Fic: The Fates (A five times fic)

Jul 20, 2010 13:27

Title: The Fates (A five times Fic)
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG-13-ish?
Warnings: Talk of accidents, disease, and character death, you've been warned!
Word count: 1880
Spoilers: Lets just say through season one to be safe.
Summary: Five Times Burt Hummel thought his son was dead, and one time that he was.
A/N: Done for this prompt over at the glee_angst_meme for miggy who's cruelty knows no bounds...apparently neither does mine. ;)


Burt was convinced the reason that Kurt wasn’t home yet was because he laying dead in a ditch somewhere. It may not be the most rational or optimistic thinking, but Burt was far past optimism and in a downright panic at not knowing where the hell his kid was. It was one of the coldest nights of the year, and he knew he shouldn’t have let Kurt go out in weather like this, but Kurt had asked to attend this party, and Kurt never really asked to go to parties. Burt just couldn’t find it in him to say no.

He was generous with a curfew, midnight, but as the bewitching hour came and went with no sign of his son, Burt began to worry. It wasn’t like Kurt not to call if he was going to be late. At first Burt thought maybe Kurt was trying to test the waters, push the boundaries of this independence, but he knew his son would not deliberately worry him, and it was after two.

He’s about to start calling around to Kurt’s friends and their parents when the front door opens. He’s to relieved to be upset, and when Kurt actually shows up in the hallway, looking frustrated, wet, and on the verge of screaming, Burt moves forward.

“Sorry Dad, just-sorry the car blew a flat and imagine my surprise to find out there was no jack, and my cell phone died in the cold…I-”

Burt cut him off with a hug, because Kurt wasn’t dead, he was right there, and that’s all he cared about.


All he knew was that there had been a car accident, and it was pretty bad.

When he had asked if Kurt was alright, all he was told was that it would be best if he got down there pretty quick. He knew that couldn’t be good, so he shut down the shop and broke nearly all the speed laws to get there. Once he’s there it takes a frustratingly long time to get anyone to tell him anything and even then it’s just that Kurt’s in surgery and if he’ll have a seat someone will be out to talk to him shortly.

An hour passed, then two, and on the third, Burt was beginning to panic. Surely it didn’t take three hours to do whatever it was they needed to do? Someone should have some sort of information for him by now right? He glanced over at the nurse’s station, watching as two conversed, and glanced at him pityingly. Horror sank into the pit of his stomach, because he’d been on the receiving end of that look before. Right before he lost his wife.

He’s nearly gone into a full fledge panic when the doctor finally comes out to talk to him. Kurt’s going to be ok, he’s hurt in the ICU, but his outlook is good, he was lucky. Burt just nods, and follows the doctor into the room.

Kurt looks tiny and broken, but he’s alive. So when Burt picks up the hand that isn’t covered in wires and tape he just reminds himself of the fact that he hasn’t lost his son, not yet.


Kurt’s there.

It’s the only thing that kept running through Burt’s mind as he watched the news of the fire that was ravaging the hotel that the kids were staying out for some sort of Cheerio related thing. The reports had already come in of several people being wounded at two being killed. The only thing that Burt could think about was how he could possibly deal with it if he lost Kurt.

Carole gripped his hand, while Finn is yelling at someone on the phone, trying to find out any sort of information. When the land line starts ringing, Carole is the one who answers it because Burt just cannot move. He’s nearly convinced himself that he’s lost his son. When Carole holds the phone to his ear, he barely manages to mumble some sort of greeting.


The relief floods through him so strongly that Burt has to shut his eyes. He releases the breath he wasn’t aware he was holding before gripping the phone and glancing thankfully at Carole.

“Kurt.” Finn abruptly hangs up on whomever he was talking to when he realizes that his step-brother is on the phone. “What happened?”

“I dunno…I guess I’m lucky that coach Sylvester wanted to keep me for extra practice. Fire started on my floor.” Burt is going to have to send that woman the biggest gift basket he can find. “I have to go, but I wanted to let you know I’m ok…bye Dad.”

He lets his head fall back against the couch, because he’s so relieved he doesn’t even have the energy to lift his head up anymore. His son wasn’t dead, that was the only thing that mattered right now.


When he got a hysterical phone call from Mercedes where he made out only every other word, he assumed the worst. Mercedes had always struck him as a fairly unflappable girl, and the fact that she was in hysterics, well that unsettled him and was cause for alarm. So he headed over to her home, where he knew they would be. He knew if Kurt wasn’t at school, at a practice, or home, he was at Mercedes house, or with the girl.

