Fic: All the Same

Jun 10, 2010 23:43

Title: All the Same
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: R-ish
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Death, some language.
Word count: 1085
Summary: In the end it didn't really matter.
A/N: Seriously, I probably shouldn't be allowed to write anything when I'm this pissed off and upset, because shit like this happens. Seriously, this is an expression of to much in to short a period of time, and it's gotta get out somehow...sorry.

It had taken some time, but both Finn and Kurt had managed to find a grove that worked, they were brothers now, in some form of the word, and while for the most part they got along, they did fight, like most brothers did. It normally passed fairly quickly, with one of them giving in and apologizing, even if they didn’t really think they were in the wrong. It was because of how rarely they fought though, that made that day stand out in better contrast for Finn.

Quite possibly, the worst part of the whole thing was that they had been fighting when it happened.

Over something stupid and trivial, and honestly now Finn couldn’t actually remember what had started it. They had however, been snipping at each other all day. One minute he’s leaving the store, yelling over his shoulder that Kurt needs to grow the hell up and stop being so damn dramatic, the next there‘s a terrifying popping sound, and Kurt’s down. There’s blood, oh god, the blood, all over Kurt, the ground, and Finn can’t help but wonder how someone so little could have so much blood in him. God, Kurt looks so small.

Finn doesn’t actually remember much past throwing himself down next to Kurt and mindlessly shoving his hands over were the blood seems to be coming from, because that’s what he’s always seen in TV and Movies, and god if it’s repeated so frequently, it had to be semi-based in reality! He kind of vaguely remembers something like that in health class too.

He vaguely thinks about how there’s blood on his jeans now, and strangely, he wonders if Kurt would know how to get it out in the wash.

Finn worries this might be what insanity feels like.

He isn’t sure who called for an ambulance, or who kept talking to Kurt in that calm reassuring voice, but Finn was glad for it, because he couldn’t actually say anything useful. All he could do was stare at Kurt and wonder what the fuck had just happened? Kurt’s eyes are open, and he’s blinking real slowly, but Finn kinda doubt he actually sees anything.

When the paramedics come, they push Finn to the side so they can work, and they don’t let him ride with them. Instead he follows behind in a cop car, unable to answer many questions, and repeatedly asking what the hell had just happened. The officers exchange a brief look with each other, but don’t answer. They simply promise to inform their parents.

He finds out later, after the chaos had subsided a little and he’s safely ensconced in his mother’s arms waiting anxiously for any kind of news, that the bullet hadn’t even been meant for Kurt. It had been meant for whoever it was coming out behind him. It’s said like it’s supposed to make them feel better, like it wasn’t because Kurt was gay, it was just some freak accident, but Finn isn’t reassured.

Because it didn’t matter who it had been intended for, it hit Kurt all the same.

They wait for hours before a doctor finally comes trudging out, there’s blood on his smock, and Finn can’t help the slightly hysterical urge to protest that Kurt couldn’t afford to have lost anymore. The doctor stands in front of them looking tired and drained, but tells them that Kurt barely pulled through. It’ll be touch and go, because the damage was extensive. One of his lungs collapsed, and Finn can’t help but think of that scene from 3 Kings, a movie he watched with Puck was felt like an eternity ago. How the balloon was used to re-inflate a characters lung. He feels sick.

Thinking of Puck, makes Finn realize that the others were going to find out about this. Their friends, Kurt’s friends, they were going to find out what happened, and Finn can only hope the police catch the guy who did this before Puck got to them, or there wouldn’t be much to find. As much as Puck had hassled Kurt in the beginning the two were on quasi-friendly terms now, and Puck didn’t take kindly to anyone from glee club being hassled. This would be enough to warrant a murderous rage, hell the others would probably want to help, accident or no.

His mother takes his hand, and he lets her tug him along behind as they make the trek to Kurt’s room. It’s when Finn sees him, small and pale, with a tube in his chest that he snaps out of his daze and what really sets him off is that Kurt almost looks like his sleeping. Except, Kurt doesn’t sleep on his back. Finn knows this from the time they shared a room while Finn’s was being fixed up. Kurt always slept on his side or his stomach, never his back.

It’s wrong that he’s on his back.

He realizes belatedly that he’s saying this out loud, in some sort of sick mantra, and his voice is getting progressively louder and he’s in a full blown hysteria before he even knows what happened. His mother’s efforts to calm him down seem futile, and it isn’t until he’s literally being trapped against Burt’s chest in an embrace, that his words break and he starts sobbing.

Because it isn’t right, and it isn’t fair.

When Finn finally calms himself down and pulls away sniffling, he refuses to meet anyone’s eyes, but it doesn’t matter, because his mother is already seated by Kurt’s bed, holding his hand and Burt’s eyes are fixated on his son again.

So when the machines around Kurt start wailing, no one is really sure what to do, and the trio is ushered outside none to gently. Finn can still see through the window though, and he watches as doctors and nurses converge on Kurt. When he can’t actually see Kurt anymore, he lets his eyes flicker to the heart monitor, and its stubborn flat line.

He pleads, and he prays, and he begs to anyone he thinks might listen, anything with the power to help him, that that line just jump, make some sort of movement, do something to show that Kurt is still alive and with them. He needs to apologize, and Kurt needed to be conscious, and more importantly, alive, when he did it.

It doesn’t.

So in the end, it doesn’t matter if the bullet had been intended for Kurt or not, it killed him all the same.

carole, burt, kurt, trigger: death, rating: r, angst, fic, finn

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