Characters: Eridan Ampora and anyone who feels inclined to encounter him
Setting: Dormitory hallways/Anywhere you need him, really; late night
Format: Anything you want
Summary: Eridan arrives, prepare to deal with a mentally and emotionally unstable troll.
Warnings: Swearing. Like a sailor. Ha ha ha.
Why am I posting when I'm falling asleep here )
Comments 144
Luke was still getting used to lacking a curfew as well as a bedtime. It was sort of invigorating, especially with the lights returned! But he'd learned quick that there were still things to beware in the Tower at night. Sadly, this is Luke, so naturally he has to greet everyone he meets first despite this lesson.
"Hello!" And the most awkward of pauses, " look really cool!"
"Wwhat?" Well, he'd heard it, but it apparently wasn't any reason for him to respond intelligently.
"I like your scarf!" He spoke a bit louder, like one would use on their grandpa who'd forgotten their hearing aid. His volume dropped back to normal almost immediately after, however, because concern overrides fashion every time. "Are you okay? You seem lost."
"I'm not lost," he added, "I'm just--" Walking about aimlessly? Feeling really crappy about killing his friends and dooming the future of their race? "--explorin'. I just arrivved here, after all."
Yup. That is definitely Eridan's fruity plum scent.
She sighs and decides that if he's here, she might as well make sure he's nothing doing anything horrible. Killing all of their friends, for example.]
I'm wwarnin' you, I'm still armed, okay?!
Or seeing Karkat with the vision eightfold as he rounds the corner. But either way, he stops pretty much dead in his tracks when he sees him. Already he can tell that this isn't his Eridan, just by his attire.
Magenta blood. Just like Sollux. But once again, not him.]
You fuckers are god damn everywhere.
[What are you wearing, Karkat?! Why do you have Vriska's eye!? Eridan's just going to stare at him, confused, until he pulls himself back together somewhat.]
Wwhat happened to you? Wwhat did I fuckin' miss, wwere you a blueblood all along? Wwhy wwould you evven fuckin' bother hidin' that?
[The last part gets his attention though. So their Karkat was smart enough not to wear his mutant blood on his sleeve, unlike Kanaya. At least there was something good that came out of that stupid timeline.]
No, Eridan, I changed the color of my blood like a fucking scalebeast. Of course I've always been a blueblood.
they see you, Eridan. but they're not going to comment. not yet. ]
At which point he IS wary because, what the crap, adult trolls, what the fuck are they even doing in the same area as him?]
a wide, manic grin grows on both of their faces. sorry, their collars are also pretty visible. ]
But, being Eridan, he's going to react with his usual tact and decorum.]
Wwhat are you fuckin' lookin' at?
[Her mind immediately flashed to him killing- attempting to kill?- her.]
[Impulsively she removes her lipstick tube from her pocket and changes it over to a chain saw.]
[Then she waits]
Very, very awake. He stops dead in his tracks, a look of horror on his face, holding his hands up.]
O-oh fuck, Kan, come on, please, not again. I'm really sorry, okay, seriously fuckin' repentant and okay, I guess maybe bein' sawwed in half once isn't fuckin' enough to replace the fuckin' future a' trollkind or-- ....fuck, just, please....don't?
[He's babbling. He shuts up. He's not sure he can even kill Kanaya again so he really doesn't know what to do here.]
[But one phrase has stood out to her- maybe being sawed in half once- did that mean she had lived? Or something had prevented her death?]
Are you saying that you have already once been sawed in half? Perhaps by myself. Speak. Tell me what happened after you killed me.
[Sadly information may be more useful than actually killing him (again?)]
Reply you wwant to knoww evverythin' or just the evvents you wwere invvolvved in?
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