All he had really been able to make out was “Kurt” “Bleeding” and “Oh god!” and those words were running in a loop in his head. Kurt and bleeding were never words he wanted to hear in the same sentence, but Mercedes occasional, hysterical “Oh god!” certainly hadn’t helped ease his anxiety, because he spent the entire trip wondering just how bad off his son was.

By the time he had gotten to the girls house, he was nearly beside himself with concern. What if the accident had been bad enough to kill him? He knew that if Kurt had been able, he would have stopped Mercedes from calling him. Oh god, why did his mind always go to the fact that he was so certain Kurt was dead? But then, why hadn’t he stopped Mercedes from calling him?

When he ran the bell he was greeted by Naomi Jones, who looked apologetic, and led him into the living room explaining along the way. There had been loose wiring and no one had informed Kurt of this, so when he went to flip on the light he’d gotten a pretty good electrical shock. He was bleeding because she was fairly certain his ear drum may have been blown.

Burt was concerned, but overwhelmingly relieved, because Kurt was ok. He wasn’t dead, and he knew that was lucky, because being electrocuted often ended badly.

“Come on kid.” He said, pulling Kurt too him and once they were in the driveway, paused long enough to give Kurt a good squeeze before continuing down the hall. He wasn’t sure how many more of these scares he could take. Kurt was alive though, by some miracle, and Burt was content with that. Though they were going to have to stop and get his ears checked.


Burt decides that the powers that be, fate, or whatever it is, really hates his son.

After all appendicitis, it was something that people had every day.

Apparently Kurt had been determined to hold onto his though, because his ended up rupturing in the middle of glee rehearsal. Burt knew that Kurt hadn’t been feeling well, the vomiting, the fever, but Kurt assured him he was ok, just some sort of bug. It seemed to clear up suddenly, and Kurt went to school, even though Burt had protested and wanted him to take a couple more days off to recover. Kurt was nothing if not stubborn though, so he went.

When Burt got the call that Kurt had been taken to the hospital, he cursed himself for not making Kurt stay home. Someone could have kept an eye on him that way! Carole drove him to the hospital, he was to busy thinking of all the terrible things that happened when someone’s appendix ruptured. Peopled died when that happened. Oh god, Kurt had died because of his stupid appendix!

They reach the hospital and Burt lets Carole do the talking, because he can’t help but think of how stupid it is. Of all the accidents and terrible things that had befallen his son, what was what did him in? His appendix, something people had taken out every day.

He finds out that Kurt is in fact, not dead. He’s sick and he’s hurting, but he is very much alive.

He almost buckles over his relief is so strong, but instead he just lets them take him into the room and sits with Kurt as he sleeps. The doctors explained he was on a broad spectrum of antibiotics because the rupture has caused other problems and infections.

Burt only half listens, because Kurt is alive, and he doesn’t care what the doctors have to do, just so long as they keep him that way.

~6~ (Or the one time he was)

Burt could not believe he was having to do this.

It was every parent’s worst nightmare, and here he was living it. The county morgue, it was creepy on any day, but coming here to ID a body, ID the body of your child, that was just the stuff nightmares were made of. He hadn’t let Carole come with him, in hindsight he perhaps should have, but it was hard enough for him, he didn’t want to expose her to it too. He took a deep breath and nodded. The lights flooded on and the medical examiner pulled the sheet back over the body, and Burt’s world just stopped.

Kurt had always been pale, but his skin was gray, lifeless and his lips were tinted blue. There were bruises on his face and neck along with a few deep cuts. His hand flies up to his mouth in horror and he staggers back, not even noticing when the officer who escorted him in helps brace him, and keep him upright. When he’s asked if that’s his son all he can do is nod, because his vocal cords won’t work. His lungs tighten and it’s then he realizes he’s not breathing and sucks in a desperate breath.

Oh god Kurt…his son was dead.

After all the ways that fate had tried to kill his son, all the accidents and sickness, what did him in was a single act of kindness. Kurt had run out into the road to try and catch a little boy before he got hit by a car. The boy was spared, and Kurt was not. The doctors said they did everything they could, but the damage had just been too severe, the car had run him over before the driver had been able to stop, and help just took to long to arrive.

Burt knew he had Carole, and he had Finn, but that wasn’t enough. He wanted, no he needed Kurt, and he was gone.

He was never going to talk to him or get to hug him again.

It’s the last thought he has before he blacks out.

five times, burt, kurt, trigger: death, rating: pg-13, angst, fic

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