Mujihi na Karada, part 2

Aug 03, 2014 15:35

01/12/14: Honestly, I could have fit this into the part 1 post as I did with chapters 2 and 3, but I just felt like making a new post XD

03/30/14: Yay for a much better chapter 5~

08/03/14: And yay for a satisfying last chapter <3

Like an angel without a sense of mercy, rise, young boy, to the heavens as a legend )


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Comments 30

luckycloverg69 January 13 2014, 04:03:28 UTC
Oh ho ho ho!!! It's too late to elaborate a proper comment since it's way past midnight and I have to go to sleep but yayyyyyyyy!!!
MnK!!! I was in love with Kuon before and with this chapter I fell even more in love if that's humanly possible, MARRY ME Kuon!!! Or MARRY US Kuon!!! But of course I prefer him with Nanao (see how good I am lol).
Anyway I'll sure come back to leave a decent comment here!
See you and have a great week!


luckycloverg69 January 14 2014, 02:11:39 UTC
Yossshhhh ( ... )


luckycloverg69 January 14 2014, 02:50:00 UTC
Now that my semi-rant is over... Of course I agree with you re: cover. Red lips again for Nanao :S Usually many mangakas make some pretty covers and then the art inside is not that pretty. Sakuraga Mei is the opposite, which is not bad at all, well I think I prefer that haha, but I would like to see a really gorgeous cover of my favorite Warui couple. I think I was only completely satisfied with two or three of them (including tankoubon's covers). But this one has something that I really like and that you pointed out: they are both smiling!!! :D The apron is super cute. Now I want an extra with a half-naked Kuon in that apron while Nanao tries to help with in the kitchen (or interrupting him, that's better :D ( ... )


luckycloverg69 January 14 2014, 02:50:08 UTC
He's grown a lot and I'm proud of him. "And I intend to prove that to you". Aghh, Kuon, you are killing me in this chapter!!! (in a good way). I can't wait for the next one but agh according to what I read, this series is out every 3 months so ...the next one is around March?!?!?!
And yeah I am happy that the book is longer than what we expected. I still think that that extra should have been released at the end, it's cute but it disrupts the flow of the story. Oh well, what it's done, it's done.

Ahhh I feel so happy because I am back to discussing Mujihi with you!!! The previous chapter got me so upset but this one lifted my hopes and my mood again. I also wish for a good talk between Satonaka and Nanao. And I want Nanao to be happy with Kuon and get back that playful, adorable side of his. Though angsty Nanao is interesting, I don't want him like that for long, it's too much to bear!!!

Thanks a lot for the update and I wish you a gorgeous 2014 :D


rolly_chan January 13 2014, 14:49:19 UTC
Yay, another comment by you ^^
I must say, I really wish Kuon would just stop doing whatever he wants with Nanao's body whenever he wants. Makes me cringe every time ¬_¬ Especially when Nanao's just been supposedly violated. I mean, it actually sends the very same message as all the other men did in Nanao's life, even if Sakuraga Mei didn't intend for it. He's not entitled to Nanao's body just because he's his boyfriend.

You can't really expect Nanao to be emotionally stable after having been raped (he believes it, and that makes it true for him). And what do you mean with you can't blame him entirely? You can't blame him at all! o_Ó It was an obviously traumatising experience for him, so how can you put even a little bit of blame on him? He's the victim here. It's an emotional shock and you can't expect Nanao to become all calm and collected and emotionally stable just because Kuon wants to get to the heart of the problem at that moment. Of course he's going to become worse. How could he not? It's a natural reaction to a trauma. ( ... )


9and7 January 13 2014, 15:59:53 UTC
i must have missed something but did Kuon do anything to Nanao's body beside stripping him as a way of finding out what's wrong with Nanao ( ... )


roseetta January 13 2014, 22:32:21 UTC
I found this post form tumblr, hope you don't mind me commenting tokkei_12

He didn't do anything but strip him, buuut there is a mysterious lack of a scene showing him actually leaving so I worry what she might put in the tankoubon... Did he really just up and leave when Nanao said he wanted to break up? I know Kuon has grown, but I'm not sure he's THAT mature quite yet.

Re: Nanao

Totally agree about Nanao rolly_chan. It's really not that he's the same person he was 2 volumes ago and has not grown at all. The saddest shit is HE did grow, trust and learn to show his true self to Kuon and then his greatest fears (that he's "slutty" and in general a dirty and terrible person) came true to him. He showed a side of himself to Kuon he never ever wanted him to see. Out of fear and loathing he decided to push away the person he loves. It's not his fault (he probably feels it is though) and even he knows Kuon wouldn't blame him, but that doesn't change what he feels. To expect him to be magically confident and not hate and blame himself a day or ( ... )


9and7 January 15 2014, 06:44:40 UTC
i don't even want to remotely think that that scenario might have actually happened and that Kuon did something to Nanao to re-establish his claim on him in a way but i do think that Kuon is mature enough not to do anything untoward to a sick person. it is apparent when the next time he saw Nanao, he asked about his welfare first and the flow of their conversation is most likely what could have been the continuation of that scene in Nanao's bedroom. so it is indeed possible that an overwhelmed Kuon just up and left. i preferred it that way.


9and7 January 14 2014, 03:35:25 UTC
looking at my copy of the Boys Capi magazine, the color of Nanao's sweater was actually a combination of white and pink stripes and Kuon's apron was yellow green.

Mikado has always referred to Nanao as nii-san as i've seen in the raw scans of some Mikado/Towa books which Nanao appeared in and going by the drama CDs that i've listened which mostly followed the books. it was Kuon that called Nagahisa aniki tho afaik.

the Warui series' characters' birthdays and ages can be found here:


luckycloverg69 January 15 2014, 04:58:38 UTC
Thanks so much for the info!!!

Ah I see that I read about their agies in the Sakuraga Mei LJ :D


9and7 March 29 2014, 02:03:29 UTC
is excited of the discussions that Chapter 5 would bring in here :)


tokkei_12 March 29 2014, 02:52:47 UTC
Haven't been able to read it yet, but hopefully I can update this post in a couple days ;) Have a great weekend in the meantime!


roseetta March 31 2014, 06:45:27 UTC
Thank you! I also wasn't too exited for this chapter because I was too worried. I now have to take back some of my negativity towards Kuon that I felt before. Don't get me wrong, I do love him but even so I was on edge the whole manga worrying he'd do something sexually dubious to Nanao in the name of ~making Nanao his own again~. It happens so often in BL manga and given his personality, I was really scared she'd ruin my favorite couple. But he didn't! Sorry Kuon for doubting you ( ... )


tokkei_12 April 9 2014, 23:56:10 UTC
You’re very welcome! And thank YOU for reading and commenting ^.^ I had considered whether Kuon would maybe do something forceful to Nanao. But Kuon’s actions and personality in MnK have been much better than in MnA (like in the previous chapter or two when they were still in Nanao’s bedroom, Kuon just left rather than do anything when Nanao broke up with him and kicked him out), so I wasn’t too worried. I think Kuon has redeemed himself by now :)

But yeah, this really was a beautiful chapter. I personally didn’t feel like Kuon’s “I love you” this time was more impactful since he already said it for the first time in MnA. However, everything he said afterwards did make this moment just as touching and beautiful as all previous “I love you”s >.<
It was just really lovely to see a character in BL manga actually respect boundaries and care more about the traumatized person than themselves.Definitely. Kuon got it right this time around \O/ Well, I suppose you could argue that they are still going to someone’s house and will most likely ( ... )


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