Bigotry and Marriage

Mar 10, 2008 17:29

This has been making the rounds. It's a Youtube video of Oklahoma state representative Sally Kern expounding on the "homosexual lifestyle."

She opines that homosexuality is a greater threat to the U.S. than "terrorists or Islam."

First, what? And - WHAT?

The "homosexual agenda" does not involve flying passenger airplanes into buildings. They are not blowing up trains and buses. They are not shooting at U.S. troops in Iraq.

Second, Islam is not a threat to the U.S. Islamist militants and Islam are not the same thing. One is a political ideology; the other is a religion.

Sally Kern has vowed that she won't apologize for her remarks. She is wrong. She does need to apologize, and not only to homosexuals, who have as much right to pursue happiness as anybody else. She needs to apologize to the victims of terror, in the U.S. and elsewhere, whose suffering she has utterly belittled.

If you look on the Oklahoman news site, there are quite a few comments that Ms. Kern had the right to say what she did because the bible says that homosexuality is wrong.

Bible says lots of things are wrong. Like disrespecting your parents, failing to keep the Sabbath holy, envying your neighbor's house, coveting your neighbor's wife etc. etc. etc. I mean, gay doesn't even make it into the Ten Commandments, yet it's the greatest threat to our nation?

Bitch, please.

Anyway, this got me to thinking about gay marriage. At present, most states don't allow it. Presumably because the Bible doesn't condone the "lifestyle."

Okay. So fine. Never mind the whole separation of church and state business, we ought to craft public policy related to marriage based on the Christian Bible.

First thing we should do is ban divorce; and remarriage after divorce. Jesus was extremely clear on this; see Mark 10, Matthew 19, Luke 16, and I Corinthians 7. All pretty much say that you shouldn't get divorced; and if you divorce and then remarry, you're committing adultery.

Yeah. Like that's going to happen, especially considering the fact that Evangelical Christians divorce at at least the same rate as secular folks.

Civil divorce is legal, as it should be. The State has little interest in yoking together for life two adults whose love has soured and who now despise one another, regardless of what the Bible might say. Similarly, I would argue that the State has an interest in facilitating the union of two consenting adults who do love one another, even if the two adults happen to be of the same sex, again regardless of what the Bible might say.


Kern says at one point that "studies show" that societies that embrace homosexuality don't last more than "a few decades at the most."

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