I've had enough of these stink people things for one day....

Jul 29, 2010 21:56

I'm just pissed. Ranting under cut.

Why is it I’m not allowed to have a bad day?

Everyone else on the planet is, but I have a bad day and it’s not acceptable. It’s not as if I take it out on other people, like many others do. I stay quiet and keep to myself. I don’t want to take my shitty mood out on anyone else, so why is it that people feel the need to poke and prod and goad when I simply do not want to talk about it. No talking about it does not always help. Especially if I do tell you and you say something completely unhelpful in return. I am well aware that I cannot change it, you telling me that just irritates me further. If I hear one more person belittle the fact that I had a shitty day, I’ll throw a shoe at them! I know people have days all the time, and guess what…I’M INCLUDED!

IF I SAY I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, LET IT BE! It’s not that hard of a concept to understand is it?

Listen, I’m not made of steel. I’m easy going yes, but I’m not indestructible. If you cut me I bleed! Why is that so hard for people to understand? Look yes, most things I just let slide or let go of, because in the grand scheme of things it’s not worth getting upset over. But even I can only be pushed so far before I have to push back. Why would you say something completely offensive, then add “But no offense” and expect that to take the offense out of it. Yes I did take offense that you called me an abomination.

Work has been a bloody nightmare for the past couple days. Today was particularly irritating in the fact that I couldn’t do my job because I had to do other peoples. Now I would not mind helping out normally, it’s what I do, but I do mind helping out and then being scolded for not getting my own stuff done. Well make up your damn mind! You either want me to help out other departments or to do my own job, you can’t expect me to be in two places at once, I don’t have access to that kind of technology!

We got a big FU from corporate yesterday. We basically got a letter saying that if we didn’t like it, there was the door. Then today they sent out a district wide letter saying how they’re have been complaints and they want to know what they can do to help. Well fuck you! You don’t pull that kind of bullshit! You don’t get to try and play the supportive higher ups, if you’re going to tell us all to go fuck ourselves anyway!

The store manager pissed me off royally and he’s very lucky I left when I did. He wanted to keep me an extra TWO hours, which not only would give me overtime, that we’re not suppose to have, but then he gave me attitude when I said I had to go. Not like “Oh, well ok” disappointment, but like “You do what I tell you, because I’m your boss.” Kind of attitude. First of all, he doesn’t do anything. He’s a lazy jerk, who talks down to us but doesn’t actually know how to do anything. Also, he screwed around with another employee and they lied about it. That broke company policy, he should have been fired.

Plus the customers. Don't get me wrong, some of them are awesome, but some of them are just awful. Seriously, it's not my fault you waited until the tail end of a sale and we ran out of the item. I offered to write you a raincheck, and you still bitch? What else do you want me to do? I can't pull what you want out of my ass and I promise I'm not hiding them in the back! Jesus Christ, it's your own damn fault for waiting until the last two days of the damn sale! I'm trying to help you, so cut the shit and be grateful!

If work stress was not enough, it gets worse.

I’ve been stressed out for the past four days because my doctor said the pathology they did from my surgery turned up some cancer spots on my thyroid, and they are not quite sure if they were small enough that the removal of it was enough, or if I was going to need to undergo a round of radiation as well. Now, I’m not afraid of that, because if that’s what it is, then I’ll suck it up and give it the old college try, it’s the waiting and the reassuring people that drives me nuts! Of course I’m hoping the thyroid removal took care of it, but I’m trying not to worry about something that is just a possibility yet, and people aren’t letting me! They keep bringing it up and asking me what I’ll do. You know what I’ll do? I’ll do the damn radiation, that’s what I’ll do! It’s just a possibility, stop talking about it like it’s actually happened!

Then there is the issue of my mother, who has decided it was about time she mucked up my life again. It started with a letter, which was deceptively apologetic. I’m smarter than I look though, because I’m not falling for that. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me! So I do not reply to said letter. Than came the emails and ecards. Blocked her name. Then came the calls, I wonder why she doesn’t realize she’s NOT SUPPOSE TO CONTACT ME AT ALL! Yeah, in like any medium. So I had report that, which just sent a flood of new calls from her and her crazy friends.

Douchebag Ex has at least stayed away from me.

Michelle’s best friend has been more of a bitch than usual lately though. It’s starting to really piss Michelle off too, and I do not like being the reason that they are fighting. I just don’t see why she can’t suck it up and put on her big kid pants when we have to interact. It’s really not that huge of a deal.

So really, I’ve had a bad fucking week, and I’m just over it. I’m done and don’t want to deal with work anymore, or people, or any of that crap.
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