Son of a bitch....

Jul 16, 2010 16:57

Well this sucks.

I'm back in the hospital because I got an infection. It's not from the sight of the surgery either, it's from where the damn IV was in my hand! What the fuck is that all about?! I woke up yesterday feeling kinda sick, spiked a fever, Michelle took me back to the hospital.

At least my room has Internet access right?

So I'm bored. They said I can probably go home on Sunday, but going back to work on Monday doesn't seem like it's going to be very likely now. Ugh.

But since I'm bored, I want you to entertain me! I made a little survey thing, because I'm bored, and I would like you guys to answer it....oh come on it's two questions and there's nothing personal, just about my stories! I'm actually pretty curious to see the outcome of this...

Good here we go.

1. What's your favorite story of mine?

2. Why is your favorite?
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