Man, it took me like *all* day to finish this. Stupid work! And be warned ya'll, this is definitely long. Apparently, Friday's are now my 'ass on the couch all day' day.
South of Nowhere - There's only 2 episodes left until the end of the season!?! TWO? What is with these netlets creating this practically minoseries and calling them a series. That said -
I honestly think this show could improve tremendously by going from a half hour format to an hour long one. They make good use of the cast but with soo many subplots, scenes often feel more like the 'cliff notes' version than being given the depth and breadth it deserves. Of course, it would also help if the season was more than *8* fucking episodes!!
And Ashley is falling so hard for Spencer, I'm beginning to worry about the girl. She's spent a large part of her life building a thick emotional armor because she neither expects nor believes no one gives a damn about her. Now she's falling for someone who gives a damn, and "the big break up" (c'mon, you know it's coming) is just going to absolutely crush her. Spencer has what Ashley doesn't, a support system that will always be there for her (even her dumb ass mom).
There's a part of me that wants a little more development for Madison because she's kind of two-dimensional right now. But, then again, she's such a *perfect* two-dimensional bitch that I kinda want her to stay as she is. I suspect once the Glen knows about Spencer, his relationship with Madison will be on rocky ground. Madison tormenting Ashley is one thing, Spencer is a complete other.
John Doe - I soo loved this show when it first aired and, like alot of good shows that FOX has killed over the years, was pretty pissed off when it got the axe. As much as I love Dominic Purcell on Prison Break, he was soo much better as John Doe. I'm going to enjoy watching this again. Seeing as how the fucktards at FOX refuse to release this on DVD. C'mon, if they can release Point Pleasant, they can release anything!!
Stargate SG-1 - Oh, wow, was that actually *good*? And good in a total 'whoa, wasn't expecting *that* to happen' good and a 'hey, they remembered how to make Sam both useful *and* interesting' good? While I was expecting evil mirror universe SG-1, I totally wasn't expecting *more* SG-1's to start coming through the gate. And, hey, I soo wanted more bad-ass gray uniform SG-1.
Of course, I can't talk about this ep without talking about The Return of Janet...and that martouf Guy. Which would have been totally the coolest moment eVaH..had I not been spoiled DURING THE FUCKING OPENING CREDITS!!!
And, I can't talk about The Return of Janet without screaming COP-OUT!! I never thought I'd see the day when a PTB stole the 'most homophobic producers' crown from the Smallville crew. Yeah, that's right PTB, the fans *really* wanted a reunion between Sam and Martouf. normally, I'd be more pissed off but seeing the dessicated mummified bones TPTB threw the Jack/Sam shippers made me feel soo much better. Plus, it got me thinking the only reason Janet didn't have more scenes with Earth Prime Sam is because she was busy banging the other 37 Sam's!!
Atlantis - First off, Hermiod!! Yay! I love that little guy. In fact, if they could just make another spin-off with Hermiod, Ronon and Cadman, I'd be in fangirl heaven. And, oh my goodness, Cadman is hot!! And Rodney totally doesn't deserve her and if I weren't on a Ronon/Weir kick at the moment, I'd totally be into Weir/Cadman.
If I did have a nitpick with this ep is that, once again, TPTB ask the 'big quiestions' and then pull their punches when it comes to the answer. That Cavanaugh passed out before Ronon could torture him, it still doesn't absolve Weir and company from the fact that they were willing to torture an individual on incredibly shaky evidence. Worse, Weir's main drive to torture the guy was that she didn't like him and Kavanaugh was willing to call her on her bullshit. And I have a serious nitpick with the fact that Ronon was sent to do the torture as opposed to an actual member of Stargate.
I like Weir, I really do but it's despite the flawed, clunky, hypocritical and sexist manner in which TPTB write her.
Battlestar Galactica - Wow, I'm not sure what I can say about last night's episode besides 'wow'. It's like I can't think about this show enough, and when I do, I can't tangibly put my thoughts into words.
The one thing I *can* say, and what I love about BSG is that behind the scif- for guys tropes, the guns, the cool flippy ships and kick-ass battle scenes, and pro-military 'hoo-rah' testosterone is how, almost subversively, BSG is a story about "the women". How Roslin, Six, Starbuck and even Boomer are the ones driving the action. As prominent as the men are, everything they do is because of the women in their lives.
On a slightly different tangent, one of my favorite scenes, is the one with Kat and Starbuck. Because it reveals how much Starbuck as grown and changed because of her promotion. She's a Captain now, and all the responsibilities it entails. Where as Kat has become "the new Starbuck", ie, reckless, angry and rebellious. And those two really should start making out, you know, once Racetrack is done with Starbuck...or do I foresee a triangle in the near future?
Finally, the Golden Globes got it wrong. If they're gonna hand out a Best Actress Award to the woman who portrays a President - it totally should have gone to Mary McDonnell. Geena Davis is doing the best she can but President Roslin fucking pwns her position.