Fic: Bruise

Jul 23, 2010 23:45

Title: Bruise
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG-ish?
Warnings: Implied past/future violence
Word count: 600-Yes it's a small one! Or small for me at least!
Spoilers: Lets just say through season one to be safe.
Summary: Puck decides that this won't happen anymore.
A/N: Just a little drabble I came up with to try and get my muse back into gear.

“How’d you bruise yourself there?”

It was such a weird obscure question that Puck turned in his seat to see who Artie was talking too. He was surprised when he realized he was talking to Kurt, who had pushed his sleeves up while they worked on the new dance. He didn’t even try not to appear nosey, he just turned to watch. Kurt flashed Artie a quick smile, hurrying to placate him. It occurred to him with sudden, strange timing, that he rarely ever saw Kurt out of long sleeves. He briefly thought about how weird it was he was thinking about it.

“Oh, it was nothing, I just fell is all.” Kurt assured him, but Artie’s worried frown deepened considerably, and he met Puck’s eyes briefly before turning his attention back to Kurt.

“How’d you fall on the inside of your arm?” And for once, Kurt appeared to be speechless. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then promptly closed it. Kurt wasn’t clumsy, Puck knew that. The bruise was just under his elbow, and was lurid and rather telling. If he had to guess he would say it was either Karofsky or Azimio was behind it, but he could never really tell. Any one of the jocks could have done it.

And for some reason it made him absolutely furious.

Apparently it pissed Finn off too, who turned to see his future step brother, a frown on his face. Within a few moments he was there, holding Kurt’s arm and examining the bruise in concern. Kurt for his part seemed a little horrified and like he was seriously regretting pushing his sleeves up. He tugged his arm gently, but Finn refused to release his hold, so Kurt seemed to resign himself to his fate.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Finn asked, sounding upset.

“More importantly, who did it?” Puck demanded, and Kurt started at the sound of his voice, like it hadn’t occurred to him that Puck had been listening.

“It’s not-”

“Yeah Kurt, it really is a big deal.” Artie cut off his argument. They knew how Kurt could be, sure he could be a real diva when he wanted to be, a real bitch too, but he had the bad tendency of keeping things to himself too. Puck was fairly certain Kurt never told anyone about the dumpster tossing, or the slushing, or the injuries he’s sustained from the bullying he endured.

“Who?” Puck repeated and Kurt finally gave a resigned sigh, like he’s just to tired to keep arguing with them and he’ll just tell them to get some peace.

“Karofsky, it really isn’t so bad, I’ve had worse.” And the second he said it, he looked like he wished he hadn’t. Artie looked angry but stayed silent, Finn tugged Kurt against his side a little, tucking the smaller boy against him protectively. Puck decided that as soon as Glee’s over he’s going to go have a little talk with Karofsky about how as of yesterday, Kurt Hummel is off limits, and if anyone has a problem with that they can take it up with him.

Sure, he and Kurt might not be friends, but no one gets to push him around anymore. His reputation may have suffered some serious set backs, but he was still a badass and everyone knew it. If he even saw the hint of another bruise, especially one that looked to be caused by someone grabbing at him, Puck would take it up with them, and they‘d have a real long talk.

With his fists.

rating: pg, kurt, angst, finn, fic, artie, puck

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