both had something to come home to.


femslash, fic: catherine/sara, fic: csi, fan fic

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