Charming man (Prompt 225:Charm)

Nov 16, 2008 20:17

Title: Charming Man
Rating: G
Characters: Ten, mentioned Jack and Rose
A/N: Written for dw100 using the prompt charm

The Doctor stood in the empty console room and stared at the screen. It was blank but it was giving him something to do before Jack came back. He had left to check out if they were at their destination because he had a bad feeling. That had been two hours ago.

“Where are you Jack?” He asked the Tardis doors but they stayed silent.

The moment spent alone had given him time to think about that charming time agent who he had met at the blitz. The man who had saved Rose.

A single tear fell down his cheek.

ten, challenge, jack, charm, rose, doctorwho, dw100, drabble

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