#184 Changes [includes emails sent to Magneto's children: Lorna, Abby, Pietro, and Wanda]

Jun 26, 2007 10:26

The new safehouse is cold. It is remote, desolate. There is a lot of metal, however, which Erik thinks is necessary for their safety. In the event of an attack, he can protect them all with his power. That is the most important thing.

One morning, Erik takes the train into town. Dressed in warm clothes, a hat. He doesn't look like a local, but there is nothing remarkable about his appearance. The wireless signal in safehouse is unreliable at best, and there is something very important he has to do.

He has to be Magneto, in a very short time. Magneto has no attachments, Magneto has but one goal. The woman he loves, the children whom he barely knows; these must all fall by the wayside for the Cause. It would be a betrayal to do anything else, but it makes Erik sad to think of what he will have to lose.

He is prepared to sacrifice what he must. And if there is something within him that rebels, that aches at having to destroy the relationships he has suddenly built over the last few months, it will have to be brutally ignored.

Magneto does not have time for these attachments. If he were half the general he thought he was, he would let his silence speak for him and he would say nothing to any of them. He can't do that, however, and this makes him angry. So instead, he will contact them all, and say things he needs to say. He does not intend to die, but they will likely never speak to him again. He will be as good as dead, to them, he has no doubt.

A few hours at an internet cafe, and one stop at the post. Then he is free to be Magneto, and do what must be done.

To: Lorna
From: Erik [encrypted]


I wanted to tell you thank you for the work you put into organizing the vacation. The Brotherhood (Fellowship? Honestly, daughter.) enjoyed ourselves quite a lot. We obviously do not consider ourselves registered under any laws, but I am sure you knew that when you did it.

It was good to spend time with you. You have become quite a woman. Fierce and proud and loyal. I am proud of who you are, Lorna. Please don't forget that.

You seem very happy with Alex. That is all a father can really hope for, in the man their daughter chooses to marry. I wish you two all the best. I would have liked to have been at your wedding, to give you away. Find someone honorable to stand in my stead.

I love you, daughter. In the days ahead, you may think that I don't. But I do. Very much.

Be safe.

Don't come after me.




To: Abby
From: Erik [encrypted]


I apologize that we were not able to spend time together, at Disney. I have set up a trust fund for you. Information will be arriving in the post about how to access it. This is not an attempt to buy you off, please understand. I have no problem with you admitting to a relationship to me, but it might be best if you didn't. This will become clear in time.

I have done this so that you will be safe. Happy. I regrettably cannot give you much other than money, but I am hopeful this will mean something, will help you in some way. Maybe in the future, we can meet again. I hope it is a better future for us both.




To: Pietro
From: Erik [Encrypted]


I am grateful that you allowed me to meet my granddaughter while at Disney. Luna is an adorable, happy child. I was glad to have spent time with her, and pleased that she was able to meet me. She is delightful, and a credit to your skills as a father. Clearly, you are much better in that occupation than I ever was.

I have sent a gift to you for Luna. It is a locket. It has little material value, but I have kept it with me for many years. It belonged to Anya. I would like Luna to have it. Please tell her that it came from me, and that it belonged to another little girl whom I loved very much.

I love you. I have always loved you and your sister both. All I have ever wanted was to give you the world that you deserve.




This last email is the hardest for Erik to write.

To: Wanda
From: Erik [encrypted]


Have I ever told you how much you look like your mother? You do. The last time I saw you, it was like looking at Magda when I first met her. Her eyes held that same sadness, put there by a world gone mad, that I saw in yours. I remember thinking, in the idealism of my youth, that I would give anything to take that look from your mother's eyes.

I think the same about you, daughter. I was very angry with you, for a long time, for what you did. I am not angry now. It was not your fault that you did those things. I cannot blame you, not really, and I don't. The world changes us, and sometimes, we do things we cannot conceive of as a result.I know this, and it is my greatest sorrow that you had to learn this lesson, too.

I am not angry with you. I forgive you. I do not think, daughter, that you will ever forgive me. I love you, and if you remember nothing else, please remember that.



PS: I've sent you something in the post. It is a picture, framed, of your mother. Please do not destroy it, if you are angry at me. It is the only one left in existence that I know of.

When he is finished, Erik stands up and goes to the post. He mails the little box to Pietro, the carefully wrapped package to Wanda. He stands for a long time in the cold, watching the people pass him by on the street. Families, couples, old men with grizzled faces and wise, ancient eyes.

Magneto turns and walks towards the train station. He has work to do, and there is no sense in wasting time on regrets.

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