Prompt #185: Moment of Triumph

Jul 06, 2007 16:13

[Locked from everyone. A series of attacks will be posted by other Brotherhood members throughout the day. Magneto will make a statement on Monday, when his Mun returns from her weekend at the lake! Please note, I do not advocate anything my muse does in the name of mutant rights. I'm much more chill and like to drink beer and watch videos.]

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Police and emergency crews are still sifting through the rubble left from an attack on the Minneapolis Observer, a local privately-owned newspaper, which leveled the building sometime during the overnight hours.

"It's like someone just took the whole thing and picked it up, twisted it around a bit, and put it back down," says police chief Gerry Sinclair. "I'd almost say it was a tornado, but it was dry as a bone here last night. There's not a hint of fire, and the bomb squad has ruled out an explosion. We're baffled. Completely baffled."

The building, which has long housed the local Observer and its assorted offices, is completely destroyed. By noon today, rescue workers were able to get a few feet inside the wreckage, but have not made much headway.

"We know there were people in there," says Robert Cheatham, coordinator of the rescue efforts. "There are a lot of groups who use the presses at night. We just don't know who it is, or how many people were inside when it happened."

The Observer, threatened a few years ago with bankruptcy due to competition with larger papers, began leasing out spaces to volunteer and activists groups for a small fee. Several local churches also use the presses to publish bulletins and choir hymnals. Police are not ruling out the possibility of a hate crime at this point.

"I just don't know why someone would do this," said, Amy Alders, a receptionist, upon seeing the damage when she reported for work this morning. "It's horrible. I thought I was dreaming. You just don't expect to see this in a civilized country."

"It looks like London after the Blitzkrieg," Cheatham observes, while welders attempt to pry apart metal beams blocking the entrance of the building. Damage estimates are placed in the millions and climbing, and at this point in time, human casualties remain unknown. "This is the scariest thing I've ever seen in my whole thirty years on the job."

Police are asking all civilians to stay clear of the area. "Until we know what did this, everyone needs to stay away," Sinclair advises. "It could happen again. We just don't know."

News Report, later that day, interrupting all local broadcasts

We interrupt this program to bring you coverage of the continual story of the devastating attack on the Minneapolis Observer building.

Rescue crews have finally began making headway into the debris, and the sight awaiting them has been described as gruesome. There were at least fifteen bodies found near the presses, the height of the damage, and several more in the adjacent offices.

Several employees, who have asked not to be named or interviewed on this broadcast, reported that the Observer allowed the anti-mutant group, Friends of Humanity, to rent both office space and the use of the presses for printing recruitment tools and other materials. This rumor has been neither confirmed nor denied by William J. Ritten, the Observer's publisher, but many are convinced this is the work of the pro-mutant terrorist Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Also unconfirmed is the report that rescue workers found a flier pinned to the entrance way, advocating anti-mutant propaganda.

Arial photographs, taken before the police restricted air travel over the area, have reported a chilling sight. The remains of the building have been twisted into the shape of an M.

More on this story as it unfolds. Stay tuned to Fox 9 for continual coverage.

brotherhood attacks, prompt

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