Title: The Fates (A five times Fic) Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel. Rating: PG-13-ish? Warnings: Talk of accidents, disease, and character death, you've been warned!Word count: 1880
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OMG! You killed Kurt! are you feeling alright? Should I sent an angry e-mail to your doctor demanding he up your pain meds? j/k But seriously I should have seen this coming, you've been slowly working your way up to killing him in all your previous fics. *le sigh* but sadly I was caught unaware so the ending did suprise me ( I guess that teaches me to skip author's notes! ) :-D
I have been putting off reading this all day. I knew there was a major chance of tears and crying at my grandparents was not an option but I gave and as always so lovly and heartbraking. Your Hummels get me everytime.
Also on a side note i can't hear laying dead in a ditch without smiling a little from one summer I went to my friends house without telling my mom so she called me was like you can't leave for hours I thought you were in a ditch somewhere. to which I replied Mother I know how to get out of a ditch. My friend thought it was the funnest thing she heard in her life my mom not so much. But everytime I hear it I see Jennifer's face triing not to crack up to loud. Don't know why I had to share that but felt like a must.
That's a parent phrase apparently. My dad use to say that to me all the time. Incidentally, my friend Kat's husband tells her he'd be dead in a ditch somewhere if it wasn't for her...uh.
Anyhow, I'm very glad you enjoyed it, and hopefully you didn't cry to much! Thanks so my for your comment!
Oh god, another heartbreaking story from The Mistress of Angst. I knew that Kurt dies in the last installment, I had theories and yet, you would eliminate them and went for a truly unexpected option - and I loved it. Loved that Kurt's death, though that's no consolation to Burt, had a meaning. Excellent and so happy to have you back!
hehe, the Mistress of Angst, I still giggle when people say that. Yes, I was not vague in the disclaimer, nor was the prompt vague lol. It was coming, I'm not sure how people were surprised by it.
Ah, the death... yeah for some reason that's what popped into my mind, so that's what I went with. Yeah, it wasn't completely in vain or anything.
Comments 19
are you feeling alright? Should I sent an angry e-mail to your doctor demanding he up your pain meds?
But seriously I should have seen this coming, you've been slowly working your way up to killing him in all your previous fics. *le sigh* but sadly I was caught unaware so the ending did suprise me ( I guess that teaches me to skip author's notes! )
Also, go ahead call my doctor, but he's just going to bitch at me cause I'm not taking the pain meds he gave me anyway lol!
Thanks for the comment hon!
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Thanks so much I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Also on a side note i can't hear laying dead in a ditch without smiling a little from one summer I went to my friends house without telling my mom so she called me was like you can't leave for hours I thought you were in a ditch somewhere. to which I replied Mother I know how to get out of a ditch. My friend thought it was the funnest thing she heard in her life my mom not so much. But everytime I hear it I see Jennifer's face triing not to crack up to loud. Don't know why I had to share that but felt like a must.
Anyhow, I'm very glad you enjoyed it, and hopefully you didn't cry to much! Thanks so my for your comment!
Excellent and so happy to have you back!
Ah, the death... yeah for some reason that's what popped into my mind, so that's what I went with. Yeah, it wasn't completely in vain or anything.
Thanks so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
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