Recs of the Evening (Beautiful Recs)

May 30, 2024 23:18

My mental health has been bad this week...which means it's time for another rec post. Playing with my Beloved Collection of favorite fics always makes me feel better.

These recs will have no particular structure or theme. I'm just going to root around and see what strikes a chord in me this evening. I'm not going to try to avoid overlap with past posts, either, because at this point I can't remember which fics I've already brought up. I'm turning over a new leaf.

Assorted Fandoms

I'm the Bastard & Lights Out by Viskey HeroMouse
This series of two short fics gives one version of a Face/Murdock relationship. I don't ship that pairing, on the whole, but I find these believable and compelling.

Harry Potter
alt.wiz: Charlie Furth, Usenet, and the Magical Internet Revolution by flibbertygigget
A wonderful piece of fictional nonfiction detailing an alternate history in which the Wizarding World met the World Wide Web in the 1990s. Reading this fic reinvigorated my interest in Harry Potter fandom (for better or worse).

The Stonework was Admirable by Culumacilinte
Takes place after the War of the Ring and features genderqueer Eowyn. (Squee!) Interpreting characters through different lenses this way is one of the things fanfic is for, and I treasure this fic.

Misc (The Breakfast Club)
Inked by what_alchemy
Brian Johnson/John Bender
This hits close to home for me. Sometimes I can't read this at all, and other times I find it hopeful. The pairing here doesn't sound like it would work, but it does.

Psmith and the Greek Spirit by kindkit
This is one of my favorite fanfics. It's sweet and humorous with excellent characterizations and a beautiful imitation of Wodehouse's style. All slashily inclined fans of the Psmith stories should read it.

In Beautiful Things by regshoe
This is a short fic that I think illuminates Raffles's motivations better than any other I have read. It also throws light on the relationship between Raffles and Bunny, which is always of interest.

Happy Water Heater Day by OldDVS
This is charming and funny fic in which a household appliance brings Jim and Blair together.

Main Fandoms

Zugzwang by Azdak
My perennial rec. This may be my favorite fanfic ever. It is certainly the one that has stuck most persistently in my mind.

A Light in the Window by otherhawk
otherhawk never considered this fic finished, I think, but I love it as it is. It is centered on one of my favorite tropes, and there's a bit of hurt/comfort in there, too.

Still There by Beginnereditor
Another memorable fic, as well as an interesting and original one.

It Don't Mean a Thing by Timemidae
This is a goofy little fic that leaves you with something to ponder. It always catches my eye when I'm playing with my collection.

(It's time to sleep now. I may make another post tomorrow with some MFU slash and Professionals recs.)

fanfic, rec, other fandom, mfu

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