Drowning in Nightmares (Challenge 95: Supernatural reverse fandom)

Nov 18, 2008 14:31

Title: Drowning in Nightmares
Author: topgeargirl2 
Characters: Ianto, mention of Jack
Challenge: Supernatural Reverse fandom
Rating: PG13
A/N: Inspiration is "Nightmare". No Spoilers. Written for tw100

The nightmare was always the same every night. He would be drowning in Cardiff bay while trying to grab for a hand reaching down to him. The voice yelling out his name was so clear in his mind that it would cause him to wake up in a cold sweat.

Every night he would look over at the calmly sleeping figure next to him. He knew that the voice was always Jack’s by the worried tone that the voice processed. Ianto would never wake him up. Instead he would move closer to his ear.

And whisper softly “I love you.”

challenge, fandom, jack, love, supernatural, ianto, tw100, reverse

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