Title: The Fates (A five times Fic) Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel. Rating: PG-13-ish? Warnings: Talk of accidents, disease, and character death, you've been warned!Word count: 1880
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You must get your rocks off on making people cry...you do don't you?! That's just wrong!! JK...but seriously, this is freaking sad. I think it's more heartbreaking than normal Kurt dies! fics bc he died doing something herioc which doesn't normally happen. Good job.
Aaaaand that's about all the happy I have right now, as I'm currently nursing a broken heart.
I knew this was going to be a killer (NO pun intended) based on the prompt, and the lovely filler. :) I even debated reading the first five, and stopping at the plus 1. That felt like cheating the fic, so I kept going. In a way, I'm glad. The final part, while so very sad, really is the conclusion to the story. It doesn't make me FEEL any better at the moment, but still!
And while it feels wrong so say that I "liked" how Kurt died, I really did appreciate that you threw something unexpected out there. I thought that the infamous McKinley bullies would play in there somehow. When they hadn't made an appearance by the end, I assumed they be the cause of death. That Kurt died being a hero, well, yay. And boo.
You know, the bully aspect didn't actually even cross my mind. I didn't make the conscious choice not to do it, it just didn't occur to me to use them.
I hope you feel better love, and thanks so much for your comment!
Comments 19
Thanks, glad you liked.
Thank you so much for filling my prompt, and for doing such a great, heartbreaking job doing it! <3
For some reason this kicked my muse, so I went with it, I'm so happy you enjoyed it!
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
Aaaaand that's about all the happy I have right now, as I'm currently nursing a broken heart.
I knew this was going to be a killer (NO pun intended) based on the prompt, and the lovely filler. :) I even debated reading the first five, and stopping at the plus 1. That felt like cheating the fic, so I kept going. In a way, I'm glad. The final part, while so very sad, really is the conclusion to the story. It doesn't make me FEEL any better at the moment, but still!
And while it feels wrong so say that I "liked" how Kurt died, I really did appreciate that you threw something unexpected out there. I thought that the infamous McKinley bullies would play in there somehow. When they hadn't made an appearance by the end, I assumed they be the cause of death. That Kurt died being a hero, well, yay. And boo.
Oh, you know what I mean!
You know, the bully aspect didn't actually even cross my mind. I didn't make the conscious choice not to do it, it just didn't occur to me to use them.
I hope you feel better love, and thanks so much for your comment!
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