Fic: All the Same

Jun 10, 2010 23:43

Title: All the Same ( Read more... )

carole, burt, kurt, trigger: death, rating: r, angst, fic, finn

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Comments 39

momoda6 June 11 2010, 04:23:50 UTC
Emotionally dead now. I hope you're satisfied. D:

Oh man, you've like brought out a fear in me of loved ones dying without me being able to say goodbye properly. Gah. And the part where he thinks Kurt got shot for being gay. Killed me again. And when he's not sure if Kurt's asleep or dead, that freaks me out. So many times when my grandparents have been asleep it's occured to me 'what if they're dead', even though that's crazy.

Gah, I'm scared of people dying. Why do I read angst.

So I'm not sure if I like you or not for making me sad and death fearing. D: I guess that means it's an awesome story though. I can totally imagine it happening if Glee decides to kill off characters, the characterisation was good, the voice and the train of thought was totally believable as Finn.

Hopefully writing that made you feel better though. :( You're way more articulate than I'd be if I was upset. xD


faith_wicked June 11 2010, 08:43:50 UTC
Oh my God my Grandmother falls asleeep on the recliner every day. I walk into the living room and my heart stops and I think 'what if she's dead' then i see her breath or she asks me why i'm staring and everythings okay but every day we do this.


momoda6 June 11 2010, 17:22:26 UTC
Haha, I've never been caught, fortunately. xD

I think if I was old I'd pretend to be dead all the time to freak people out. >.> Is that evil?


totalgleekgirl June 11 2010, 21:07:48 UTC
Not really satisfied. I would revive your emotions if I was capable of anything good. ;)

Ah, my grand-dad was like that. Always falling asleep in the recliner. Use to freak my sister out.

Sorry this story is so traumatic and bad, but thanks for the reviews, to both of you.


kittygrenade June 11 2010, 04:32:17 UTC
;_________________________________; My heart just broke.


totalgleekgirl June 11 2010, 21:08:16 UTC
*hands you glue* Don't worry, I'll help you fix it.

Sorry about that...but thank you for your comment!


alter_alterego June 11 2010, 04:32:29 UTC

I just came over to comment on a previous fic, and saw you had posted this. And while your angst has HURT me before, this one has momentarily floored me in a new way. You've killed our bb in the past, but never so unexpectedly. I just want to reach into this fic and fix everything--for Kurt, for Finn who just wants/needs to apologize, for everyone--and I can't, and ohholylord I think you broke me. It wasn't even supposed to be him and it was random and Finn didn't even get to apologize and and and...

There is no appropriate e-moticon for this, Sarah! No emoticon reflect UTTER HEARTBREAK. and yet i read it because it's so well done and amazing Ohsweetjesusineedtogoreadfluff.


totalgleekgirl June 11 2010, 21:11:22 UTC
I wish I had a reason that didn't make me sound completely insane or emo or whatever, but I don't have a reason other than this is how bad I felt. That I just had to do something, and really I should probably be kept away from the computer in that kind of mood.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be mad!

I love you anyhow. And my next stories won't be quite so traumatizing...well no they probably will be...but yeah sorry.


alter_alterego June 12 2010, 05:48:31 UTC
Mad? Oh, hell no. (Correction: I'm mad at the assholes thatupset you enough over the past few weeks that you had to write like a woman possessed. Mad about this fic? Never. Like I said, it was beautiful and devestating and it wouldn't have hurt if it wasn't so well done.

(The part about it being wrong that Kurt was on his back, since he never slept on his back? That detail has just stayed with me all day. Oof. My heart.)

Point is, nevernevernenver apologize for a story, sweetie and I won't apologize for kicking your former co-worker's ass.


totalgleekgirl June 12 2010, 13:35:32 UTC
I was kidding, I know you're not mad, or at least I was pretty sure you weren't...

Thank you hon, you are just to sweet to me.


blottedpen23 June 11 2010, 04:51:05 UTC
T-T..........that is all.


totalgleekgirl June 11 2010, 21:12:23 UTC
Er, sorry. Thanks though.


boysinperil June 11 2010, 05:40:21 UTC
I hope this helps, love.


totalgleekgirl June 11 2010, 21:13:17 UTC
Not really. All it did was start making me have some serious second thoughts about posting this one...


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